Broad Agency Announcement is issued pursuant to the Provisions of
paragraph 6.102 (d) (2) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
which provides for competitive selection of basic research proposals.
Proposals submitted in response to this BAA that are selected for award
are considered to be the result of Full and Open Competition and are in
full compliance with the Provisions of Public Law 98-369, "The
Competition in Contracting Act of 1984". This announcement is an
expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to pay
for proposal preparation cost. The cost of preparing proposals in
response to this BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to
any resulting contract or to any other contract. However, it may be an
allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost as
specified in FAR 31.205-18. BAA amendments may be issued and shall be
incorporated into the contractor's proposal. Failure to do so may be
grounds for rejecting the proposal withoutfurther review. Questions
concerning contractual, cost or pricing proposal format matters may be
directed to Jeanine Lattin, Contract Specialist, E-Mail:
jlatti@hoffman-issa2.army.mil or phone:(703) 325-4998. Individuals with
questions on technical matters may refer to Kurt Montavon at (703)
704-1381. Potential offerors may contact the cited individuals prior to
submission of full-blown proposals in order to discuss technical
direction/interests and to determine if it would be worthwhile to
submit a proposal. Copies of the BAA will be available in Adobe (PDF
Format) only by accessing the CECOM Business Opportunities Page (BOP).
The CECOM BOP can be accessed via the World Wide Web at
http://acbop.monmouth.army.mil. CLOSING: Proposals are due by 20
January 1998 at 1400 hours Eastern Standard Time. TYPE OF CONTRACT:
Cost Plus Award Fee. Submit one hard copy original and one electronic
copy in Microsoft Word 7.0 of the proposal to Commander, US Army CECOM,
ATTN: AMSEL-RD-NV-CD-MD (Montavon), 10221 Burbeck Rd. Ste 430, Fort
Belvoir, VA 22060-5806. CONTRACT PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: This is for a
total effort of approximately nine months. GENERAL INFORMATION:
BACKGROUND: Mines and minefields present a major obstacle to rapid
advance of early entry forces as well as planned major assaults.
Further, the proliferation of mines in countries such as Bosnia,
Cambodia, and Mozambique demonstrate the crippling effect of mines,
physically and societally, and the need for a solution for mine and
minefield detection. Recently completed Army evaluations of current
infrared technologies suggest that additional technology development is
necessary to provide a robust minefield detection capability.
DESCRIPTION: The US Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM),
Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD), Countermine
Division is soliciting proposals for the investigation and exploitation
of spectral phenomenology associated with the detection of mines and
minefields. There are three main objectives for this effort which are
broken into the following tasks: Task 1 -- to determine any and all
spectral discriminants which can be used for airborne mine and
minefield detection through a scientific investigation of the spectral
phenomenology of mines and minefields. This scientific investigation
is expected to occur primarily through ground based data collections.
Task 2 -- to perform a multispectral or hyperspectral data collection
from an airborne platform. This data will be used for subsequent
algorithm development of minefield detection algorithms; Task 3 --
Produce a scientific report describing in detail a) all spectral
metrics which can be utilized to exploit minefield detection, b) the
physics underlying these metrics, c) algorithm concepts which are
useful for mine and minefield detection using hyperspectral or
multispectral data, d) a technical examination of all possible
minefield sensors and the underlying advantages and disadvantages of
such sensors, and d) a definitive sensor specification utilizing
information from the above tasks as well as any other relevant
information. The sensor specification shall incorporate all
performance/design requirements necessary for a successful minefield
detection sensor, and discuss the trade-offs inherent in the design
requirements. OTHER INFORMATION: Proposals should be based upon the
following milestones: Award is scheduled for 24 Mar 98 with completion
of Tasks 1, 2, and 3 by 31 Dec 98. This BAA is not intended to be a
sensor development program. Rather, it is intended to focus primarily
on a scientific underpinning of spectral discriminants, and to collect
high quality hyperspectral or multispectral data from an airborne
platform for future algorithm work. This BAA is the first of several
expected BAA's. Other BAAs pertaining to sensor development and
algorithm development as a result of this effort are expected to be
released in FY 99. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS: The technical
proposal shall include the following sections: 1) Table of Contents; 2)
Proposal Synopsis; 3) Theoretical Background; 4) Statement of Work
(SOW); 5) Technology Transfer; 6) Technical Data and 7) Personnel
Qualifications. The Table of Contents shall reflect the section number,
title and page number. The Proposal Synopsis section shall summarize
the proposed concept, objectives, how the objectives will be
accomplished, and the anticipated outcome. The reader of this synopsis
should gain an overview of all aspects of the proposal. The synopsis
shall be limited to two (2) pages. The Theoretical Background section
shall describe the theoretical and analytical development of the
concept. This shall be in sufficient detail so that all theoretical
concepts and the overall theoretical framework is explained. Supporting
calculations, analyses, and data are appropriate to this section. This
section shall make a clear connection of the theory to the specific
application of mine detection. Data obtained from laboratory or field
experiments is acceptable and encouraged. The relevance of the data to
the proposed techniques must be clearly explained. The Statement of
Work (SOW) section shall detail the technical tasks proposed to be
accomplished under the effort and schedule for the performance of those
