COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 4,1998 PSA#2044Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt, Division of
Procurement, 200 Third Street, Room 207, Parkersburg, WV 26101-5312 70 -- MAINFRAME SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SOL BPD-98-CI-0010 DUE 031898 POC
Point of Contact, Jeff Stephenson, 304/480-6452, Contracting Officer,
Tammie S Johnson, 304/480-6465 WEB: Department of the Treasury, Bureau
of the Public Debt, Division of Procurement,
http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/oa/oaprocr.htm. E-MAIL: Department of
the Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt, Division of Procurement,
procurement@bpd.treas.gov. Public Debt intends to negotiate a sole
source procurement with Computer Associates International, Inc., 12120
Sunset Hills Road, Reston, Virginia, 22090, for software maintenance
for the following products which meet the functional requirements
listed: a) Shall provide access through panels under Interactive
Systems Productivity Family (ISPF); b) Shall allow restriction of
abilities via CA-ACF2, or compatible security subsystem; c) Shall be
menu-driven and provide online tutorial and help functions; d) Provide
for an unlimited number of users. The CA-VMAN Utility shall: a)
Utilize ACF2 or other industry recognized security package to control
logons to all sessions; b) Have a time-out feature for Multi-Session
Manager (MSM) sessions without an active application session; c) Use
ISPF-like panels for logons and switching from session to session via
"PF Keys" or "Hot Keys", the logon panel shall contain the status and
availability of all sessions; d) Have message broadcast capabilities
which will cause visual/audible alarms when a message is issued by the
MSM administrator, master console, or other terminal authorized to
send messages; e) Have the capability to restrict access to the system
via MSM, user shall not be allowed to circumvent the established
security features by using the MSM; f) Shall not interfere with
application session portability; g) Shall not preempt or circumvent an
application's control over a user once that user has logged on or
attached to it; h) Utilize the expanded capabilities of MVS/ESA
including "above the 6Mb" line storage; i) Provide recording facilities
for MSM activities in accordance with C2 requirements, i.e., logons,
logon failures, and security violations; j) Provide cross-domain
security for user logons coming from a remote site, every logon to the
Public Debt mainframe computer shall come through the MSM; k) Provide
the capability for users to log on to applications without the need to
re-enter logon identifications or passwords; l) Provide for definition
of users, terminals, and other resource definitions without the need
to shut down the software and perform a restart; m) Provide for an
unlimited number of session administrators; n) Provide an operator
facility within the software to allow authorized users the capability
to control all sessions and perform inquiries of the status of all
applications for all users; o) Provide for application selection menus
depicting only the applications authorized for each user; p) Provide
the capability to reconnect to the session manager in the event of a
communication line disconnect, a time-out feature shall be included to
allow users a reasonable time period to re-establish the session, when
this time-out threshold is met, the product shall terminate all active
applications as well as terminate the session manager session. The
ENDEVOR/MVS Utility shall: a) Provide for a central library for
programs, job control streams, and data files; b) Provide for
protection of production programs and change or deletion by:
Restricting modification of stored members, Copying production members
to create test versions, Replacing original production version after
testing, Eliminating accidental or unauthorized alteration of
production programs, job control streams, or data files, and Reserving
the delete option for management use only; c) Restrict retrieval of,
and access to, confidential data files and source programs; d) Provide
complete backup of all programs, job control streams, and data files;
e) Provide a history of all prior versions of programs, job control
streams, and data files with the capability to: Copy deleted members to
a protection file before physically removing them from the library,
Match-merges or merge deleted members with a previously created
protection file, Reinstate a prior version of a source program or
object code to the library; f) Provide for the transfer of programs,
job control streams, and data files between libraries and provide
ability to replace any prior version of the same member which has been
stored with the incoming member; g) Provide a method for storing,
modifying, and retrieving programs, job control streams, and stored
data files and permit the following functions: Adding of a source
program to the library and the ability to modify, retrieve, compile,
link edit, and execute it in a single job, Jobstream second generation
programs in the library onto tape or disk with appropriate JCL,
Retrieve any segment of any program and combine it with other program
segments or programs to form a new program, Store and retrieve test
data, Retrieve, modify, and combine any number of programs and JCL to
form a job stream on either tape or disk for compiling and link
editing; h) Provide a means to report the success or failure of all
functions performed on an output print file and produce the following
reports: A library directory listing, A directory listing of members by
selected characteristics, status, or activity, A protection file
