Loren Data Corp.




EFA Chesapeake Contracts Office, Stop 49, NAS, 22445 Peary Rd., Patuxent River, MD 20670-5504

X -- LEASE OF RELOCATABLE FACILITY, NAS, PATUXENT RIVER, MARYLAND SOL N62477-91-C-3119 POC Jennifer Roberts, Contract Specialist, (301) 3423-3854 ext 537 The proposed contract action is to sole source with the incumbent contractor to extend an existing lease agreement of a 5,376 sf relocatable facility. This facility houses the Family Practice Clinic at the Naval Hospital located at NAS, Patuxent River, Maryland. Extension of the current lease agreement is critical to prevent the demobilization of trailers. The Navy intends to negotiate a 12 month lease extension. The requirement is to provide the same trailer identical in size, configuration, interior design, including utilities, etc. in the exact location, and tied into the Hospital fire alarm detection system, etc. without disruption or loss of use of facility. The requirements necessitates provision of "in place" government furnished medical supplies, equipment, records, computers, telephones, etc. (0335)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0087 19971203\X-0001.SOL)

X - Lease or Rental of Facilities Index Page