COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF OCTOBER 14,1997 PSA#1950N/A The government issues this synopsis to announce the release of
information which will be included in the draft solicitation for the
Peacekeeper MK21 Reentry Vehicle (RV), Radio Frequency (RF) Subsystem
Modification Program. Interested parties can access this information
via the established internet web site at:
http://farsite.hill.af.mil/rfpso/icbm/rfsubsystem/rfsub.htm. Offerors
are encouraged to review the documents that will compose the draft
solicitation and make comments and recommend changes as deemed
necessary for the betterment of the program. The purpose of the program
is to procure modified RF cables and power splitters to address
insertion loss degradation exhibited by the current component designs.
The prospective contractor shall qualify and build both power
splitters and RF cables to meet precise specifications for the MK21 RV,
RF subsystem. Component design and qualification requirements are not
available at the component level. The contractor must derive these
requirements from the existing RF subsystem level requirements. The
current form, fit and function identified in source control drawings
for the cables, and Tier III drawings for the power splitter, must be
retained. The cables and power splitters must meet stringent Nuclear
Hardness and Survivability (NH&S) requirements consistent with the MK21
RV and subsystem level requirements. The contractor must possess MK21
RV design knowledge and experience, NH&S technical knowledge and
experience, and detailed knowledge of insertion loss mechanisms. The
contractor must be able to meet a production delivery date of Jan 00.
Please provide comments and recommendations NLT 20 Oct 97, to
OO-ALC/LMKR, Attn: Nancy Coley, 6038 Aspen Ave., Bldg 1289 SE, Hill
AFB, UT, 84056-5805. The government will review all comments and
recommendations, incorporate the changes as appropriate, and provide
feedback via the web cite. Requests for further information regarding
this announcement should be directed as stated above. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0518 19971014\SP-0018.MSC)
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