directory listing; i) Provide the following features and functions: Add
members to the library, format member records, assign member attributes
and sequence check members, Copy members on the library and retrieve
members from the library, Insert data from the SYSIN file into output
files, Retrieve portions of members, modify members and tag members for
subsequent deletion, Include members within other members during
retrievals, Assign user comments to members on the library, Allocate
supersets on the library file and add subsets to supersets, Assign user
sequence numbers to a member, Initiate a transient mode extended
feature, Advance the output print file to the next page and print user
identification on a separate page, Specify auxiliary input from or
output to a PDS, Insert records from an existing member into an input
stream; j) Provide a means for management to: Secure confidential
members on the library, override any suppressed functions, and
authorize access to confidential members, Create a directory list of
the entire or selected contents of the library or protection file,
Produce a completeand current compressed copy of the entire library
file which can be produced on tape or disk and gives complete backup
protection to the resident library, Replace all or selected members in
a library from tape or disk backup files, Restore all or selected
members to the library from any of the backup files, Remove tagged
members to a protection file, with or without matching-merging an input
protection file, Create a protection file for members which are to be
transferred to another library file, with or without matching-merging
an input protection file, Initiate transient mode extended features,
Modify the library security code, Transfer a member directly to another
library, Bypass copying a named member or a range of members from an
input protection file; k) Provide a library initialization program to
format and label direct access devices for subsequent use as a library;
l) Provide an analysis program which will produce a summarized
presentation of the library's composition by size, status, type, and
usercode; m) Provide a scan function which will produce a listing of
statements within the library which contain a supplied character
string. The scan shall be of the entire library or limited to a given
language type, library member, a selected range of commands, or a
selected group of columns. The ability to make changes to the members
selected by the scan shall be provided; n) Provide a comparison
function for reporting the changes made to source code and of the
differences between files. The ENDEVOR QUICK EDIT Utility shall: a)
operate in conjunction with ENDEVOR/MVS version 3.7; b) Be a program
management and security system designed to establish, maintain, and
protect a central library of source programs and JCL. The central
library shall be immediately accessible for maintenance and processing
and effective control and protection against theft, disaster, or other
loss; c) Function as a subsystem of ISPF and be incorporated as a new
option on the ISPF menu to allow the user to select EDIT, BROWSE, or
UTILITY mode; d) Be retrievable directly into memory for editing. The
actual editing shall be identical to ISPF and permit the user to
create, display, and modify programs stored in the central library of
source code; e) BROWSE operations should allow the user read only
access to the member; f) Provide a menu of utility functions which
allows the user to modify the program status, user code, or the level
number. The utility shall support copy and rename commands, and provide
the ability to print a member to the ISPF list data set. The PARALLEL
DEVELOPMENT MANAGER UTILITY shall: a) operate in conjunction with
ENDEVOR/MVS version 3.7 as well as any partition data set or PANVALET
library structures; b) allow restrictions of abilities via CA-ACF2; c)
provide compares against multiple versions of source codes that are
controlled by ENDEVOR/MVS; d) provide for the automatic integration of
multiple versions of source code that are controlled by ENDEVOR/MVS;
e) provide for the ability to resolve conflicts resulting from
concurrent development or from applying vendor updates to applications
that have been customized in-house; f) provide automatic creation of
final source from edited, integrated changes; g) provide for the
ability to generate standard and customized reports on parallel
development activities; h) provide impact analysis reporting at any
phase in the development cycle. The CA-1 TMS Utility shall: a) Provide
operations interface and the ability to code retentions which will be
used as final authority for data retention, and/or expiration
information; b) Manage mountable media including 480 compatible, 40
compatible, and other magnetic tape media; and shall include recording,
dynamically updating, and reporting information related to volume
serial number, file and data contents, when created, where created,
when and where last used, etc.; c) Provide allocation/open time
interfaces to the operating system sufficient to ensure data integrity,
avoid accidental data loss, and provide real time recording of usage
information; d) Track and report volume status information so that
scratch volumes can be readily identified and used by operations
personnel; e) Log, update, track, and manage location information in an
automated fashion; f) Provide online updating and query capabilities;
g) Provide flexible reporting of contents which can be selected from
various fields and sort sequences within the database; h) Support and
be compatible with the Memorex Automated Tape Library; i) Support mixed
480 standard, 480 IDRC, 490 E 6 track, and 490 6 track extended length.
