COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 9,1998 PSA#2008R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH
022498 POC Engineering POC: James McDowell, Project Engineer,
WL/FIGS-3, 937-255-8464; Contracts POC: Janet Cahill, Contract
Negotiator, WL/FIK, 937-255-5901, or Mary Jones, Contracting Officer,
WL/FIK, 937-255-4427 E-MAIL: click here to contact the contract
negotiator, cahillje@wl.wpafb.af.mil. . A -- INTRODUCTION: Wright
Laboratory (WL/FIK) is interested in receiving proposals (technical and
cost) on the research effort described below. Proposals in response to
this PRDA shall be submitted by 24 Feb 98, 1500 hours Eastern Time to
Wright Laboratory, Directorate of R&D Contracting, Building 7, 2530 C
Street, Area B, Attn: Ms Janet Cahill, WL/FIK, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
45433-7607. This is an unrestricted solicitation. Small businesses are
encouraged to propose on all or any part of this solicitation.
Proposals submitted shall be in accordance with this announcement.
Proposal receipt after the cutoff date and time specified herein shall
be treated in accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-10; copy of
this provision may be obtained from the contracting point of contact.
There will be no other solicitation issued in regard to this
requirement. Offerors should be alert for any PRDA amendments that may
permit subsequent dates for a submission of proposals. Offerors should
refer to JanetCahill for additional background information. A copy of
this package may be obtained by contacting Janet Cahill, WL/FIK,
937-255-5901. Offerors should request a copy of the WL guide entitled
"PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry", dated November 1992. This guide was
specifically designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA
proposal process. Copies may be requested from the contracting point of
contact stated herein. The guide is also available on the internet, at:
www.wl.wpafb.af.mil.contract. B -- REQUIREMENTS: As part of the Wright
Laboratory Flight Dynamics Directorate thrust area in Uninhabited
Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), this PRDA is aimed at the development and
evaluation of core flight control and flight management technologies
which will enable the full military potential of UCAVs. The ITAC
program is an international, cooperative program with the French
Ministry of Defense (MOD). Respondents to this solicitation will be
required to demonstrate their ability to work cooperatively with
theFrench MOD and their contractors. It is the intent of the overall
thrust to fully integrate the program development; exchanging interface
control documentation data, software, algorithms, development tools,
and any other components or subsystems necessary to the success of the
ITAC thrust. Project Officers at the USAF Wright Laboratory and the
French Ministry of Defense/Delegation Generale pour l'Armament (DGA)
organizations will oversee the collaborative ITAC technology
development effort. Respective Project Officers will direct and
coordinate national efforts, as necessary, to assure adequate planning
and timely execution of collaborative activities and commitments. Each
nation will manage, and fund their respective ITAC development efforts.
The core development program will be executed as a basic contract with
four options. Phase IA (Basic) is the Program Plan and Approval phase;
Phase IB (Option I) is the System Design and Technology Base
Development phase; Phase II (Option II) is System Mechanization and
Verification phase; Phase III (Option III) is the Integrated System
Assessment and Piloted Simulation phase; and, Phase IV (Option IV) is
the Flight Demonstration phase. Phase IA will develop the appropriate
documentation, and programmatic and technical definition, in order for
participating allied contractors to achieve a common understanding of
system level requirements, program tasks and associated major program
deliverables. The functional task areas are essential to the
accomplishment of the system development. The contractor will
accomplish development of the system functions designated U.S. lead.