tasks. A program chart which includes a detailed list of Tasks and
Subtasks and the duration of same must be provided. Offerors shall
clearly identify a list of contract deliverables which are traceable to
the Chart. The milestones shall include the time frames for
preparation, delivery, review and approval for all draft and final
reports, and demonstrations as appropriate. Available equipment and
data (GFE/GFI or CFE/CFI) shall be described in this section. The
Technology Transfer section shall include methodology, techniques, and
approach for transferring developments (software and hardware) on this
program to other minefield detection programs. The Technical Data
section shall identify any data proposed to be delivered with less than
unlimited rights in the technical proposal. Unless otherwise stated in
the proposal, all data delivered to the Government shall be with
unlimited rights. The Personnel Qualifications section shall describe
each team member, brief resumes of personnel, and the organizational
structure of the team. Technical proposals shall not exceed a total of
50 pages in length (double spaced on 8.5 x 11 inch paper) exclusive of
references, biographical sketches, and cost proposal data. The
technical and cost proposals shall be submitted in one volume in order
to facilitate a concurrent review and evaluation process. Pursuant to
the requirements of FAR 52.219-9, if the total amount of the proposal
exceeds $500,000, and if the offeror(s) selected for award, is other
than a small business, the offeror(s) will be required at that time to
submit a Subcontracting Plan for Small Business and Small Socially and
Economically Disadvantaged Business concerns. EVALUATION CRITERIA:
Proposals will be evaluated by a process of peer and/or scientific
review. Proposals will not be evaluated against other proposalsin the
same general research area. The basis for award: Awards will be made on
the scientific or technical merit and relevance of the specific
research proposal as it relates to this BAA needs; the importance of
the BAA to Agency programs; the availability of funding and cost
realism and reasonableness. Pursuant to FAR 52.215-34 Evaluation of
Offers for Multiple Awards, evaluation of offers may result in one or
more awards. The Government reserves the right to select for award any,
all, part or none of the responses received. The Government reserves
the right to award contracts as a result of this BAA for two years from
the date of receipt of the proposals. R&D funds in the amount of $2.8
million has been set aside for this BAA. Proposals are expected to be
in the $ 0.8 M to $1.3 M range. Specific costs and terms and conditions
will be negotiated prior to award. Proposals will be evaluated in
accordance with the following criteria. Factor 1 is more important than
Factor 2 and both Factors are considerably more important than the
remaining Factors. Factor 3 is more important than Factor 4 and Factor
5 is the least important factor. 1) Scientific and Technical Merits --
the overall scientific and technical merits of the proposal, including,
but not limited to, the scientific design and statistical relevance of
data collected, the test methodology, the length of time mines have
been in place for the collection, the number of locations tested, the
number and variety of mines tested, the environmental conditions tested
and considered, and the degree to which simplifying assumptions are
described and correspond to real world scenarios. 2) Airborne Data
Collection -- the expected quality of the airborne data collected in
task 2, including, but not limited to the following factors:
resolution, sensitivity, dynamic range, data that is georeferenced and
undistorted, and overall system performance. Quality is defined in
terms of usefulness for minefield detection algorithm. 3) Past
Performance -- the past performance will be a subjective evaluation of
all relevant materials provided by the offeror or otherwise obtained
by the Government. Particular emphasis will be placed on work of
comparable complexity, timely delivery of deliverables, cost
containment, success in meeting schedules and other areas of customer
satisfaction. 4) Sensor Specification Parameters -- the completeness of
the enumeration of sensor specification parameters which will be
defined upon completion of task 3. 5) Technology -- the extent to which
proposed solutions can be used at day and night, on buried and surface
mines, and on mines which have been in place both short and long term
(long term is defined as six months or longer). COST PROPOSAL
INSTRUCTIONS: The proposal will be evaluated for cost realism and price
reasonableness of all resources assigned to the three tasks and the
estimated total contract price. Cost Realism means the costs are
realistic for the work to be performed; reflect a clear understanding
of the requirements; and are consistent with the various elements of
the offeror's technical proposal. Reasonableness means the Government
will make an assessment of the reasonableness of the cost and pricing
data relative to the proposed effort. The cost proposal shall include
all supporting information including, but not limited to: breakdown of
labor hours by category, materials (vendor quotes or method of
establishing cost), travel, direct and indirect. DCAA will validate the
fixed hourly rates of each offeror. COST PROPOSAL FORMAT: The cost
proposal shall be prepared in general accordance with FAR 15.804-6 and
shall include a Standard Form 1411, Contracting Pricing Proposal Cover
Sheet with all supporting data in order to allow for a complete review
by the Government. When cost of money is being proposed, the offeror
is required to complete a DD Form 1861. The breakdown of cost data
shall include all costs expected to be incurred under the contract. All
details, broken-down to coincide with the offeror's accounting periods
as related to the specific period of performance as indicated in the
proposed milestone chart. Prime contractors are responsible for
insuring that all proposed subcontractors in excess of $500,000.00 are
supported by an executed SF 1411. CERTIFICATE OF CURRENT COST AND
PRICING DATA: Upon completion of negotiations and agreement on contract
price, a Certificate of Current cost or Pricing Data pursuant to FAR
15.804-4 shall be submitted by the offeror if required by FAR 15.804-2.
