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Global Air Traffic Operations/Mobility Command and Control, 75 Vandenberg Drive, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2103

17 -- JOINT PRECISION APPROACH AND LANDING SYSTEM (JPALS) AND GLOBAL AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (GATM) INDUSTRY DAY ANNOUNCEMENT POC Maj Jeff Emmons, Contracting Officer, (781) 377-7574; Ms. Barbara Cook, Contract Specialist, (781) 377-7569 (JPALS); Mr. John Abisamra, Contract Specialist, (781)-377-9024 (GATM); Maj Don Johnson, Program Manager, (617) 377-9109 (JPALS); Lt Col Randy Nunley, Program Manager, (781)377-4786 (GATM) WEB: ESC Business Opportunities Web Page, http://www.herbb.hanscom.af.mil. E-MAIL: Click Here to E-mail the POC, abisamraj@hanscom.af.mil. Introduction: The Department of Defense (DoD) has completed its Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS) Phase 0 Analysis of Alternatives (AoA). The AoA was conducted to determine the most promising alternatives for meeting military precision approach and landing requirements. The AoA results were recently approved by senior-level Pentagon officials with management responsibility for JPALS. Industry played a major role in the AoA process by submitting responses to the JPALS Request for Information (RFI) published in the July 23, 1996 issue of the Commerce Business Daily (CBD) and through the JPALS Industry Day held on August 5, 1996 at Hanscom AFB, MA. All RFI submissions were considered and evaluated in the AoA. DoD expects to complete all Phase 0 activities and brief the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) for formal go-ahead to Phase I PDRR by May 1998. The most promising alternatives will be further evaluated during the JPALS Phase I Program Definition and Risk Reduction (PDRR) effort. As part of the Phase I effort, the DoD will continue to consider additional alternatives as they mature and has not yet committed to the engineering and manufacturing development or production of any specific technology alternative. The AoA was conducted by an Integrated Product Team (IPT) consisting of representatives from the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, across the full spectrum of JPALS environments (fixed base, tactical, shipboard, and special mission) and their corresponding operational/performance requirements. The AoA supports the following general conclusions: Local Area Differential Global Positioning System (LDGPS) is the most promising for fixed base, tactical, and special mission environments. LDGPS and the upgraded Automatic Carrier Landing System (ACLS+) are the most promising in the shipboard environment. The Microwave Landing System (MLS) is a low risk candidate to serve as a secondary or backup system. New Precision Approach Radar (PAR) and Hybrid Instrument Landing System (ILS)/PAR have potential as tactical backup systems. Civil Wide Area Augmentation Services have potential as a supplement to other systems in civil airspace. Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) may be useful as an augmentation to a precision landing system for low visibility operations. The Global Air Traffic Operations (GATO)/Mobility Command and Control (GATO/MC2) System Program Office (SPO), at Hanscom AFB, MA, has been created to orchestrate all air traffic control (ATC) and GATM efforts. The GATO IPT has been formed to look at common architectures and cost effective methods to meet GATM requirements. The IPT has the responsibility for system architecture development, development of a rapid and comprehensive acquisition strategy for avionics, and military GATM certification. The GATM Program has developed a notional acquisition strategy for meeting the GATM requirements and has begun discussions with Air Force platform program offices and the using commands regarding a systematic approach to GATM compliance for the Air Force. Industry Day Overview. DoD would like to invite interested Industry manufacturers with commercial or military products to participate in a JPALS/GATM Industry Day to be held on December 17, 1997 in Crystal City, VA, at the Crystal City Marriot, from 0900 -- 1600 hours. The Industry Day will be divided into three segments. First, the Government will brief a notional JPALS acquisition strategy (with emphasis on PDRR), a notional acquisition schedule, an outline of the major operational requirements, and additional details on the plans and objectives of the upcoming JPALS PDRR Phase. The second segment will consist of an overview of future GPS standards and acquisition plans presented by the GPS Joint Program Office. In the third and final segment the Government (both the Air Force and the Navy) will present GATM operational requirements and notional acquisition strategies, as well as the current plan for meeting GATM timelines. Industry representatives with applicable JPALS and/or GATM products are also invited to participate in individual face-to-face discussions on technical issues or other topics, tentatively scheduled for the week of January 5, 1998 at Hanscom AFB, MA. The purpose of these discussions is to provide a forum for a technical interchange on the most promising alternatives, an opportunity for Industry to describe their product(s) abilities to meet JPALS and GATM requirements, to discuss potential collaborative DoD/Industry strategies for accomplishing the JPALS PDRR and GATM acquisition objectives, and to influence the GATM