Loren Data Corp.




National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Contracts Operations Branch, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 6100, MSC 7902, Bethesda, MD 20892

65 -- MEDICAL, DENTAL & VETERINARY EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES SOL NHLBI-PS-98-251 DUE 031898 POC Deborah Coulter, Purchasing Agent, (301) 435-0368, FAX (301) 480-3345 The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute intends to purchase one (1) each Magnetic Dipole Assembly, consisting of a compact permanent magnet for the purpose of "Hall Effect Imaging", with the following specifications; the magnet should be of a dipole design, the accessible space between the two poles (useful volume) is 5cm by 10cm by 20cm. The useful volume needs to have open access from at least three sides. In the center portion of the useful volume that is 10cm by 8cm by 5cm in dimension, the field strength should exceed 1.OT. The magnet needs to be securely and safely assembled. The cost shall include all related fixtures, tooling, materials, engineering service, assembly, testing service and package of the finish product. The Standard Industrial classification is (SIC) Code 3845, Size Standard 500 employees. Vendors capable of furnishing the government with the equipment specified in this synopsis should submit a quotation to the to the below address. The quotation shall include the itemized price, the period of delivery, prompt payment discount terms, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNs), and descriptive literature of the product quoted identifying all of the required system specifications. The quotation must reference "Request for Quotation " #NHLBI-PS-98-251. Quotations will be due fifteen (15) calendar days from the publication date of this synopsis. All responsible sources may submit a quotation, which if timely received, shall be considered by the agency. The Small Business Set-A-Side has been lifted for this requirement. Quotations must be submitted in writing to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Contracts Operations Branch, Procurement Section, Building RKL2, room 6143, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892-7902, Attention Deborah Coulter, Purchasing Agent. Fax quotation will only be accepted if dated and signed by an authorized representative. (0062)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0235 19980305\65-0005.SOL)

65 - Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies Index Page