The ASTEX DASD MANAGER Tool shall: a) Support IBM or equivalent 80 and
90 DASD devices and associated cache control units (including Amdahl
690 DASD and 600 controllers); b) Collect and record DASD seek activity
and DASD controller cache activity; c) Produce analytical reports from
either its own recorded DASD activity data or from GTF (Generalized
Trace Facility) data; d) Include an interactive TSO/ISPF interface for
creation and submission of DASD analysis jobstreams; e) Provide the
capability to report DASD seek activity by volume, dataset, allocated
extent, and/or jobname; f) Analyze DASD seek activity and recommend the
relocation of datasets either on a volume or within a group of volumes,
for improved performance; g) Provide the capability to simulate the
impact of proposed DASD configuration changes on seek and cache
activity; h) Create JCL and control statements which can be used to
perform recommended dataset movement, using either FDR/DSF, Compaktor,
DFDSS, or standard IBM utilities. The CA-ACF2 UTILITY shall: a) Meet
the C level of controlled access protection; b) Provide system and
resource protection by default; c) Provide for access protection at
both the data set and volume levels; d) Utilize SMF to log data set and
resource violations; e) Provide a means to automatically backup and
recover security databases; f) Provide report utilities for extracting
SMF data logged by the product; g) Provide the record layouts for
security databases and SMF records for the purpose of creating
customized reports; h) Provide a means for assuring individual user
accountability; i) Contain time-out feature(s) to automatically
terminate a mainframe session if it remains inactive beyond a time
limit specified by Public Debt; j) Provide for system and resource
access based on specific dates, times, and device types; k) Provide for
the option to allow users to change their own passwords; l) Provide the
ability to control minimum and maximum time periods for changing
passwords; m) Allow for a minimum and maximum length for passwords as
specified by Public Debt; n) Utilize passwords that are one-way
encrypted and stored in the security data bases in such a manner as to
prevent decryption; o) Provide ISPF panels for administrative
functions; p) Utilize the expanded capabilities of MVS/ESA including
"above the Megabyte" line storage; q) Provide security interfaces for
IMS, CICS, and DB; r) Provide the capability to administer security for
multiple domains/nodes from a single domain; s) Provide the ability to
control system access from any source; t) Have the capability of
providing resource protection utilizing the System Authorization
Facility (SAF); u) Contain a mechanism that assures system access will
be prevented if the security software becomes inoperative; v) Provide
a mechanism to secure CA-PANVALET libraries; w) Contain a means to
provide access security for data sets residing on magnetic tape; x) Be
capable of providing terminal security by individual terminal ID or by
groups of terminals; y) Provide for centralized and decentralized
security administration; z) Provide security administrators the ability
to allow selective viewing and/or changing of the information contained
in the records residing in the security data bases; aa) Allow changes
to security access controls to become effective without the need to IPL
the system or restart the security product; ab) Provide a method to
identify users and resources individually and in groups; ac) Provide
the option to control access by VTAM APPLID; ad) Have the capability to
limit the number of security violations per session, per user; ae)
Provide for automatic suspension of logon identifications if a
site-determined threshold for invalid password attempts is met; af)
Provide the capability to log to SMF access to selected data and
resources based on individual users and groups of users; ag) Have the
capability to control access for started tasks; ah) Provide for logon
id inheritance in batch jobs submitted via TSO; ai) Have the capability
to limit the use of TSO commands; aj) Provide an option for automatic
erasure of reusable data space on any storage media when a file is
deleted; ak) Contain the ability to globally limit the use of specific
programs such as AMASPZAP and IMASPZAP no matter where they reside;
al) Provide an automated means of notifying users of impending password
expiration dates/times for a number of days prior to expiration; am)
Provide an option for the security administrator to establish the
number of days of password "life". The MULTI-IMAGE MANAGER UTILITY
shall: a) Operate on AMDAHL 5990 series mainframes using the MVS/ESA
