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Sandia National Laboratories, 1515 Eubank Southeast, Mailstop:0222, Albuquerque, NM 87185

Y -- CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROCESSING AND ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY (PETL) SOL TW-0928 DUE 020498 POC Erlinda Silva-Sweeney, Sandia Contracting Representative, (505) 844-1843 WEB: TW-0928, http://partners.sandia.gov. E-MAIL: Erlinda Silva-Sweeney, ejsilva@sandia.gov. Subject to the availability of funds, Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (Sandia) intends to contract for construction of the Processing and Environmental Technology Laboratory (PETL). This project consists of construction of the PETL Building, a multi-story, cast-in-place concrete framed structure of pre-cast panel exterior, ancillary steel framing and single ply membrane roof encompassing approximately 151,000 gross square feet of office and laboratory space, as defined in the bid documents for the project. The building will consist of a center core containing the labs (materials, organic chemistry, etc.) with staff offices around the perimeter. The contract will include the installation of laboratory casework and fume hoods. Construction shall include civil, architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, electrical, communications, elevators and support areas. Miscellaneous spaces such as lobbies, corridors, toilet facilities, vending and break areas, shower room facilities,and shipping/receiving are also included in the project. The site development includes clearing, demolition, rough grading, excavation, stormwater management, sediment, erosion, and dust controls, storm drainage, communication and electrical ductbanks, the paving of roadways and parking areas, sidewalks and plaza installation, seeding, tree planting, fencing, and lighting. Utility systems which will be extended from other areas include chilled water, water, fire protection systems, nitrogen, natural gas, electrical power, and communication and intrusion alarm systems. Contractors submitting a proposal shall have proven capability with this type of construction project and will be required to meet mandatory qualifications. The mandatory qualifications are: Contractor must have successfully completed a project that meets or exceeds 75,000 square feet. Contractor must have successfully completed a project which was eighteen months or longer in duration. Contractor must have successfully completed a project $15,000,000 or over. A bid bond will be required. Sandia will hold a mandatory pre-bid conference/site visit on December 18, 1997. All contractors planning on submitting a proposal must attend. The pre-bid conference will be held on December 18, 1997 at 8:30 a.m. MST, at Sandia National Laboratories, Mobile Office 154, Albuquerque, NM 87185. Space is limited therefore, each contractor is allowed up to two representatives in attendance. Contract completion period will be approximately 700 calendar days after notice to proceed. All contractors that meet the above mandatory qualifications and who are planning on submitting a proposal will need to access the Request for Quotation (RFQ) (available 11/26/97) at the following Web address: http://partners.sandia.gov. User Name is: public. No password is required. Go to Option 4 and you will see RFQ TW-0928. Click on TW-0928 to access the Request for Quotation. THE RFQ IS ONLY AVAILABLE VIA THE WEB. No hard copies will be issued. Amendments to the RFQ will be published atthis web site. Contractors interested in obtaining the drawing and specification documents must submit a written request, with a certified check or money order for $450.00 per bid set (tax & shipping additional), made payable to: Mesa Reprographics, 5901 Lomas N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110 Attn: Dave Griffin (505)262-2046. Include in your written request; company name, contact, street address, state and zip code, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, web address and whether you are participating as a prime or subcontractor. Payments for drawing packages are non-refundable. Additional copies of full or half size plans may be obtained at an additional cost. If any amendments to the RFQ require drawings or attachments that can not be issued via the web site, then Sandia will send those items to the Contractors who have submitted payment for drawing packages. All requests for drawing packages should reference solicitation number and title of the job. Drawing packages will be issued starting approximately 11/25/97. Last day for Contractors to request drawing packages from Mesa Reprographics is 12/18/97. Proposals are due by 3:00 p.m. MST, February 4, 1998 to Sandia National Laboratories, Attn: Erlinda Silva-Sweeney, MS-0222, 1515 Eubank S.E. Albuquerque, NM 87185. All questions should be submitted in writing to: Erlinda Silva-Sweeney Org. 10231, MS-0222, P. O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0222, or by e-mail to: ejsilva@sandia.gov or by fax to: (505) 844-0522. Estimated value of the project is over $20,000,000. (0328)

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