In addition, any offeror who is required to submit and certify cost or
pricing data shall submit or procure the submission of accurate,
current and complete cost or pricing data from his prospective
subcontractors in accordance with the requirements of FAR 15.806.
RESTRICTIVE MARKING ON PROPOSALS: Notwithstanding Army policy, if
information contained in the proposal is in the public domain or cannot
be protected under law as trade secret (e.g., a patent application),
the Army will not accept liability for failure to safeguard against
open disclosure. If a responder wishes to restrict the proposal, the
responder offeror should mark the title page with the following legend:
This data shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not
be duplicated, used or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose
other than to evaluate the proposal; provided that if a contract is
awarded to this BAA responder as a result of or in connection with the
submission of this data, the Government shall have the right to
duplicate, use or disclose the data to the extent provided in the
contract. This restriction does not limit the Government's right to use
information contained in data if, it is obtained from another source
without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained
on page __ __ __ __". REPRESENTATIONS: Offerors are to complete the
following required representations and certifications, and submit them
as part of the proposal: FAR Clauses 52.204-3 Taxpayer Identification
(Mar 94); 52.204-6 Contractor Established Code (Dec 96); 52.209-5
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Proposed Debarment, and
Other Responsibility Matters (Mar 96); 52.215-6 Type of Business
organization (Jul 87); 52.215-11 Authorized Negotiators (Apr 84);
52.215-20 Place of Performance (Apr 84); 52.219-1 Small Business
Concern Representation (Jan 97); and 52.219-8 Utilization of Small,
Small Disadvantaged & Women Small Business Concerns. Short Form
Research Contract Forms DD 2222 (Oct 95), 222-1(May 86) and 2222-2 (Oct
95) -- Offerors eligible to utilize these forms are to submit all
information necessary to process an award pursuant to the terms and
conditions set forth in Subpart 235 of the Defense FAR Supplement. The
representations and certifications will be provided under separate
cover NLT 20 December 1997 on the CECOM WWW. Other additional
certifications shall be required at time of award. CONTRACT CLAUSES:
NOTE: These clauses are new and mandatory and will be provided under
separate cover. CECOM Clause 52.7055 Mandatory Use of Government to
Government E:Mail and CECOM Clause 52.6110 Mandatory Use of Contractor
to Government E:Mail. REFERENCES: The following publications listed as
references may be ordered from the organizations cited below: (1) DARPA
Hyperspectral Mine Detection Program (Contract No. N66001-95-C-8648)
POC is Dave Fields, DARPA, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA
22203-1714 (703)696-2376 or E:Mail at dfields@darpa.mil. POC for the
distribution of the report "Hyperspectal Mine Detection, Verification
of Mine Detection Phenomena", is Kurt Montavon at (703)704-1381 or
email kmontavo@nvl.army.mil (2) US Army Waterways Experiment Station,
"Standoff Minefield Detection System Advanced Technology Transition
Demonstration (STAMIDS ATTD); Thermal Signature Measurements of Mines,"
Technical Report EL-92-2. POC Ken Hall, USAE Waterways Experiment
Station, Environmental Laboratory, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg,
MS, 39180-6199; (601)634-3627 or E:Mail at hallk@ex1.wes.army.mil. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0396 19971212\SP-0001.MSC)
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