Additionally, the contractor will integrate functional elements
provided by French lead development organizations. Baseline technology
development areas have been identified. Functional development lead
responsibility has been assigned for consideration. The research areas
and responsibilities are: Package Configuration/Reconfiguration
(France); Task Allocation (France); Signature Management (France);
Formation Management (France); Communication Management (France);
Flight Management (U.S.); Health Monitoring (U.S.); Information Fusion
and Tactical Situation Assessment (U.S.); Autonomous Vehicle Control
(U.S.); Collision Avoidance (U.S.). The contractor will define the
initial integrated system design concept, including a System Level
Specification, Contractor Work Breakdown Structure, and appropriate
Interface Control Documentation (ICD) associated with the U.S. lead
functions. Participating French organizations will provide the initial
integrated system test plan during Phase IA, along with appropriate
ICDs associated with French lead functions. Participating U.S. and
French industry lead organizations will function as associate
contractors with respect to ITAC development efforts. Accordingly,
participating U.S./French industry development organizations are
expected to reach a common agreement and understanding of the global
system architecture, system mechanization elements and system algorithm
specifications as part of the Phase IA effort. The approval to pursue
future program phasing is contingent upon allied contractors reaching
an equitable Associate Contractor Agreement (ACA) mutually agreeable to
by all parties. Primary Phase IA products will be a mutually agreed
upon System Development Plan, and associated System Specification and
Design Documents, Contractor Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS), and a
Test & Evaluation Program Plan (TEPP). (1) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION. The
purpose of the cooperative technology program is to develop, integrate
and demonstrate critical flight control and flight management
technologies that enable cooperative flight operations of a package
comprised of manned and uninhabited combat air vehicles (UCAVs). The
contractor is responsible for the complete system development,
integration (including elements provided by participating French
organizations), ground and flight test efforts necessary to demonstrate
program objectives. Two concepts of employment, and their associated
concepts of management and supervision, will be formulated. The initial
concept of employment emphasizes management and control of an
integrated strike package, comprised of UCAVs and manned combat
aircraft, by the aircrews in the combat aircraft. A secondary concept
of employment is a strike package consisting solely of UCAVs with
management and direction provided by aircrew/operators located in
airborne mission control aircraft, such as an AWACS, JSTARS or ABCCC.
The first major phase (Phase IB), System Design and Technology Base
Development, will develop core flight control algorithms, situation
assessment methods, optimized flight management and health monitoring
system architectures, to permit safe and flexible UCAV operation
(variable autonomy) in a mixed, multi-ship force package environment.
In this phase, the crew systems interface and the flight management
system architectures necessary to provide for the optimal blending of
automated vehicle and tactical management will be developed.
Supervision and management will be provided by on-the-scene pilots
and/or from a stand-off Airborne Mission Control Aircraft (AMCA). Phase
IB is expected to last approximately 25 months. Phase II, System
Mechanization and Verification, will develop interface specifications
and an integrated test capability. If Phase IV is exercised, selected
subsystems critical to flight and operational safety will be
integrated, tested, refined as needed, verified and validated for
overall performance. Phase II is expected to take approximately 18
months. Phase III, Integrated System Assessment and Piloted Simulation,
will develop a man-in-the-loop simulation to assess, verify and
evaluate the products of Phases I and II. Phase III is expected to last
15 months, including flight test demonstration support. The Phase III
simulation may be hosted in the simulation facilities located in
Bldg-145, WL/FIG, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, subject to availability.
Phase IV, Flight Demonstration and Evaluation, will provide flight
demonstration and evaluation of the core technologies. Two aircraft,
emulating fighter class unmanned vehicles, will be used. The core
experiments will address the key operator issues of safety, authority,
workload and control. Phase IV, Flight Demonstration, is expected to
last 9 months. The flight demonstration will implement the multi-ship
control algorithms in two flight vehicles. The implementation will be
two manned vehicles; one command lead vehicle and one flown as an
emulated UCAV with a safety pilot aboard. Flight test objectives will
focus on verification of the US designated lead functional areas
outlined above. Test flights will demonstrate core functions relating
to control, safety and assured compliance with authority,
operator/vehicle interactions, interactive flight management and health
monitoring. The ITAC functional systems will be designed to provide a
rapid role change-over capability for both test aircraft
configurations, with respect to strike fighter lead and emulated UCAV
functions. Offerors shall consider thefollowing test configurations and
test sites, or propose alternatives. Availability of these facilities
is not assured at this time. The proposed test vehicles may be the USAF
VISTA test aircraft internetted with a TBD French fighter, VISTA
internetted with a QF-4, or two internetted QF-4s, or other suitable
candidates. The QF-4 aircraft is man rated and can be flown with a
safety pilot. The test sites may be Tyndall or Eglin AFBs, the Niagara
Falls ANG test range, the National Flight Test Range, Ft Irwin CA, Pt.
Mugu NAS, or a TBD French range, subject to availability. (2)
DOCUMENTATION. 1. Reviews, technical interchanges, collaborative
program reporting and development of deliverables will be accomplished.
