SYSTEM (ILES) POC Capt. Bill Graham, Project Manager, 781-377-5418;
Capt. Dwayne Sellers, Contracting Officer, 781-377-7746 WEB: ESC
Business Opportunities Page, http://www.herbb.hanscom.af.mil. E-MAIL:
PCO's e-mail address, sellersd@hanscom.af.mil. This is not a
solicitation, but for planning purposes only. Please see the Request
For Information published on 31 Jan 97 under the heading "Integration
of EHF communication capability into LCCs" for additional information.
The United States Air Force requests information and is searching for
industry sources for ILES. This acquisition integrates an Extremely
High Frequency (EHF) satellite communication (SATCOM) capability into
the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Launch Control Centers
(LCCs). ESC/ND is in the process of improving the end-to-end
communications capability of the ICBM forces, by (1) adding the
Modified Miniature Receive Terminal (MMRT) system to MINUTEMAN LCCs
improving the timeliness and robustness of communications; and (2)
installing the Defense Improved Emergency Message Automated
Transmission System (IEMATS) Replacement Command and Control Terminal
(DIRECT) system into Strategic Command Centers providing faster and
more accurate injection of force direction messages. As the final
element of this end-to-end system improvement, LCCs require an EHF
SATCOM system to add an alternate and more timely means of receiving
Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) and to provide an ensured Reportback
capability. We are envisioning a complete systems approach meeting the
user's end-to-end requirements by integrating an EHF SATCOM terminal
into the LCC facilities with minimal impact to either facilities or
other systems within the LCCs. The system should utilize existing EHF
SATCOM terminal technology, including the use of commercial items to
the maximum extent possible, keeping modifications to a minimum. The
EHF SATCOM system must also be integrated into the test facilities,
Missile Procedures Trainer (MPT), and Minuteman Enhanced Procedures
(MEP) trainer. The MPT is an actual size copy of a LCC capsule with all
systems either present or fully simulated (both hardware (HW) and
software (SW)). The MEP will be a SW only simulation of the LCC
systems. 57 operational, fully spared systems are projected, plus an
additional 35 sites with either actual or fully simulated systems (13
MPTs, 20 MEP Trainers, and 2 SW development stations). Our preliminary
schedule, assuming a decision is made to proceed with this concept, is
for contract award in early FY 99, with Final Operational Capability
(FOC) required by the end of 2003, but desired late 2002. The ILES must
meet the following key requirements (the draft Operational Requirements
Document (ORD) contained in an available data package contains a
complete set of requirements): 1) Interoperability with the Joint
Chiefs of Staff (JCS) EHF-Emergency Action Message (EAM) network
including AF Reportback protocols and KGV-11 net compatibility for EAM
reception using the Earth Coverage (EC) beam, 2) Probability of
Correct Message Receipt (PCMR) of at least 90% (goal: 99%), 3)
Integration into the already existing Weapon System Control Console
(WSCC) Higher Authority Communications/Rapid Message Processing Element
(HAC/RMPE) system used at the LCCs to provide one integrated operator
interface for all LCC systems, 4) Capability to be controlled with
minimum operator involvement and while strapped into an LCC chair, 5)
Nuclear Survivability. The anticipated budget for the ILES contract
(including profit) is: 3600 funds (FY99: $8.5M; FY00: $18.2M; FY01:
$8.5M) and 3080 funds (FY01: $32.0M; FY02: $18.7M; FY03: $8.8M). ILES
must be procured using 1) an innovative plan to manage development,
production, and sustainment maintaining clear visibility into cost,
schedule, technical performance, and risk; 2) Total System Performance
Responsibility throughout the life of the system with Cost As an
Independent Variable (CAIV) and Best Value to obtain the most
affordable system that meets the need of the Air Force and reduce
overall life cycle cost; 3) ESC's Spiral Development concept ensuring
frequent system prototyping and fielding for hands-on use and
commenting by the operators throughout EMD and incorporating
improvements into follow-on prototypes; 4) system engineering
initiatives including Y2K, DII/COE, and the Joint Technical
Architecture (JTA); 5) a single point of contact responsibility for
overall program, sub-contract and associate contract performance to
support all necessary program aspects, including such items as
requirements allocations, interfaces, configuration control, and
Government Furnished Equipment/Items (GFE/GFI); 6) efficient and timely
internal and external communication processes to ensure maximum benefit
from concurrent engineering with outside agencies; and 7) the
development, maintenance and use of an Integrated Master Plan (IMP). Of
particular interest is the following information: 1) Recommended
contract type and CLIN/award fee structure taking into consideration
the concept of Total System Performance Responsibility (TSPR)
delegating program responsibility from EMD through the end of
sustainment to the contractor. (NOTE: Under the Total System
Performance Responsibility concept one contractor will have complete
responsibility, with limited Government oversight, for the successful
development, testing, production, and fielding of the system, and will
provide sufficient logistics support during the sustainment phase, to
include Level 1 and Level 2 maintenance, to ensure that all system
performance criteria are met or exceeded for the life of the system at
a reasonable cost), 2) address the possibility of having a single
contract for EMD, production, and life- time sustainment or awarding an
EMD contract with priced production options, 3) detailed schedules
focusing especially on production and fielding taking into account the
available budget, full funding laws, expected weather conditions, and
ESC's Spiral Development concept of providing successive frequent
prototypes to users for feedback into the development of the final
operational product, 4) calculations showing ability to meet PCMR given
a nuclear survivable antenna system, 5) estimates of required new and
modified software for the terminal and HAC/RMPE as required, including
type of change, LOC, and function, 6) extent to which commercial items
(as defined in Part II of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)) are
available to meet this effort, 7) the extent to which ILES could be
designed to minimize required operator control and without the need for
a Remote Control Unit, and 8) methodology for meeting the nuclear
survivability requirements. Interested parties are invited to submit
two copies of a prospectus not to exceed 25 pages outlining their
ideas. Classified information should be included as a separate
attachment. The government will not reimburse contractor for any cost
associated with preparing or submitting a response to this notice and
is not obligated to return the prospectus or respond to comments. This
is not a solicitation, but for planning purposes only. A contract will
not be awarded from this announcement. This Sources Sought will be
followed by a formal conference currently scheduled for 18 February 98
at Hanscom AFB, MA. Please reserve your attendance by 5 Feb 98. The
Government maintains a web site with additional ILES information
including a conference schedule at http://www.hanscom.af.mil/ For
questions, a copy of a draft data package, or to reserve attendance at
the conference please contact Capt Bill Graham, ESC/NDM, 11 Eglin
Street, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2120, phone (781) 377-5418 or FAX (617)
377-8553, or via e-mail at Grahamb@hanscom.af.mil. Please send all
prospectuses to Capt Dwayne Sellers, ESC/NDK, 11 Eglin Street, Hanscom
AFB, MA 01731-2120. CBD responses are due no later than 20 calendar
days from the date of this publication. (0021) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0286 19980123\58-0006.SOL)
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