Loren Data Corp.




Commanding Officer, Engineering Field Activity West, 900 Commodore Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066-5006

Y -- ADMINISTRATION OFFICE BUILDING AND CVA9 FACILITY AT THE NAVAL AIR STATION, LEMOORE, CALIFORNIA SOL N62474-97-C-1768 DUE 020998 POC Hal Davis, Contract Specialist, (650) 244-2515, Teresa Marshall, Contracting Officer. The work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment to construct the Administrative Office Building (Wing Headquarters II) and CVW9 Facility, including sitework, concrete work, masonry, metals, woods and plastics, thermal and moisture protection, doors and windows, finishes, specialties, furnishing, special construction, mechanical, electrical and incidental related work. Estimated Cost between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. Contract duration is approximately 315 calendar days. This project is non-restricted. The Standard Industrial Classificatiion Code is 1542 and the related small business standard is $17,000,000. Plans and Specificatiions will be available on or about 09 January 1998. Technical inquiries prior to Bid Opening must be submitted in writing, no later than 10 calendar days prior to receipt of bids and FAXed to (650) 244-2699, Attn: Hal Davis. All qualified, responsible sources may submit a bid, which shall be considered by this agency. Requests for bid documents must be made in writing to Defense Automated Printing Services, Oakland, stating IFB N62474-97-C-1768. There is a $81.00 NON-REFUNDABLE CHARGE for "each" sets of plans and specifications. To obtain plans and specs, you may CHARGE your request to a CORPORATE VISA CREDIT CARD or CORPORATE MASTERCARD, or make your CASHIER'S CHECK or MONEY ORDER payable to the U.S. TREASURY and send or FAX to: THE DEFENSE AUTOMATED PRINTING SERVICES, ATTN: ANDY VENABLE, 230 BOTSWAIN WAY, BLDG. 311-3E, FLEET INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CENTER (FISC), OAKLAND, CA 94625-5013; FAX (510) 302-5192. Include: (1) Point of Contact; (2) Complete company name, address, business and FAX phone numbers. To obtain a Plan Holders List only, FAX your request to Hal Davis (650) 244-2699. (0358)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0078 19971230\Y-0005.SOL)

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