Sufficient program documentation will be developed and available for
publication and dissemination to facilitate technology transition.
Major documentation areas include: a) Phase IA: System Development
Plan, to include; Task Definition, System Specification and Design
Document, Contractor Work BreakdownStructure, Test & Evaluation Program
Plan; Associate Contractor Agreements; Final Report, Vol I; b) Phase
IB: Control System Architecture; Algorithm Specifications; Interface
Documentation; Final Report, Vol II; c) Phase II: System Interface
Documentation; Facility Specifications; Experiment Designs; Software
Configuration/Design Documentation; Interface Control Documentation;
Final Report, Vol III; d) Phase III: System Evaluation Results; System
Validation/Test Results; Strike Package Management Criteria;
Videotapes and Photos; Flight Demonstration Definition/Test Plans;
Final Report, Vol IV; e) Phase IV: Validated Design and Application
Criteria; Videotapes and Photos; Final Report, Vol V. 2. The contractor
shall develop sufficient technical documentation to support overall
program technology development, demonstration objectives and
programmatic key decision points. Documentation emphasis areas include
flight safety/readiness, technology transition, technical performance
verification, and system maturity assessments. 3. Technical reports
are intended to serve as comprehensive summaries of the activities of
each phase and shall be delivered at the end of each phase. 4. Baseline
documentation developed in Phase IA shall be maintained throughout the
life of the contract. 5. Program Reviews: The kick-off meeting will be
held at WPAFB. Subsequent meetings will alternate between WPAFB, French
Ministry of Defense, US and French test and evaluation centers and
contractor facilities. Each major phase will culminate with a program
management/technical review, in association with the appropriate key
decision point. Technical interchange meetings will be held quarterly.
Informal project engineer visits will be as appropriate to monitor
progress. 6. Deliverable Items: Data and Reports: Offeror's shall
submit the following data items, submitted in hard copy and electronic
format, utilizing Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel) for
Windows for Work Groups or Windows 95: (1) Scientific and Technical
Reports, Final Report, DI-MISC-80711/T, One/R; (2) Scientific and
Technical Reports, Contractor's Billing Voucher, DI-MISC-80711/T; (3)
Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR), DI-FNCL-81468/T; (4) Funds and
Man-Hour Expenditure Report, DI-FNCL-80331/T; (5) Program Plan,
DI-MGMT-80909; (6) Conference Agenda, DI-ADMN-81249A; (7) Conference
Minutes, DI-ADMN-81250A; (8) Status Report, DI-MGMT-80368/T; (9)
Presentation Material, DI-ADMN-81373/T; (10) Data Accession List (DAL),
DI-MGMT-81453/T; (11) Still Photo Coverage, DI-MISC-80169; (12)
Technical Videotape, DI-MISC-81275/T, (13) Project Planning Chart,
DI-MGMT-80507A; (14) System/Subsystem Specification (SSS),
DI-IPSC-81431; (15) System/Subsystem Design Description (SSDD),
DI-IPSC-81432/T; (16) Test and Evaluation Program Plan (TEPP),
DI-NDTI-81284; (17) Software User Manual (SUM), DI-IPSC-81443.
Offeror's should provide rational and make recommendations as to which
of the following can be eliminated: (1) Software Requirements
Specification (SRS), DI-IPSC-81433/T; (2) Software Design Description
(SDD), DI-IPSC-81435/T; (3) Software Test Plan (STP), DI-IPSC-81438. 7.
