Loren Data Corp.




Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100

B -- SPECIAL STUDIES AND ANALYSIS SOL N00178-98-Q-0021 DUE 121797 POC Susan E. Johnson 540-653-7858 R. A. Sanford 540-653-7819 E-MAIL: Naval Surface Warfare Center, snjohns@nswc.navy.mil. The Dahlgren Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren VA is seeking to award a contract on a sole source basis to Waste Policy Institute (WPI) a non-profit, tax exempt, corporate affiliate of Virginia Tech. WPI provides a source of independent, objective, non-conflicted technical expertise serving the public good. WPI has proven to have the scientific and technical expertise to evaluate environmental sample collection; audit field sampling procedures; determine environmental regulatory and permit compliance; audit environmental analytical laboratory quality assurance/quality control compliance; and conduct analytical laboratory environmental data package reviews. During a recent survey conducted, WPI was the only company which used the E-data software package for organic and inorganic data analyses. The contractor shall perform the following services for NSWC/DL; field audits; review documented sampling procedures, quality assurance plans and/or sampling and analysis plans for sampling the sewage treatment plant, four potable water wells, five VDPES outfalls and one general hazardous waste. The contractor shall perform field audits for each of the above sampling scenarios to compare the actual sampling procedures against the above documented plans/procedures. Using the results of the field audits and E-data validation process. The contractor shall review data quality objectives for regulatory and NSWC/DL's permit compliance; identify Gaps and provide recommendations per final report. The contractor shall perform an audit of the department laboratory contractor (Martel Labs.) This audit shall include standard operating procedures, analytical methods for the analyses and laboratory QA/QC plans. Once the audit is complete. The contractor shall provide the Government with an audit report and recommendations for corrective actions per the final report. The contractor shall perform data validation of data packages (including chain of custody and sample traceability) received by the Government for the above field audit sampling scenarios. E-data as well as other tools/practices shall be used by the contractor in the data package validation process. The contractor shall review laboratory contractor's internal data validation reports (including chain of custody and sample traceability) for the above field audit sampling scenarios. From these data validations, the contractor shall assess whether the sampling results are in regulatory and permit compliance. The contractor shall provide recommendations and corrective actions per final report. The contractor shall prepare and submit within 180 days after contract award a final report in contractor's format containing a synopsis of events, specific recommendations and corrective actions for each of the above tasks mentioned. The report shall also include an audit report from the laboratory audit. In-process reviews (IPRS) shall be conducted approximately 15 days after contract award and subsequent IPRS shall be conducted approximately every 30 days thereafter.This requirement is not a small business-small purchase set-aside. FOB Destination. The Government will not issue a written quote package since tasks are defined above. All interested parties should submit in writing either by mail or fax to Susan E. Johnson, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448. Fax number is 540-653-6812. Vendor will provide Cage Code, Dunns Number and Tax Identification number. Telephone number is 540-653-7858. Closing date is 17 Dec 1997. Award to be made by 24 Dec 1997. (0336)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0021 19971205\B-0001.SOL)

B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index Page