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MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF PRECISION MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT LABORATORY FOR EG&G MANAGEMENT SERVICES OF SAN ANTONIO (MSSA), INC. MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF PRECISION MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT LABORATORY FOR EG&G MANAGEMENT SERVICES OF SAN ANTONIO (MSSA), INC. EG&G is a global technology company, providing complete systems, components and skilled support services to government and industrial customers. Our wholly owned subsidiary, MSSA is the support contractor for the Greater Kelly Development Corporation (GK DC), a public, not-for-profit corporation created by the city of San Antonio. GKDC is the federally recognized Local Redevelopment Authority with responsibility to plan for the smooth transition of Kelly Air Force Base work from the government to industry . A major element of this charter is the commercialization of the work performed by the San Antonio Air Logistics Center (SA-ALC), which is the largest mission at Kelly Air Force Base. SA-ALC currently operates a Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL), which provides calibration and necessary minor repair services for test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment for a variety of Kelly AFB customers. In its supporting role to GKDC, EG&G MSSA, Inc., is competitively soliciting the services of a su bcontractor to operate the PMEL. We anticipate that the majority of the equipment that is currently available in the PMEL will be conveyed to GKDC and GKDC will lease the equipment to the subcontractor at no cost; however, it will be the subcontractor's r esponsibility to maintain the equipment and replace it as needed. The PMEL facility will be leased to the subcontractor at a rate that is comparable to current market rates for a similar commercial facility. The ensuing Request for Proposals (RFP) will co ntain sufficient details about the equipment and the facility to permit potential offerors to price the work. During FY 1996 the PMEL performed approximately 20,000 calibrations for SA-ALC. For the first two quarters of FY 1997 the PMEL performed approxim ately 10,000 calibrations for SA-ALC. The hours associated with this workload were approximately 41,000 and 20,000 respectively. The work to be subcontracted is that pertaining to SA-ALC and not that of Kelly Air Force Base tenant activities. The governme nt anticipates issuing Blanket Purchase Agreements to the qualified offerors in addition to the selected bidder to procure the work related to the tenant activities and the other PMEL customers not covered by this RFP. Bidders are cautioned that this work load data, and the more detailed workload data that will be furnished in the RFP, should not be considered as a guarantee of workload that will continue after contract award. The civil service workforce that is operating the laboratory will be receiving R eduction-in-Force notices in accordance with government regulations. The government does not mandate providing these employees with a right of first refusal. However, EG&G requires that those employees who are not reassigned into other civil service positions, and are displaced by this realignment, shall be given the right of first refusal for those positions for which they qualify. GKDC is planning a Workforce Information Day during the week of January 12, 1998. Firms interested in proposing may attend in order to provide information and answer questions of the workers. A tour of the PMEL will also be conducted during that day. Firms interested in attending should request an invitation by writing to MS. Annette Ahart at the address shown below. The request should indicate the names of no more than three attendees, and state whether or not participation in the PMEL tour is desired. EG&G anticipates issuing A Request for Proposals (RFP) on or about December 22, 1997. Proposals will be due on or about January 23, 1998. We anticipate award of a subcontract in late February/early March 1998. The successful offeror will demonstrate in the proposal that (1) it has the necessary technical and management expertise and personnel to perform the work; (2)it has the ability and commitment to bring like commercial work to San Antonio; (3)it is a financially responsible business entity; (4)previously it has successfully performed similar work for government and/or commercial customers; and (5) it will perform the wor k for a reasonable price. Interested offerors may request a copy of the RFP by writing to MS. Annette Ahart; EG&G MSSA, Inc., 143 Billy Mitchell Boulevard; Building 43; Suite 6; Kelly Air Force Base, Texas 78241-6016. Requests for the RFP and for attendance at the Workforce Information Day may also be submitted by Fax at (210) 977-7853. The RFP will also be available on the inter-net at http://www.gkdc.org. WEB: Kelly AFB Public Web Site, http://www.kelly-afb.org. E-MAIL: E-Mail the Government PCO, jchappui@ldgate1.kelly.af.mil.

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