operating system and logically partitioned under MDF; b) Allow
restriction of abilities via CA-ACF2; c) Menu-driven and provide online
help functions; d) Allow enterprise control and consolidation from a
central workstation(s); e) Automatically prevent most common forms of
data set damage; i.e., simultaneous updates, inappropriate updates,
attribute modification, and overwriting partitioned data set
directories; f) Prevent unauthorized programs from reading data sets
and monitor unauthorized read operations; g) Simultaneously transmit
ENQ requests from an application on one system to all other systems; h)
Automatically notify end-users of resource conflicts as they occur; i)
Automatically free data sets that have been allocated but are not
being used by TSO sessions. If a TSO user is not currently using a data
set that another task requests, the data set shall be automatically
de-allocated to allow processing for the other task to continue; j)
Automatically queue batch jobs contending for data sets and free the
job for execution when the data sets become available; k) Allow tape
drives to be shared automatically between systems; l) Allow devices to
be reserved for specific jobs; m) Allow DASD to be shared by multiple
domains at the dataset level; n) Provide cross-system message
selection and merging; o) Provide a method for cross-system commands;
p) Compatible with IBM's Sysplex strategy; q) Guarantee data integrity.
The CA-EXAMINE utility shall: a) Not allow changes to be made to system
components (i.e., shall have read only functionality); b) Run as a
stand-alone product requiring no changes to existing system
software/hardware; c) Provide real-time status of critical mainframe
computer system software and hardware components utilizing ISPF menus;
d) Provide a method to determine if changes have been made to source
code, object code, and load modules residing on Public Debt mainframes
at intervals determined by Public Debt; e) Provide a method to inform
security administrators (upon demand) when program modules are changed
via programs AMASPZAP and IMASPZAP; f) Provide online reports which
highlight changes to sensitive operating system components which could
potentially downgrade system integrity; g) Inform the product users of
changes to the system Program Properties Table (PPT) upon request; h)
Have the capability of providing lists of programs that are capable of
running in supervisory state; i) Have the capability of creating job
usage history reports from SMF data sets; j) Have the capability to
provide a list of current system catalogs; k) Have the capability to
provide device addresses, associated device types, and classes for all
peripherals connected to the mainframe. Additionally, for DASD
devices, the volume serial numbers and mount status shall be provided;
l) Not interfere with access permissions allowed/disallowed by
existing security access control software; m) Provide a method to
create reports in batch mode containing the same information provided
for online reports; n) Provide online and batch reports identifying
libraries and their components defined as APF (Authorized Program
Facility) authorized; o) Have the capability to identify and provide
reports on all system linklist and LPA (link pack area) libraries; p)
Maintain a record of the logon id of the administrator performing
functions associated with requests for tracking changes to programs,
libraries, and files; q) Have the capability of identifying SMP/E CSI
files and provide reports of FMIDs (Function Modification Identifier),
vendors, program and component numbers, and zone information contained
therein; r) Able to identify and provide reports of critical system
parameters contained in the system parmlib; s) Able to identify MVS
subsystems; t) Able to identify system exits which should be reviewed
due to potential security implications; u) Have the capability to
identify load modules with no apparent corresponding source code; v)
Havethe capability of comparing individual programs or entire load
libraries to determine differences; w) Provide a method to track
changes to specific programs identified as critical by Public Debt; x)
Able to compare files and report the differences; y) Able to perform
volume table of contents (VTOC) analysis to verify its integrity; z)
Able to provide program statistics including size, language, link edit
dates, zaps, and system status index (SSI) indicators; also provide
size, compile dates, language used, zaps, an (0061) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0267 19980304\70-0007.SOL)
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