COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 3,1998 PSA#2024U.S. Information Agency, Office of Contracts, 301 4TH STREET SW, Room
M27, Washington, DC 20547 B -- NATIONAL AUDIENCE SURVEY IN TURKEY POC Technical Point Contact:
Robert Goehrig, Phone: (202) 205-5422; Contracting Officer: Lorraine
Mullen, Phone: (202) 260-2933 B -- This is a Request for Quotation
using Simplified Acquisition Procedures in Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) Part 13. Quotes that exceed the simplified acquisition
threshold will not be considered. The United States Information
Agency's International Bureau of Broadcasting has a requirement,
subject to availability of funds, for a contractor to (1) obtain
quantitative data on the size, composition, and media habits of the
audience for Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts, and rebroadcasts, in
Turkey; and (2) conduct qualitative evaluations of VOA's broadcasts by
listeners in Turkey. Vendors are requested to submit quotes for
conducting a national survey and focus groups in Turkey as outlined
below. Vendors may submit bids for both the quantitative and
qualitative aspects of this project or for one phase only. QUANTITATIVE
RESEARCH 1) Nature of Survey. Audience data shall be obtained through
a national survey of Turkey that is designed to obtain the most
accurate possible information about: the number of regular (i.e.
weekly) and occasional listeners to VOA; the demographic
characteristics and geographical distribution of the audience; the size
of the regular and occasional listening audience for other
international and domestic broadcasters; program interests; and general
patterns of media use. The interviewing is to be face-to-face and
conducted in the home of the respondent by a trained interviewer. VOA
will require demographic information on each respondent including,
gender, age, native language, education, occupation, and area of
residence. 2) General Responsibilities of Contractor. The contractor
will be responsible for the project design, translation, formatting,
pretesting, adaptation, and printing of VOA supplied questionnaires;
developing the sampling plan; training interviewers; organizing and
supervising fieldwork; cleaning and encoding survey responses; entering
and processing the data; ascertaining the representativeness of the
sample and weighting the data, if necessary; preparing
cross-tabulations in data books; submitting data on diskette; and
communicating all necessary information and results to VOA in a timely
manner. 3) Sample Design. VOA will require an achieved sample of at
least 1500 adults, age 15 or older, representative by ethnicity,
gender, region (urban vs rural), age, and education of the adult
population. Approximately 50% of the interviews shall take place in
urban areas to ensure capture of a sufficient number of foreign radio
listeners to permit detailed analysis. Weighting shall be applied by
the contractor to the data thus obtained to correct this imbalance for
purposes of analyzing the national sample. A detailed sampling plan,
including stratification criteria, description of the sampling frame,
listing of anticipated Primary Sampling Units (PSUs), approximate
number of interviews in each, procedures for selecting households
within PSUs, and procedures for selecting individual respondents at the
household level, shall be submitted to VOA prior to commencement of
fieldwork. The plan shall also include a description of the training
and instructions to be provided to the fieldwork team. 4)
Questionnaire. VOA will supply a set of questions for an interview of
approximately 1 hour consisting of approximately 80 questions (in
English), up to 5 of which may be open-ended. Questionnaire will be
provided in draft form for suggestions and comments by contractor based
on contractor's knowledge of local cultural or political sensitivities.
Contractor shall prepare translations of the questionnaire in Turkish
which shall be submitted to VOA for approval. The contractor shall be
responsible for compiling a comprehensive list of media available in
the local environment (i.e., name of TV and radio stations that
respondents are likely to listen/watch; frequency/channel;
cable/satellite availability) in each of the major areas to be
surveyed. This information shall be used to compile a precoded list of
stations on the survey. Following VOA's review of any contractor
comments and final approval of translations of questionnaires,
contractor shall prepare field versions in Turkish suitable for use by
interviewers. The questionnaire shall be pre-tested prior to the
commencement of the fieldwork. At least 30 pre-test interviews shall be
conducted. Contractor shall advise VOA of the results of the pre-test,
along with details of any problems encountered and suggested remedies,
prior to the commencement of fieldwork. 5) Fieldwork. Interviews shall
be conducted by experienced field workers who shall be thoroughly
briefed by contractor prior to commencement of work. Contractor shall
ensure that interviewers are thoroughly familiar with household and
respondent selection procedures, call back procedures, and the
structure of the questionnaire, including routing and filtering.
Interviewer training shall include practice sessions in administering
the questionnaire. A minimum of 10% of interviews shall be back checked
and 5% shall be accompanied by a team supervisor. 6) Data Processing.
Contractor is responsible for data entry, cleaning, and processing.
