Loren Data Corp.




Securities and Exchange Commission, Operations Center, 6432 General Green Way, Room 2424, Stop O-20, Alexandria, Virginia 22312

70 -- SOFTWARE PURCHASE AND SUPPORT SERVICES: (1) CHANGE MAN SERVER; (2) CONCURRENT DEVELOPMENT FACILITY OPTION; (3) ONLINE FORMS MANAGER OPTION; (4) SUPPORT SERVICES POC Contact: Contract Specialist, Vernessa Younger, 202/942-4999, Contracting Officer, Linda Sudoff, 202/942-4993 Notice of intent to award a sole-source contract to Optima Software, Inc., 100 Howe Avenue, Suit e 120S, Sacramento, California 95825, on or after January 19, 1998, for the following ADP software and support services: SOFTWARE -- (1) Change Man Server; (2) Concurrent Development Facility Option; (3) Online Forms Manager Option; SUPPORT SERVICES -- software installation; software implementation; systems analysis; development of standards and procedures; user documentation; and training. The SOFTWARE previously identified is referred to herein in the remaining text as "the Software." The Software shall store all dates with a century component and handle leap years. The Software shall provide automated computer functions to manage development, changes, and regressions of systems of application software in an MVS (ESA and OS/390) operating system environment. The Software shall be capable of interfacing to a PVCS Production Gateway and allow migration of archive files on LANS and libraries on MVS. The Software shall be capable of incorporating into its control all existing application software online components (source modules, executable modules, job control language, and documentation). The Software shall streamline the process of moving changes from the inception, through development and into a production processing computer environment by grouping together all components of change at the incipience of a development or change process, emphasizing business requirements, including parallel or serial approvals. The Software shall maintain a change history that includes who made changes to all components, what was changed, why the changes were made, and who approved the changes. A change package shall be capable of including source programs, copy books, load modules, JCL, documentation, and related machine readable materials. The Software shall ensure the integrity of changes of all related or referenced software components, i.e., the Software shall ensure that the full contents of a change package are implemented, including existing dependencies. The Software shall ensure during retroversion (back out) that all components are backed out, including source, JCL, documentation, copy books, and executables. The Software shall require developers to establish a change package prior to the commencement of software development or modification. The Software shall perform automatic verification that source and executable components are matching during all phases of development. Change package creation shall be supported for planned or emergency changes, permanent or temporary changes, and simple or complex changes. The Software shall provide the ability to capture, display and enforce relationships between change packages, to enforce integrity of change packages. The Software shall be fully compatible with the MVS TSO ISPF environment with full HELP facilities. ISPF mask selection shall allow developers to select library lists by generic or "masked" values. The Software shall install and be usable to control existingprogram materials without requiring conversions of existing libraries. The Software shall include functions to control multiple types of change (such as emergency or temporary changes), prevent developers from overriding each other's work, maintain detailed audit trails and support back out procedures that are easy to use and change. The Software shall track every modification and ensure compilation of modules when a copybook is modified. The Software shall perform its functions in accordance with rules and guidelines that are unique to the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission computing environment. The Software shall not require a proprietary control language and shall use the standard ISPF dialog manager, standard ISPF programmer interface, context-sensitive help, profiling, and menus. The Software shall provide ISPF skeletons for compile, link-edit, and all translation-related procedures. The Software shall use ISPF in this manner to submit actual JCL (job control) statements to compile and link programs. The Software shall maintain the integrity relationships between source modules and load modules and recognize current and past modifications. The Software shall be capable of storing and managing up to nine versions (current and eight prior) of an executable program and up to 999 versions of a source module. The Software shall permit freezing of modifications during the progression of development to prevent further modifications and allow for the migration and approval processing to proceed. The Software shall provide the means to establish and follow installation rules and unique process rules for each application, including levels of testing. The Software shall support an online rules database. The Software shall use the MVS RACF (SAF) Security Server to control access and authorities to all source programs and related materials. The Software shall permit the use of the PANVALET library management system, IBM partitioned access method (PDS), and IBM extended partitioned access method (PDS/E). The Software shall provide online notification of concurrent development to prevent programmers from overlaying each other's work. The Software shall notify approvers when a change package is ready to progress from the current to the next stage and when the Software moves into production. The concurrent development facility shall permit merging of concurrent changes to the same module. In addition to such notification the Software shall ensure the overall integrity, stability, and maintainability of the development and production environments. The Software shall be capable of merging multiple versions of components. The Software shall enable the restoration of application production environments to their original state, including source, executables, data bases, JCL, and documentation. The Software shall use online forms to permit developers to request resources, such as direct access storage, generation data groups, and security modifications and automate the notification and approval process. The Software shall record all events in an online audit log. When forms require attention, the Software shall issue alerts. The Software shall be initiated in the MVS environment as a started task, to be present and active in the monitoring of changes at all times. Developers shall be enabled to edit and compile their development within the ISPF software environment without separate retrieval, modification, and resubmission to the Software. Written responses, including GSA contract numbers (if applicable), prices (including transportation), and a description containing sufficient technical documentation to establish a bonafide capability to meet the requirement must be received by this office within fifteen (15) calendar days after publication of this notice will be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to issue a competitive procurement. Written responses are required to address technical features identified above. No contract award will be made on the basis of any response to this notice; a synopsis of intent to place an order against a GSA schedule contract shall not be considered a request for quotation/proposals. (0350)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0305 19971218\70-0006.SOL)

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