COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF DECEMBER 30,1997 PSA#2001US Army, CECOM Acquisition Center, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5008 66 -- METEOROLOGICAL MEASURING SET (MMS) DUE 011698 POC Point of
Contact -- J. Schulman, 732-427-5149. US Army CECOM, MMS Project Office
E-MAIL: METEOROLOGICAL MEASURING SET, schulman@doim6.monmouth.army.mil.
Sources Sought: The Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM),
I2WD at Fort Monmouth are seeking potential sources for production of
the Meteorological Measuring Set (MMS). The MMS consists of a
meteorological processor (Loran, GPS and radiotheodolite), signal data
converter (for multi-sonde capability for Loran and radiotheodolite
only), lightweight computer unit, printer, radiotheodolite,
semiautomatic meteorological station integrated into a lightweight
multipurpose shelter. The initial systems were developed by
Environmental Technologies Group, Inc., Baltimore, MD under Contract
DAAB07-93-C-0001. The system must work with the following radiosondes:
ML-665 (VIZ Loran), ML-662 (Vaisala Loran), ML-664 (Vaisala RDF) and
RS80-15G (Vaisala GPS). This is a market survey requesting information
only. If there is any resultant solicitation, it will be publicized in
accordance with FAR Part 5. Interested sources should reply in writing
and in enough detail to show your ability to deliver the above product
on time, past experience with military meteorological systems,
performance on similar items on other contracts (identify contract
number and performance status), successful present capabilities to
support these efforts. Information provided should be detailed enough
to allow Government technical personnel to determine company technical
capability and industrial capacity. Interested parties should respond
to USACECOM, ATTN: AMSEL-RD-IW-SP, Mr. Joel Schulman, MMS Project
Officer, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5211 or by E-Mail:
schulman@doim6.monmouth.army.mil; Facsimile Number is (732)427-1271.
All responses should be received by this office no later than 16
January 1998. (0357) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0158 19971230\66-0004.SOL)
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