Loren Data Corp.




Dyncorp I&ET, US EPA Wash Telecom Center (MC3406), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460

D -- TELECOMMUNICATIONS VOICE/DATA WIRING -- ANN ARBOR, MI SOL 9804.422 DUE 010298 POC Point of Contact, Sandy Reid, fax-202/260-7869, EMAIL-reid.sandy@epamail.epa.gov DynCorp I&ET, under it prime telecommunications support contract with the US EPA (contract number 68-W2-0013) requires a subcontractor to provide labor and materials to install a Structured Voice and Data Communications Wiring System for approximately 450 workstations within a new US EPA NVFEL facility located in Ann Arbor, MI. This will include but is not limited to, construction of the MDF and IDF's, vertical and horizontal cabling, tie cable to an existing facility (including excavation and restoration), and a paging system. Cable types include copper, fiber, and CATV. Occupancy is scheduled for April of 1998. An Invitation for Bid (IFB), including the Statement of Work and specifications, will be released on November 28, 1997. A mandatory pre-Bid conference will held in Ann Arbor on Friday December 12, 1997. Bids will be due January 2, 1998. Requests for a copy of the IFB must be received via e-mail to "reid.sandy@epamail.epa.gov". The IFB will ONLY be distributed electronically via e-mail. Anyrequisite CADD files will be attached, but hardcopies will be available for review at the pre-Bid conference. (0317)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0022 19971118\D-0001.SOL)

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