Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska, Attn: CENPA-CT-CO-M, P.O. Box 898, Anchorage, AK 99506-0898 (Physical Address: Bluff and Plum Streets, Building 21-700 (Room 200), Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506-0898)

Y -- REPLACE FUEL TANKAGE, ELMENDORF AFB, ALASKA SOL DACA85-98-B-0003 DUE 021798 POC Gail M West, (907)753-2552/Contracting Officer, Corps of Engineers The design package is composed of two authorized projects: (I) FY98 Replace Fuel Tankage -- Construct 3 new 13250 m3 (83.3k barrel) aboveground welded steel jet fuel (jp-8) bulk storage tanks with impervious dikes; a 300 mm nominal diameter (DN 300), 1800 meter long receipt pipeline (Valve Pit 11N to the new bulk storage); a POL pumphouse/operations building; a DN 200, 190 meter long issue fuel line; a truck fill stand, site improvements including pavements and two access roads, utilities, security fencing and lights. This system must be capable of simultaneously receiving and issuing 76 LPS (1200 gpm). Demolish four aboveground (25k barrel) North Jet Fuel Tanks and two aboveground (20k barrel) South Jet Fuel Tanks. (II) FY97 Install 12" (DN300) and Construct 10" (DN250) POL Pipelines -- The "Install DN 300 POL Pipeline" adds 1600 m of direct bury DN 300 receipt pipe to the project (Valve Pit 13 to Valve Pit 11N). This additional DN300 pipeline replaces an old DN200 pipeline segment. Pig launchers and receivers are included as part of this project. The "Construct DN250 POL Pipeline" adds 2400 m of direct bury DN250 issue pipe to the project. The pipe will be constructed adjacent to the new DN300 receiving line and will connect the new bulk fuel storage tanks to the West Ramp Hydrant Fuel System at valve pit 17. Connecting points for two future hydrant fuel systems in the North Ramp area will also be provided. These sections of pipe will be bid as a separate item due to funding requirements. Responders are advised that the requirements may be delayed, cancelled or revised at any time during the solicitation, selection, evaluation, negotiation, and/or final award process based on decisions related to DOD changes and disposition of the Armed Services. Range: Over $10,000,000 -- FFP 730 days completion time -- Plans & Spec fee: $127.00 -- SIC Code 1629. OPEN TO LARGE AND SMALL BUSINESSES. (0353)

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