Contractor shall provide printed tabulations of results, including
percentage responses to all questions broken down by gender, age group,
education level, and urban/rural status. Tabulations will show weighted
and unweighted bases for each question. Contractor shall supply data to
VOA as an SPSS portable (*.por) or SPSS for Windows (*.sav -- version
6.1 or lower) file with a complete data dictionary of variable names.
Contractor shall also supply raw data on computer diskettes in ASCII
fixed format with accompanying codebook identifying location of all
variables and coding scheme. There shall be one data record for each
respondent and records shall be of fixed length. Weighting factors
shall be in the same position on each record, with location specified
in the codebook. Each record shall include a unique respondent ID
number, interviewer ID number, PSU ID number, and codes for precise
location and date of interview and whether interview location was
categorized as urban or rural. Each record shall include demographic
information about the respondent, including: gender, exact age,
education level, occupation, and ethnicity. 7) Technical report. When
delivering printed tabulations and raw data, contractor shall provide
a technical report which will include the following: -a complete
sampling plan, including list and maps of PSUs and individual sampling
points and number of interviews conducted in each -details of response
rates -interviewer instructions -brief report on survey operations
including any practical difficulties encountered in carrying out the
survey -estimated sampling error -weighting scheme including details of
how weighting factors were developed and applied, as well as the
demographic data on which weights were based. 8) Summary of
deliverables See preceding paragraphs for detailed description of
requirements for each deliverable. a. Raw data on computer diskette b.
Printed tabulations of results c. Technical report 9) Delivery
Schedule a. Provision of detailed sampling plan to IBB within 4 weeks
of contractor receiving contract. b. Submission of translated
questionnaires within 2 weeks following contractor's receipt of VOA
draft. c. Following USIA approval of the final questionnaire,
pretesting should begin within 2 weeks. d. After pretesting and USIA
approval of the final questionnaire, interviewing should begin within
2 weeks and be completed within an additional 4 weeks. e. Cleaned,
verified data and technical report must be delivered to USIA no later
than 4 weeks after conclusion of the work. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 1)
Purpose of Study Qualitative evaluations of VOA's broadcasts shall be
obtained through the use of focus groups. The study will provide VOA
management with (a) audience reaction to and suggestions for improving
VOA Turkish programs and (b) provide in-depth analysis of audience
attitudes toward VOA programs, in particular, and international radio
programs in general. The study will also focus on attitudes toward and
use of different media, both foreign and domestic. It is anticipated
that each discussion should last approximately 2 hours. 2) General
Specifications Focus groups shall be comprised of 7-10 people and
approximately equal numbers of men and women, where possible. If mixed
groups are not possible or advisable in the professional judgement of
the contractor, single sex groups may be substituted, contingent upon
VOA approval. All discussants should have at least a secondary
education, be fluent in Turkish, and be citizens of Turkey. Except
where otherwise indicated below, at least three representatives from
each of the following age groups should be chosen: 18 -- 35, 35 -- 60.
Other recruitment criteria shall be established by mutual agreement of
the contractor and VOA. The contractor and VOA shall agree on the means
for focus group participants to listen to VOA programming whether it be
by asking participants to tune into specific programming prior to the
discussion or by providing the contractor with sample tapes to play
during the discussion. 3) Number and Location of Groups Vendors are
requested to submit quotes for two different options: A) A total of 4
focus groups; 2 conducted in Istanbul and 2 conducted in Ankara, as
follows; One group in each city comprised of international radio
listeners -- This group shall be comprised of individuals who listen
regularly (at least once a week) to at least one international radio
station and at least half should be regular VOA listeners. One group in
each city comprised of lapsed listeners -- This group shall contain
individuals who have listened to the Voice of America at some time in
the past but who are not regular (weekly) listeners at present. B) A
total of 6 focus groups; 3 conducted in Istanbul and 3 conducted in
Ankara, as follows; One group in each city comprised of international
radio listeners -- This group shall be comprised of individuals who
listen regularly (at least once a week) to at least one international
radio station and at least half should be regular VOA listeners. One
group in each city comprised of lapsed listeners, age 18-35. This group
shall contain individuals who have listened to the Voice of America at
some time in the past but who are not regular (weekly) listeners at
present. One group in each city comprised of lapsed listeners, age 35
-- 60. This group will contain individuals who have listened to the
Voice of America at some time in the past but who are not regular
(weekly) listeners at present. 4) IBB Responsibilities The IBB shall
perform the following tasks: Provide the discussion guide, in English,
which will include the basic questions of interest and suggested
sequencing. Provide either a sample cassette tape to be played for
participants during the focus group, or a schedule of VOA programming
for participants to listen to prior to the group's meeting, or both. 5)
Contractor Responsibilities The contractor shall perform the following
tasks: Review VOA supplied discussion guide and submit recommendations
for changes based on the contractor's knowledge of local conditions and
sensitivities; Translate and reproduce focus group discussion guides;
Secure appropriate facilities in which to conduct the sessions;
Identify and recruit appropriate participants, according to the
criteria outlined in this RFQ; Provide an experienced, professional
focus group moderator(s); -- Ensure that moderator(s) is/are thoroughly
familiar with the discussion guide and the material to be reviewed.
