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U.S. Department Of Energy, Chicago Operations Office, 9800 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439

C -- DESIGN OF A PIT DISASSEMBLY AND CONVERSION FACILITY SOL DE-AC02-98CH10903 DUE 041798 POC Terry Vlasich, 630-252-0954 WEB: DOE's Chicago Operations Office Acquisition Page, http://www.ch.doe.gov/business/ACQ.htm. E-MAIL: Click here to contact the A&E Selection Board Executive Secretary., Terry.Vlasich@ch.doe.gov. C -- Design of a PIT Disassembly and Conversion Facility -- The Department of Energy ( DOE) has decided to implement a strategy for the disposition of surplus weapons-usable plutonium. DOE will pursue both immobilizing plutonium in ceramic form surrounded by vitrified high level waste and burning some of the surplus plutonium as mixed oxide (MOX) fuel in existing, domestic, commercial reactors. DOE intends to build a Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility (PDCF) to provide the feed material for both the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility and the Immobilization Facility. The mission of the PDCF is to disassemble surplus nuclear weapons pits and remove and convert the weapons-usable plutonium to a form suitable for final disposition. The PDCF also will accept surplus weapons-usable plutonium metal from sources other than intact pits for this conversion process. The mission includes converting the plutonium to a form that contains no weapons design geometry or other classified information, allowing the plutonium to be placed under bilateral and/or international safeguards and inspections. The PDCF is envisioned to be a complex consisting of a hardened building in which the plutonium will be processed in a safe and secure manner, and conventional buildings and structures housing support personnel, systems, and equipment. The plutonium processing building will be a material access area that will include the following systems: pit receiving, assay and storage; pit plutonium metal extraction and conversion to oxide; and plutonium oxide packaging, assay, storage, and shipment. Systems for recovery, decontamination, and declassification of other Special Nuclear Material (SNM) and non-Special Nuclear Material resulting from pit disassembly will be included. In addition, accommodations for International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards for specific portions of the process and facility will be provided. The conventional buildings and structures will house: offices; change rooms; an analytical chemistry laboratory; a central control station; and waste packaging, storage and shipment systems. The facility is planned to be operated for ten years with a throughput averaging 3.5 metric tons of plutonium per year, and then be decontaminated and decommissioned. The following documents are important technical and programmatic information related to the PDCF which are available to prospective offerors: 1. Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, December 1996; 2. Record of Decision for the Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, January 14, 1997; 3. Technical Summary Report for Surplus Weapons-Usable Plutonium Disposition, October 31, 1996; and 4. Design-Only Conceptual Design Report for Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility, Revision 0, December 12, 1997. These documents will be available for review in established reading rooms at the following locations: 1. U.S. Department of Energy FOIAReading Room Room 1E -- 190, Forrestal Building 1000 Independence Avenue, Southwest Washington, D.C. 20585 ATTN: Carolyn Lawson Phone: (202) 586-3142 FAX: (202) 586-0575 email: carolyn.lawson@hq.doe.gov 2. U.S. Department of Energy Chicago Operations Office Public Reading Room Document Department University Library The University of Illinois at Chicago 801 South Morgan Street, 3rd Floor Center Chicago, Illinois 60607 DOE Contact: Gary Pitchford Phone: (630) 252-2013 FAX: (630) 252-2527 email: gary.pitchford@ch.doe.gov 3. U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office Public Reading Room 1776 Science Center Drive Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415-2300 Contact: Gail Willmore Phone: (208) 526-9162 email: gsl@inel.gov 4. U.S. Department of Energy Oakland Operations Office Public Reading Room Energy Information Center, First Floor 1301 Clay Street, Suite 700N Oakland, California 94612 ATTN: Annette Ross Phone: (510) 637-1762 FAX: (510) 637-2011 email: annette.ross@oak.doe.gov 5. U.S. Department of Energy Richland Operations Office DOE Public Reading Room Consolidated Information Center Room 101L 2770 University Drive Richland, Washington 99352 ATTN: Terri Traub Phone: (509) 372-7443 FAX: (509) 372-7444 email: terri.traub@pnl.gov 6. U.S. Department of Energy Public Reading Room 171 University Parkway Aiken, South Carolina 29801 Phone: (803) 641-3320 Contact: Paul Lewis Phone: (803) 641-3320 FAX: (803) 641-3302 email: paull@aiken.sc.edu 7. Pantex Reading Room U.S. Department of Energy Reading Room Amarillo College Lynn Library/Learning Center 2201 South Washington Amarillo,TX 79109 Contact: Tom Walton Phone: (806) 477-3120 Offerors are strongly advised to review the documents provided in the reading rooms prior to responding to this announcement. (Whenever the term "offeror" is used, it is intended to mean the prime contractor