Loren Data Corp.




Commander, U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command, Acquisition Center Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5280

12 -- SLEW-TO-CUE (STC) KITS WITH AFCC (AVENGER FIRE CONTROL COMPUTER) SOL DAAH01-98-R-0246 DUE 012898 POC Contact Person(s) -- -- -ALAIN ARNOULD, CONTR SPECIALIST, (205) 842-6011 aarnould@redstone.army.mil; JOHN R. BAILEY CONTR OFFICER,(205) 842- 6010. The US Army has a requirement to obtain Slew-To-Cue (STC) Kits for AVENGER Systems which will allow AVENGER to make use of FAAD C21 Network information. As part of the kits the Army contemplates a procurement of AVENGER Fire Control Computers (AFCC) which would replace the obsolete AVENGER Control Electronics (ACE). The kit must be designed to allow the crew to receive FAAD C21 data over the tactical radio network, view this data in tactical air situation displays, select a target for engagement, and automatically slew the AVENGER turret to point the AVENGER weapons at the selected target. The selected contractor would conduct an R&D effort lasting about 6 months for desigining and prove-out of the STC modification kit on approximately 16 prototype hardware. The contemplated contract is anticipated to include options for 434 AFCC units (estimated) through FY04. Existing US Government computer source code shall be available for reference. The contractor shall be required to design and deliver to theUS Government STC kits and required documentation. The kits must meet or exceed the Performance Specification. Potential offerors are advised to have access to the INTERNET for posible downloading the solicitation from a WEB Site Page when ready. Firms requesting to receive a copy of this solicitation should submit the request via email (Electronic Mail) to <aarnould@redstone.army.mil> followed by written confirmation of interests in receiving additional information on this procurement. (0316)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0082 19971114\12-0001.SOL)

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