EXPOSITION The Naval Logistics Conference & Exposition "Positioning
Naval Logistics for the 21st Century" is scheduled for 19-21 October
1998 at the Crystal City Hyatt Regency Hotel, Arlington, VA. THE
CHALLENGES AHEAD: The challenge of supporting the warfighter is the
basis for the Focused Logistics concept highlighted in Joint Vision
2010, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)'s outline for success in meeting
future military commitments. A key objective is our military's
commitment to efficiently deliver support to the warfighter=85avoiding
unnecessary expenditures in time as well as in inventory and
transportation costs. The Navy/Marine Corps Logistics Strategic Plan,
"Expeditionary Logistics," is intended to guide logistics operations
from procurement to the forward deployed forces. The plan emphasizes
support that is effective and sea-based in character while focusing on
new initiatives in infrastructure rightsizing and environmental
awareness. The Naval Logistics Conference will provide a forum for
military and industry leaders to identify opportunities to prepare the
naval logistics community to meet the challenges ahead. Four
CONFERENCE TRACKS are planned including 1) Operational Logistics, 2)
Facilities/Depot/Ashore Logistics, 3) Acquisition Logisticsand 4)
Information Technology -- CALS/Electronic Commerce (EC)/Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI). Conference Co-Sponsors are the Deputy Chief of Naval
Operations (Logistics) and the USMC Deputy Chief of Staff for
Installations and Logistics in cooperation with American Society of
Naval Engineers (ASNE) and SOLE-the International Society of Logistics.
SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS: Abstracts must be submitted by 1 November 1997
with the following information: 1) first author's name, affiliation,
address, phone, fax, e-mail; 2) name and address of all other authors;
3) title of paper; 4) relevant conference track, and; 5) unclassified
1-2 page abstract describing the scope and major thrust of the paper.
Electronic submission of abstracts is encouraged. Submit abstractsvia
e-mail to: papers@naval-logistics.org OR submit abstracts via mail/fax
to: American Society of Naval Engineers, Attn: NLC '98, 1452 Duke
Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, 703-836-6727, 703-836-7491 (fax).
IMPORTANT DATES: Abstract Deadline (12/1/97), Notice of Acceptance
(1/15/98), Draft Paper Submission (4/1/98). For additional information,
visit the Naval Logistics Conference Home Page
http://www.naval-logistics.org or contact the Technical Program Chair
Robert Donahue, NAVAIR, at 301-757-9146, 301-342-4723 (fax),
donahuera.jfk@navair.navy.mil OR Michael Cronin, Publications Manager,
ASNE at 703-836-6727, 703-836-7491 (fax), mcronin.asne@mcimail.com.
For exhibit space, contact Tom Clark Assoc. at 757-437-1942 or
exhibits@naval-logistics.org. WEB: NLC '98,
http://www.naval-logistics.org. E-MAIL: NLC '98 CFP,
info@naval-logistics.org. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0343 19971024\SP-0006.MSC)
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