Loren Data Corp.




US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, PO Box 1070, Nashville, TN

Y -- YELLOW CREEK CHANNEL, IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1, LOCAL FLOOD PROTECTION PROJECT, UPPER CUMBERLAND RIVER BASIN, MIDDLESBOROUGH, UNTY, KENTUCKY SOL DACW62-98-B-0003 DUE 030498 POC Rita Goncalves (615) 736-7276, Contracting Officer, James L. Baber (615) 736-7276. Work shall consist of enlarging the Yellow Creek channel in the vicinity of Middlesborough, Kentucky. Phase 1 of the work addresses the lower portion of the channel and consist of: enlarging approximately 3.6 miles of the creek channel, construction of four retaining walls, relocation of a sewer line, coordination of other utility relocations, and coordination of rail line crossings with local railroad. The principal items of work include but not limited to the following approximate quantities: Clearing and grubbing -- 1 job, common excavation -- 800,000 cy, rock excavation -- 20,000 cy, embankment -- 5,000 cy, Riprap -- 82,000 Tons, retaining walls -- 4,500 LF, paved ditches -- 5,000 LF, sod ditches -- 1,500 LF, guardrail -- 4,000 LF, storm drainage, seeding -- 90 acres, coordination of various utility relocations. The job is IFB No. DACW62-98-B-0003 with a duration of 810 calendar days and is estimated to be in the $5,000,000.00 to $10,000,000.00 range. Contractor receiving the contract costing over $1,000,000.00 will be require to submit a subcontracting plan before award of the contract. Bid documents will be available on or about 15 January 1998 at a cost of $140.00 per set with 1/2 size drawings. Make check payable to "FAO Army Engineer Division, Ohio River". Please list street address for parcel delivery services. SIC 1629. (For classification purposes only; if annual receipts for preceding three years were 17+ million the classification is Large Business, if less than 17 million then classification is Small Business). THIS IS NOT A SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE. Bids will be opened on or about 4 March 1998. Award will be made pursuant to the DIGS Program (P. L. 100-656). Responsible sources requesting solicitation documents may submit an offer which will be considered by the agency. (0358)

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