Loren Data Corp.




Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Keyport, Attn: Code 1841, 610 Dowell Street, Keyport, WA 98345-7610

58 -- AUTOGAIN AMPLIFIER SOL N00253-98-Q-0010 POC Judith Walls, Fax 360/396-7036 Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport is soliciting sources for compressing 3-types of rack-mounted measurement systems(radiated undersea noise) into portabe dimension and adding approximately 20 autogain amplifiers.The three types of noise-measurement systems are described as Bottom-Moored Array(BMA) which uses Precision Filter's autogain amps,the Noise Recording System using Data Control System(DCS)autogain amps, and the Portable Acoustic Measurement System(PAMS)using DL Instrument's (formerly Ithaco) autogain amps. We intend to consolidate these measurement systems to a common architecture for reduced maintenance and operational costs. The initial upgrade will be to the PAMS. We are converting to a VME-based system that will store acquired data onto a hard disk. We intend to deploy this system from various craft -- hence the portability requirement. This necessitates a reduced size of all system components. Systems currently are in 19-inch racks but now must be compressed for possible transport aboard a 19-foot Boston Whaler or smaller. The upgraded PAMS will be compatible with buoy-based deployment. We are investigating the possibility of commercially manufactured autogain amps which can enhance our systems. The system will, in general, use 4-channels of gain. We prefer these channels be built on a single circuit card with the option of adding additional circuit cards if more channels are required. We require the option of a master/slave configuration or manual control of any/all autogains. The gain code must be readable by computer for storage on hard disk, and recordable on a single, signal channel. We require a way to record an overrange condition. Due to the nature of our processing system, provisions must be made to allow gain changes only when a pulse is received at a 1-second repetition rate; this signal will come from a GPS receiver. We intend to develop the system for remote control operations. The autogains must be able to interface to a computer that can set the autogains to any mode(or fixed gain)remotely. We intend to use a shore-based computer and a cellular(or RF)modem to interface to the remote system. System requirements: dynamic range: 110dB; gain range: -12 to +84 in 6, 12 or 24dB steps that are user selectable; gain accuracy and stability: +/- 0.1dB; gain change:<100uSec; hi frequency rolloff: -3dB @150 khz; low freq rolloff: 10Hz, 100Hz, 1khz selectable 6dB/octave below rolloff setting. Phase accuracy:+/- 1-degree between amplifiers 10Hz to 20kHz. Signal input: high impedance(>/- 1M Ohm) differential. Max input: 5-volts peak. Signal ouptut: single ended; low impedance. Nominal output: 1 VRMS. Maximum output: +/- 10 volts peak. Integration time: 0.3, 1, 3, 10 seconds nominally; fast attack, slow decay or slow attack slow decay selectable. Spectral noise: -160dBV/root Hz @ 100Hz referred to input; -165dBV/root Hz @ 10kHz referred to input. Broadband: 6.3uV RMS referred to input at max gain; 500uV RMS referred to output at min gain. Distortion: 0.25% max for signals in passband. Power: +/- 24 VDC will be available. Controls and indicators -- -attachment points will be made available to connect: 1)momentary switches for manual gain change 2)mode control switch 3)LF rolloff switch 4)LED to display gain level 5)input and output coaxial cable 6)over range and under range indicators. Gain change modes: a)Automatic; channel responds to its own signal and changes gain accordingly b)Manual; gain is determined from front panel switch c)Master Manual; single autogain controls gain of all channels from front panel switch d)Master Auto; single autogain controls gain of all channels based on input signal e)Slave; gain is determined by Master channel f)Remote; gain and mode set by remote computer via 19.2K baud serial link. Gain code: Must be able to record the gain from the master channel. If the channels are all set to manual or auto, we must be able to multiplex the gain for each channel into a single recordable signal. Nice to have additions: a user selectable bandpass filter. NUWCKeyport technical point of contact: Terry Cox via fax:(360)396-1383 or e-mail: terryc@kpt.nuwc.navy.mil. Please respond with draft proposed solutions before 2 December 1997. (0289)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0201 19971021\58-0009.SOL)

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