Security Requirements: TEMPEST requirements will apply. The
contractor(s) may require access to classified information at the
secret level. Generation of classified material for this solicitation
effort is authorized only on equipment approved for classified
processing by Air Force TEMPEST authorities. A Contract Security
Classification Specification, DD Form 254, will be required in any
contract award. 8. Consistent with the ITAC objectives and
collaborative development arrangement delineated in Section B of the
PRDA, the contractor shall obtain the necessary authorization to
provide technical data, including, design documentation, configuration
definition, and other interfacing system development/planning
information to participating French organizations. Additionally, the
contractor will integrate documentation/data provided by French
organizations. The contractor will inform the cognizant Air Force
technical POC/US Project Officer in advance with respect to
planned/pending direct technical data releases. 9. The contractor shall
provide periodic visibility into cost, schedule, and technical status
relative to all major WBS elements. 10. Other Special Requirements:
International Traffic in Arms Regulation and PL 98-94 applies. C --
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: The
total length of the technical effort is estimated to be 48 months,
including time for report processing. The phases overlap and are not
sequential. (2) Expected Award Date: July 1998. (3) Government
Estimate: The government funding profile is estimated to be as follows:
FY98 -- $0.824M, FY99 -- $1.357M, FY00 -- $1.815M, FY01 -- $1.227M,
FY02 -- $1.136M. Phase IA: $0.74M; Phase IB: $2.50M; Phase II: $1.12M;
Phase III: $.999M; Phase IV: $1.00M. This funding profile is an
estimate only and is not a promise for funding as all funding is
subject to change due to government discretion and availability. (4)
Type of Contract: Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), or other cost type
contract. (5) Government Furnished Property/Base Support: No GFP;
However, WL/FIG Simulation Facility, Bldg-145, Wright-Patterson AFB,
OH, may be available at the contractor's request. Contractors will be
responsible for facility use costs. (6) Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms:
All foreign participation at the prime contractor level is excluded
from this procurement. (7) Supplemental Data Package: ITAC Master Plan,
CATA AMCA Report, Operator-Vehicle Interface Technology Integration
(OVITI) Program descriptive information, SCT Report, Simulation
Brochures. Contact Theresa Bailey, WL/FIGS, 973-255-8434 for a data
package, baileytm@b045mail.wpafb.af.mil. (8) Size status: For the
purpose of this acquisition, the size standard is 500 employees (SIC
8731). D -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General: Offerors
should apply the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision at FAR
52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, to trade secrets
or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their
proposals. Proposal questions should be directed to one of the points
of contact listed elsewhere herein. Offerors should consider
instructions contained in the WL PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry
referenced in section A of this announcement. Technical and cost
proposals, submitted in separate volumes, are required and must be
valid for 180 days. Proposals must reference the above PRDA number.
Proposals shall be submitted in an original and five copies or
submitted in electronic format, utilizing Microsoft Office (Word, Power
Point, Excel) for Windows for Work Groups or Windows 95. All
responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered
against the criteria set forth herein. Offerors are advised that only
contracting officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or
otherwise commit the government. (2) Cost Proposal: Adequate price
competition (APC) is anticipated; therefore offerors are not required
to submit certified cost or pricing data. Notwithstanding, if after
receipt of proposals it is determined that APC does not exist,
certified cost or pricing data will be required. The accompanying cost
proposal and price breakdown shall be supplied together with
supporting schedules, and shall contain a person-hour breakdown per
phase. Phase IA is the basic contract. Phases IA, and IB through IV
shall be proposed as separately priced options. (3) Technical Proposal:
The technical proposal shall include a discussion of the nature and
scope of the research, the technical approach, program management,
information on prior work in this area, descriptions of available
equipment, data and facilities, and resumes of personnel who will be
participating in this effort. Discussion shall include a time-line
schedule. The technical proposal shall include a Statement of Work
(SOW) detailing the technical tasks proposed to be accomplished under
the proposed effort and suitable for contract incorporation. Offerors
should refer to the WL Guide referenced in Section A to assist in SOW
preparation. Any questions concerning the technical proposal or SOW
preparation shall be referred to the Technical POC cited in this
announcement. (4) Page Limitations: The technical proposal shall be
limited to 50 pages (12 pitch or larger type), double spaced,
single-sided, 8.5 by 11 inches. The page limitation includes all
information, e.g., indices, photographs, fold-outs, appendices,
attachments, etc. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be
considered by the government. Cost proposals have no limitations,
however, offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to 20-30 pages
as a goal. (5) Preparation Cost: This announcement is an expression of
interest only and does not commit the Government to pay for any
response preparation cost. The cost of preparing proposals in response
to this PRDA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any
resulting or any other contract. However, it may be an allowable
expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost as specified in
FAR 31.205-18. If selected for negotiations, qualifying offerors will
be required to submit a subcontracting plan. -BASIS FOR AWARD: The
selection of a source for award will be based on an evaluation of an
offer's response (both technical and cost) to determine the overall
merit of the proposal in response to this announcement. The technical
aspect, whi (0007) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0004 19980109\A-0004.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page