or, in the case of a joint venture, the firms comprising the joint venture, and any subcontractors. The term "subcontractors" includes consultants.) The DOE is in the process of selecting a site forthe construction of a PDCF. The site will be chosen upon completion of the National Environmental Policy Act Record of Decision which for the purposes of this announcement will be in February, 1999. Currently four sites are under consideration: the Savannah River Site near Aiken, South Carolina; the Hanford Site near Richland, Washington; the Idaho National Environmental Engineering Laboratory near Idaho Falls, Idaho; and the Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas. DOE anticipates awarding one cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to one offeror. The contract will be for Preliminary and Detailed Design with an option for supervision and inspection of construction. The total contract period, including the option period, is planned to be approximately five and a half years with the preliminary and detailed design taking no more than 30 months. Selection of the successful offeror will be based on an assessment by the DOE of the offerors' responses to the six evaluation criteria listed below. Criteria (1) and (2) are of equalimportance and slightly more important than criteria (3) and (4), which are also of equal importance. Criterion (5) is of significantly less importance than (3) and (4) and more important than (6). Evaluation criteria pertain to the subcontractors and consultants, as well as the prime contractor. Subcriteria are listed in descending order of importance. (1) Offeror's Experience In Nuclear Work. (a) Demonstrated experience in design of nuclear facilities with specific reference to plutonium handling facilities, including nuclear criticality expertise and design of Category I special nuclear material security buildings, including deterrent and intrusion detection systems. (b) Experience in designing nuclear facilities within the last eight (8) years prior to the issuance of this CBD notice that demonstrates knowledge of DOE or Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements concerning: 1. nuclear safety; 2. safeguards and security; 3. quality assurance; 4. reliability; 5. maintainability; 6. operability; 7. radiation protection; 8. regulatory guides; and 9. planning for decontamination and decommissioning of the facility. Information to be provided for this criterion shall include: (A) A description of the offeror's relevant experience. (B) A list of nuclear facility projects performed within the last 8 years, including a listing and description of the activities relating to the knowledge areas in (b) above which were performed on each of the projects. (2) Experience and Performance Of Key And Lead Personnel For This Project. (a) Management experience in project planning, organizing, executing, coordinating, and controlling design projects for nuclear facilities. (b) Technical experience and education relating to and required by the specific job assignment. Information to be provided for this criterion shall include: (A) Resumes of the project manager(s), managers of individual technical disciplines, technical leads, and other key or lead people, to include their educational backgrounds, present and previous positions, size of staff supervised at each position, length of time in those positions and references, including current telephone numbers. (B) For each project manager and manager of individual technical disciplines, a list of the design projects managed and the design dollar value of each project managed. Include a discussion of key and lead personnel's experience in overall project coordination and management. (C) For each person, highlight the specific technical experience applicable to the position proposed and this project's needs and the length of experience in each technical area. ( All personnel listed must be current employees of the offeror .) (3) Past Performance. Past record of the offeror in performing design work relevant to the project for Government agencies (with specific reference to DOE) and private industry. Evaluation will consider technical, cost, and schedule performance. Information to be provided for this criterion shall include: (A) A list and description of relevant past performance on government and commercial design projects within the last 8 years that demonstrates the offeror's ability to perform the work described in this announcement. Experience in nuclear work is preferable. Include for each project: (i) contracting agency or name of company for which work was performed; (ii) name, address and telephone number of technical and contractual contact; (iii) contract number; and (iv) sufficient detail to illustrate comparability to the proposed work. (B) A description of performance under listed projects including: (i) technical performance as originally specified and as completed, including explanation for any rework needed to meet technical requirements; (ii)final cost of project compared to the original baseline, including explanation for any change in the cost of the project from the original baseline; (iii) final A&E design contract costs including explanation for any change in the cost from the original baseline; and (iv) duration of the project as originally scheduled and as performed, including explanation for any delays