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C -- GENERAL A-E SERVICES FOR FACILITIES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS WITHIN TAC'S AOR SOL DACA78-98-R-0006 DUE 121997 POC Contract Specialist Linda Whitacre (540) 665-4077 Contracting Officer Edna Pond (540) 665-3679 (Site Code DACA78) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Design Services procured in accordance with PL 92-582 (Brooks A-E Act) and FAR Part 36 are required for various types of facilities in the Transatlantic Programs Center (TAC) Area of Responsibility (AOR). This announcement is open to all businesses regardless of size. Funds for delivery orders are not currently available. 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: A-E services are required for Designs, Specifications, Cost Estimates, Planning and Programming Reports, Engineering Studies, Geotechnical Investigations, and miscellaneous related engineering support services for various locations/installations within the TAC AOR (Europe, Middle East, Africa, and former Soviet Union). The proposed IDIQ, firm-fixed-price design contract will be for projects having an estimated construction value in excess of $1 million, but less than $50 million, with approximate design durations of 6 to 12 months. The annual contract ceiling will be limited to $2,000,000 with a $1,000,000 limit per delivery order. The monetary limits may be adjusted in compliance with Part 36 of the Engineer FAR Supplement (EFARS). It is estimated that the contract award will be in January 1998 for an initial 1-year period with provision at the Government's option to extend the contract in yearly increments of 1 year, for a total of two 1-year extensions. A yearly extension will be executed by the Government with written notice to the contractor of each 1-year extension at least 60 days prior to the completion of the contract, initial plus any extensions. If a large business is selected for this contract, it must comply with FAR 52.219-9 regarding the requirement for an acceptable subcontracting plan on that part of the work it intends to subcontract. The plan is not required with this submittal. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Facility designs may include, but not be limited to, the following: 006 (Airports, Terminals & Hangers); 010 (Barracks, Dormitories); 027 (Dining Halls, Clubs, Restaurants); 039 (Garages, Vehicle Maintenance Facilities); 046 (Highways, Streets, Parking Lots); 072 (Office Buildings, Industrial Parks); 083 (Power Generator, Transmission Distribution); 096 (Sewage Collection, Treatment and Disposal); 113 (Warehouses and Depots); and 115 (Water Supply Treatment and Distribution); 201 (Ammunition Workshops and Storage Bunkers): 202 (Plating process and facilities). The firms must show experience and will be required to prepare designs using Computer Aided Designs (CAD) using Micro station PC Version 5 or higher, and prepare construction cost estimates by computer utilizing Corps of Engineers Microcomputer Aided Cost Estimating System (MCACES). The firm may be required to undertake Value Engineering (VE) studies, prepare record drawings from as-built annotations on contract drawings as received from construction contractors, make engineering investigations of existing field conditions and/or problems and report findings, and prepare engineering studies before and during construction. Depending upon the complexity of the situation, the firm may use consultants. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: See Note 24 for general A-E selection process. The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance. (a) The firm's current specialized experience and technical competence relative to the services required under this announcement, i.e., knowledge of design of building envelopes and systems for facilities similar to those listed in 2, above, and for a project of this size within the TAC AOR. (b) The evaluation will consider the qualifications, availability and length of service of the firm's Registered Professional personnel in the following key disciplines: project management (architect or engineer), quality control, architecture, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and structural engineering in the design of facilities similar to those listed in 2, above. (c) The firm's Design Quality Management Plan (DQMP) for this solicitation (not longer than five pages) will be evaluated alongwith the clarity and conciseness of the material presented in response to this solicitation. The evaluation will consider the management capability, approach, coordination of disciplines and subcontractors for each major work breakdown item. (d) ACASS and other available past performance information on DOD and other contracts with respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules will be used to evaluate past performance. (e) The firm must demonstrate experience using Micro station PC, MCACCES and Corps Guide Specification on past DOD designs. (f) The firm's capability to complete this magnitude of design work within the design period. The following secondary criteria will only be used as "tie-breakers" among technically equal firms: (a) Extent of participation of SB (including WOSB), SDB, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions in the proposed contract team, measured as a percentage of the total estimated effort. (b) Volume of DOD contract awards in the last 12 months as described in Note 24. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: See Note 24 for general submission requirements. Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit two copies of SF 255 (11/92 edition). and two copies of SF 254 (11/92 edition) for the prime firm, all consultants/joint ventures and groups of firms, to the above address not later than 3:30 USA Eastern Standard Time on the 30th calendar day after the date of this announcement. The day following the day of this announcement is day one for calculating the 30 days for submission. If the 30th day is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the deadline is the same time of day, but the next business day. Include the firm's ACASS number in SF 255, Block 3. Include your firm's FAX and Internet numbers. NOTE: Evaluation factors listed above supersede the evaluation factors listed in Note 24 and will be used for this selection. For ACASS information, call 503-326-3459. In SF 255, Block 10 describe the DQMP. Solicitation packages are not provided. This is not a request for proposal. Firms' visits to discuss the proposed projects will not be accepted/scheduled. (0317)

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