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Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Norfolk, Detachment Philadelphia(USN), 700 ROBBINS AVE, BLDG. 2B, PHILA., PD. 19111-5084

L -- CONTRACTOR ENGINEERING TECHNICAL SERVICES (CETS-CFS)-98-010 SOURCES SOUGHT DUE 020298 POC A. TENTILUCCI, NAESU, DEPT HEAD,(215)697-0118 E-MAIL: CLICK HERE TO CONTACT THE BID OFFICER, SYNOPSIS@PHIL.FISC.NAVY.MIL. This is a SOURCE SEEKING SYNOPSIS for Contractor Engineering Technical Services (CETS) in support of AH-1W aircraft. This synopsis is being issued in an attempt to develop a full and open competitive environment for the acquisition of CETS for the specific programs listed herein should they become an official procurement. NOTE: THESE ARE NOT REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS. THIS IS NOT A FORMAL PROCUREMENT AND THEREFORE THERE IS NO SOLICITATION. The sources sought/market survey is published in order that potential sources may learn of future CETS requirements. This synopsis is seeking COMPANIES WITH Contractor Field Service (CFS) personnel and their primary purpose is to provide to Navy and Marine maintenance technicians, on-site proficiency training, technical guidance and information in the evaluation of unusual field problems and render technical guidance related specifically to the programs cited below. The object of CFS is to elevate the technical skills and abilities of Military and Civilian personnel of the Department of Defense responsible for the operation andmaintenance of the system/equipment to the level of self-sufficiency. CFS personnel must be "experts" on the specific programs/equipment listed herein and must be able to provide and teach formal on-site classroom courses and on-the-job training for these programs and mustbe able to do so their first day on the job. They must be able to provide a liaison through which technical information related to maintenance and operational problems available in the plant can quickly be disseminated to Military and Civilian personnel of the Department of Defense. Firms having the engineering and technical field service capabilities described above are invited to submit complete information to the office listed. Information should include: the total number of employees and professional qualifications of personnel specially qualified in the CETS area as outlined; an outline of previous CETS efforts including specific services previously performed or being performed in the listed CETS area; specific resumes of representatives detailing their qualifications and any other available descriptive literature. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation of the information submitted, however, sources deemed fully qualified will be included on the recommended source list if this becomes a formal procurement. This effort may include up to 288 work months of support during the period 01 January 1998 through 31December 2000 at a single or multiple locations (world-wide or aboard ship). The CFS personnel shall provide instruction, information and training to DOD personnel in the installation, operation and maintenance of: A) PROGRAM -- H-1 B) BILLET/EQUIPMENT -- AF provide support on aircraft airframes, airframe/engine interface, control surfaces, rigging, environmental control systems, landing and arresting gear, composite repair, vibration analysis (includes blade tracking) and non-destructive inspection (NDI) and corrosion control -- AFE provide support on aircraft airframes, airframes and electrical systems, and associated peculiar support equipment -- FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) provides FLIR/Laser support including Night Targeting Systems and Logistics support. -- LSR provides logistic support which includes indntification, cataloging and interchangeability of aircraft and system parts associated with a weapon system -- WSI (Weapon System Integrator) provides integration of the entire weapon system which includes arament control, 20 mm Turrett System A/A49E-7 (V1/V3) and A/A49E-2), Cockpit Control System, Aircraft Survivability Equipment (EW), Heads Up Display (HUD) and Forward Looking Infrared) (FLIR). These services will also be in connection with diagnosing and correcting problems which keep equipment in a "down" status. CFS personnel must be capable of handling the most complex and intricate equipment problems. Access to and understanding of the technical data based for the equipment listed herein is essential. Responses should be submitted in writing to Commanding Officer, NAESU, 700 Robbins Ave., Bldg. 2A, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5084, Attn: Code 3.7.C13, Gale Bonno within 20 calendar days from publication of this notice. Your reply should cite NAESU Reference No. 98-010, ATTN: A. Tentilucci and the date/issue of the CBD synopsis to which you are replying. Address the specific systems/equipment referenced in the synopsis for which you possess the requisite technical capability. The NAESU points of contact for technical matters Mr. A. TENTILUCCI at (215) 697-0114. (0012)

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