Conduct focus groups in each city. The sessions shall be conducted in
Turkish; Provide a brief report on the media environment, with
particular emphasis on factors that may bear on listening to foreign
radio broadcasts; For each city, provide a summary and analysis, in
English, of the groups' views on issues of interest to VOA. Such issues
will include but not be limited to: -Evaluations of the production
style, presentation quality, and content of specific VOA Turkish
programs. -Comparison of the views of regular and lapsed listeners.
-Comparison of the viewsof listeners in the different cities. -General
evaluation of relevance, timeliness, and usefulness of VOA broadcasts.
-Qualitative comparison of VOA programs and those of other
international broadcasters. -Views as to the continuing relevance (or
lack thereof) of VOA and other international broadcasters in the
present media environment. -- Analysis of topics of interest to
listeners. -- Reasons for listening (and not listening) to VOA in
particular and international radio stations in general. -Suggestions,
based on group discussions, of possible strategies for strengthening
the competitive position of VOA in each market. 6) Summary of
Deliverables Submit a final report, in English, to VOA. The report
shall be delivered in hard copy and on 3.5 inch computer diskette in
WordPerfect 5.2, 6.0, or 6.1 format. The report shall contain
appropriate direct quotations from focus groups to illustrate points
made in the report. The final report will contain the points described
above. The final report must pay particular attention to the
differences/similarities of participants in the different cities; the
differences/similarities of regular and lapsed listeners; and to
programming preferences and suggestions for improving VOA programs. The
final questioning route shall be included as an appendix to the report;
Provide complete audio cassettes of each focus group session; Provide
complete transcripts of each focus group session in English and
Turkish. 7) Proposed Time Schedule Focus groups shall be conducted
within 4 weeks of final award. Final reports will be due no later than
4 weeks after conclusion of the final focus group. If a single
contractor is selected to handle both the quantitative and qualitative
phases of this project, and if the survey is used to recruit
participants for the focus groups, groups will be conducted within
three weeks of the conclusion of the survey. SELECTION CRITERIA In
addition to total project cost and ability to meet the proposed
schedule, proposals will be evaluated and vendor selected on the basis
of the following equally important technical criteria: -- demonstrated
experience in conducting quantitative and/or qualitative research on
broadcast media; -- demonstrated experience in conducting survey
research and/or focus groups in Turkey; -- quality of the proposed
sampling technique (survey bids only); -- quality of the proposed
procedures for data collection, entry, and verification (survey bids
only); and -- ability to complete the project in a timely manner. Each
offeror's proposal shall include: -- detailed description of the
proposed research methodology, including specific listing of
organizations the offeror will use for fieldwork; -- current
information on the qualifications of offeror's office and field staff;
-- specific information on offeror's past experience in conducting
media research and survey research in Turkey; -- detailed description
of the proposed fieldwork plan, including sampling plan and procedures,
number and type of sampling points and manner in which interviews will
be allocated across the population of the cities included in the
survey; and -- a schedule showing the time required for each phase of
the project. For vendors interested in bidding on the survey, this
would include (1) translation, pretest, reporting of pretest results
and printing of final questionnaire, (2) completion of fieldwork, (3)
completion of data verification, data entry, and codebook, (4) delivery
of data files and media environment/methodological report Submission of
Quotations and Due Date: Quotes should be submitted no later than
February 9, 1998 and shall reference this RFQ No. B/PA-98-5. In
addition to addressing the points above, submissions should also
provide details on any subcontractors who would be engaged to work on
these projects. Omission of any of the points of information requested
will weigh against a proposal. Please submit any questions concerning
technical requirements to Mr. Robert Goehrig, Office of Research,
USIA/IBB at (202) 205-5422 or Fax at (202) 205-3766. Proposal and price
quotation should be faxed to Lorraine Mullen, Contracting Officer, at
(202) 205-1921. Price quote must be on a separate page from the
proposal. (0030) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0016 19980203\B-0001.SOL)
B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index Page