Loren Data Corp.




Federal Bureau of Prisons, 320 First St., N.W., 5006, Wash., DC 20534

D -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT FOR OPENLINK ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE POC Ann Davis, Contracting Officer (202) 616-6150 The Federal Bureau of Prisons hereby gives notice of intent to issue a Purchase Order to Network Software Associates, Inc (NSA), for the maintenance and support services of the OpenLink Enterprise software. Services including, but not limited to, updating the existing software and user's manuals. These services must be intergraded into the existing software and documentation, which was developed by NSA. The documentation must be of the same quality and the same format as the existing software and documentation. Interested firms must indicate their ability to satisfy the requirements within 15 days from this notice. Interested firms will be considered only if the respond with clear and convincing documentation that they are capable of meeting or exceeding the requirement stated herein at a cost sufficientlly more advantageous than the contractor named. (0275)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0022 19971007\D-0008.SOL)

D - Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication Services Index Page