Vibration Symposium will be held October 12-16, 1998 at the Radisson
Hotel St. Paul in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. United Defense has
agreed to be the commercial sponsor and the Naval Surface Warfare
Center will be the government sponsor. Registration and other
information about the Symposium will be appearing in coming issues of
the Current Awareness newsletter, as well as on the SAVIAC website:
http://saviac.xservices.com. The Shock and Vibration Symposium is the
oldest continuously held meeting dealing specifically with the
structural dynamic behavior of air, sea, space, and ground vehicles and
structures. The Symposium was established as a mechanism for the
exchange of information among Government activities, private industry,
and academia on current work and new developments. Presentations in
any of the following subject areas are welcomed: Active Vibration
Control; Ballistic Shock; Biodynamics; Blast Design and Protection;
Computational Structural Dynamics; Crash Dynamics; Damage
Identification; Dynamic Analysis Methods; Dynamic Measurement; Dynamic
Scale Modeling; Dynamic Testing; Shock and Vibration Environmental
Databases; Finite Element Analysis; Fluid-Structure Interaction; Ground
Shock; Seismic Shock; Impact/Penetration Mechanics; Isolation Systems;
Live Fire Testing; Machinery Diagnostics and Vibration; Material
Dynamic Properties; Modal Analysis and Testing; Pyrotechnic Shock;
Shock Characterization, Hardening, and Simulation Methods; Shock and
Vibration Specifications and Standards; Underwater Shock Testing; and
Vibroacoustics. Presentations on works in progress are encouraged.
Separate sessions are held for presentation of classified or
limited-distribution material. Two categories of presentations will be
accepted: full papers (to be published in the Symposium Proceedings);
and short discussion topics, consisting of viewgraphs with no written
paper. Full papers will have a 15 minute technical presentation time
plus 5 minutes for questions, while short discussiontopics will have a
10 minute presentation time with no question period. Presentations
will be accepted on the basis of their abstracts which must be
submitted by May 4, 1998. The Program Committee will review the
abstracts during the first week of June and authors will be notified of
acceptance by June 30, 1998. The full paper presentations must meet the
following standards: they must be previously unpublished and
unpresented; must be appropriate to community interests and must not be
overtly commercial, except for papers in the Product
Announcement/Facility Description session. Standards for short
discussion topics are similar except that they may include previously
presented or published material. The Symposium Proceedings will again
be published only on CD-ROM. Papers to be included in the Proceedings
are due December 15, 1998. An abstract submittal form will soon be
available both in this newsletter and via the SAVIAC website. WEB:
CLick here for information about SAVIAC, http://saviac.xservices.com.
E-MAIL: Click here to contact the program manager,
leifer_joel@bah.com. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0479 19980113\SP-0003.MSC)
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