COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 24,1998 PSA#2038U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Contracts Management Division
(MD-33), Attention: OARSC, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 A -- DEVELOPMENT OF TRIM.FATE MODEL COMPUTER CODE SOL RFQ-rt-98-01970
POC William Newby, Contract Specialist, (919) 541-5296 or Julio Lopez,
C.O. EPA intends to award a sole source purchase order to the MCNC --
North Carolina Supercomputing Center, pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(1)
-- Only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will
satisfy agency requirements.This procurement is for the contractor to
perform the technical tasks necessary to design and develop the
software code for the TRIM.FaTE module, as follows: First, the
Contractor shall review THE TOTAL RISK INTEGRATED MODEL and develop the
objectives and goals of the TRIM project. Second, the Contractor shall
develop a conceptual hardware and software design plan for the TRIM
system and the TRIM.FaTE Module, which is consistent with the TRIM
design goals and TRIM conceptual approach. TRIM modules shall directly
interact and communicate with each other as they are developed; and
each module shall include a graphical user interface; and shall make
use of existing software from the prototype version; and the Contractor
shall design the TRIM system and TRIM.FaTE module in accordance with
the Models-3 framework within two weeks of receipt of the plan. Third,
the Contractor shall develop and fully test the computer code for the
TRIM.FaTE Module as designed in the final TRIM system and TRIM.FaTE
module design plan (Task 2). The Contractor shall develop the final
TRIM.FaTE computer code, and shall provide the PO with an electronic
copy of all computer code and supporting programs. The TRIM.FaTE Module
must be developed in full compliance with Model-3 framewoork. MCNC was
instrumental in the architecture and design of the Models-3 framework,
and therefore MCNC has the knowledge and expertience with the Models-3
framework. This experience and knowledge will ensure that TRIM.FaTE is
developed in full compliance with the Models-3 framework, and will save
the USEPA both time and effort because MCNC is already fluent with
Models-3 concepts. This combination of expertise, experience, and
development of a functional system is unique, to this requirement. All
responsible sources may respond by submitting a written narrative
statement of capability within 15 days of this notice to William Newby
at the above address, which will be considered by the agency.
Responses must include detailed technical information and other
technical literature demonstrating the ability to meet the requirement.
Responses shall also include itemized pricing that is sufficient to
make a determination that competition is feasible. If no affirmative
responses are received within 15 days of this notice to determine
whether a qualified source is more advantageous to the government, an
order will be placed with MCNC -- North Carolina Computing Center.
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