or early completions. (C) A copy of the government past performance evaluation, if one was issued, for any of the projects referenced. (4) Approach to Project Management Systems. Proposed project management organization, including delegation of responsibilities; authority of all key/lead personnel and the systems to be used to integrate all management and technical requirements across all participating organizations. Information to be provided for this criterion shall include: (A) Narrative describing in detail how the project will be organized. (B) Narrative describing proposed project tracking and reporting systems and change control processes. (C) Narrative describing in detail the approach for factoring identified areas of technical risk into cost and schedule baselines and associated performance indicators. (D) Proposed organization chart for accomplishing the project. Identify key and lead personnel, company affiliation, present location, and planned location for project assignment. Include a discussion of their respective roles. (E) Narrative describing experience working with proposed subcontractor or joint venturer(s). (5) Availability Of Employees For Support Of The Project And The Depth And Size Of The Offeror's Organization and Ability to Accommodate Expansion Or Acceleration. Information to be provided for this criterion shall include: (A) A description of how the offeror will adequately staff this project in addition to it's current and projected workload. (B) Adescription of how the offeror will adequately staff this project to handle any expansion or acceleration. (C) Include with the list of personnel in block 8 of the SF254 and block 4 of the SF255, the number of personnel employed by the offeror in the following disciplines: radioactive material process design; nuclear safety; nuclear criticality; radiation protection; and safeguards and security. (6) Interest Of The Company Management In The Project And Expected Participation And Commitment Of Top Officials. Information to be provided for this criterion shall include a statement of the corporate commitment to the successful execution of this project. (END OF CRITERIA) This project requires handling classified information. Security clearances and secure work areas will be required for such work. The successful offeror will be required to ensure that materials and information are protected as required by DOE Orders and other regulations and requirements. The successful offeror involved with activities requiring security and classification will be subject to review and will require approval in accordance with Sections 904.7003 and 904.7004 of the DOE Acquisition Regulation published as 48 CFR Part 9 in regard to any foreign ownership, control, or influence of the firm that may pose an undue risk to national security. The successful offeror will be required to demonstrate a Quality Assurance Program that complies with the requirements of the DOE Office of Fissile Materials Disposition Quality Assurance Program including, but not limited to, compliance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)/NQA-1, Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities; and ASME/NQA-2, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications. The successful offeror, if a large business, will be required to submit a subcontracting plan in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation, SUBPART 19.7 -- SUBCONTRACTING WITH SMALL BUSINESS, SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS AND WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS). Offerors are required to submit ten (10) paper copies of Standard Forms 254 and 255 and appropriate supplemental information to the attention of the DOE A&E Selection Board Executive Secretary, Mr. Terry Vlasich, at the following address: Department of Energy, Chicago Operations Office, Acquisition and Assistance Group, Building 201, Room 3F-02, 9800 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois60439. Length of offers shall be no more than 200 single-sided, 8-1/2" X 11", typed pages in a minimum12pt font with all margins not less than 1". Charts, tables and graphs may be in 8pt font. All pages in the submission must be consecutively numbered. Submissions not complying with this format will not be evaluated. Unnumbered pages and pages in excess of the 200 page limitation will not be evaluated. To be considered, responses must be received no later than April 17, 1998, 3 P.M. local time. The DOE identification number for this selection process is DE-AC02-98CH10903. Telephone inquiries and personal visits are discouraged. All questions must be submitted in writing and addressed to the board Executive Secretary or by e-mail to Terry.Vlasich@ch.doe.gov. All responses will be posted on the Chicago Operations Office Website at http://www.ch.doe.gov/business/ACQ.htm. DOE will attempt to answer all questions prior to the time set for submission of offers. However, the time set for submission of responses will not be extended merely to allow for posting of a response to a question. This is a Brooks Act selection process. No solicitation document will be issued. This is not an RFP. This is the last CBD announcement that will be made. Any amendments will be posted on the internet at the website address provided above. ****** (0061)

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