acquisition strategy. The JPALS and GATM face-to-face meetings will both occur during the same week, but will be held separately. The Government will work with Industry to coordinate the meeting schedules to ease travel burdens. JPALS PDRR Plans: During the JPALS PDRR Phase, DoD intends to award contracts, enter into cooperative agreements, and use other contractual vehicles, to jointly explore with Industry some of the above technology alternatives to further define the JPALS requirements and to identify and mitigate the risks associated with these alternatives. Some examples of the PDRR activities currently being contemplated are as follows: In the area of LDGPS, determine the Navwar solutions which are compatible with JPALS and meet JPALS vulnerability requirements. Investigate the integration of Navwar GPS User Equipment (UE) technology with JPALS. Consider prototyping potential JPALS GPS UE requirements. In addition, determine the impact of potential future GPS architectures (new satellites, new frequencies, new waveforms, etc.) on system performance. Assess tradeoffs for augmentations including pseudolites. Develop and test deployable LDGPS prototypes to mitigate risks associated with the development of tactical, and special mission systems. Investigate the adaptation of commercial technology for military fixed base, tactical, special operations, and shipboard application. Consider data link alternatives including encryption and data protection options. Other effects include developing and testing a shipboard LDGPS concept with emphasis on ability to meet JPALS performance requirements within ship motion, installation, electromagnetic, and multipath constraints. Maximize commonality with the fixed base, tactical, and special mission LDGPS equipment to reduce life cycle cost. Prototype shipboard architecture including ship and air integration, processing, and low-probability of intercept (LPI), secure, two-way data link. Demonstrate GPS ability to support robust submeter relative accuracy. Assess ability to incorporate military GPS landing system requirements into existing commercial and military avionics (e.g., existing landing system receivers and navigation equipment). Evaluate integration impacts for candidate avionics architectures on specific lead aircraft platforms. Examine packaging constraints of existing form factors to incorporate a data link, Navwar, and other capabilities. Define aircraft antenna characteristics and perform prototype testing. Verify the ability of LDGPS to meet Category II requirements including supporting autoland. In the area of ACLS+, complete the definition of the changes to the ACLS and the associated aircraft avionics, including ACLS/Common Automatic Recovery System (CARS) common LPI waveform, tri-band transponder, and common data link interface. Prototype and test the shipboard and avionics modifications required for ACLS+. Demonstrate LPI performance. Refine the ACLS Amphibious Ship (LHA/LHD) configuration. Verify the ability of ACLS+ to meet Category II requirements including supporting autoland. In the area of secondary (back-up) alternatives; study and test hybrid concepts and prototypes (including hybrid ILS/PAR) to assess and improve guidance quality, deployability, and capacity. Examine ways to reduce manpower requirements. Investigate techniques to reduce or eliminate flight inspection requirements and methods for automating or expediting terminal instrument procedures (TERPS) development. GATM Plans: In the GATM program, the Government is exploring ways to achieve the most cost-effective means to equip the Air Force fleet. The GATO IPT is exploring creative ways to accomplish this and is soliciting Industry and Government suggestions on this strategy. The GATO IPT is also developing system and technical architectures for broad application to Air Force aircraft and is in the process of identifying hardware/software solutions that ensure current requirements are met and allow for affordable growth to meet future civil and military aviation requirements. Additional Information: Participation in the JPALS/GATM Industry Day is voluntary. The Government will not discuss the specific details of AoA process or results during the Industry Day. The information presented at the JPALS/GATM Industry Day and/or the information presented herein will not obligate the Government in any manner. The Government will not reimburse the Industry Day attendees for any cost associated with participation and is under no obligation to award any related contract associated with this event. This invitation to participate in the JPALS/GATM Industry Day(s) does not constitute an invitation for bid or request for proposal. Any procurement action for JPALS will be the subject of a separate, future announcement. If you wish to participate in the JPALS/GATM Industry Day on December 17th, 1997, please contact Ms. Linda Dias, (781) 377-9102, with the names and affiliation of the attendees (no more than three per organization). Registration for the individual face-to-face discussions can be arranged by contacting Ms. Dias at the above telephone number anytime after December 17th. Please note that JPALS information is also available on the OSD C3I Acquisition Home Page at the following address: www.dtic.mil/c3i/c3ia/jpals.html. GATM information is available on the ESC Home Page at www.hanscom.af.mil/Orgs/Spo/GA (0338)

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