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U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Contracts Management Division (MD-33), Attention: OARSC, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

H -- NATIONAL PERFORMANCE AUDIT PROGRAM (NPAP) POC Sandra Clark, Contract Specialist (919)541-2213/Sue Miller, Contracting Officer (919)541-2213 E-MAIL: Click here to contact the Contract Specialist via e-mail, clark.sandra@epamail.epa.gov. The Environmental Protection Agency has a current contract, number 68D50057, with ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc. This completion type contract is in its final option period and requires the contractor to provide technical support to operate the NPAP on a completion basis. While EPA is preparing and conducting the new contract competition, work on NPAP needs to continue without interruption, if EPA is to meet its regulatory requirements and the requirements of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA). The function of NPAP is to assess the proficiency of agencies that are operating monitors in the State and Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS), and under Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) programs with one aspect of the minimum quality control (QC) program required under Section 2.0 of 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix A (SLAMS) and Appendix B (PSD). The NPAP audits are accomplished using a variety of mailable audit systems. There are approximately 5,000 air pollution monitors in the ambient air network comprised of the SLAMS and PSD sites. The SLAMS monitors are operated by approximately 170 state and local agencies, all of which are audited by the NPAP. Also included in the NPAP are approximately 135 private and governmental organizations. Additionally, there are 22 local agencies that operate Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Network (PAMS). The following criteria air pollutants will be audited under NPAP during the period of the proposed extension: high-volume/PM-10 (SSI/dichot) flow rate, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, lead (analysis and flow audited separately). Additionally, certain ozone precursors included in the PAMS are also audited. The Contractor must provide laboratory and office space, labor, and general equipment for performance of the tasks, which include, preparation and shipment of the audit systems, data entry and distribution, maintenance of the NPAP database, calibration, repair and maintenance of the audit systems. and technical problem resolution. The Contractor will be required to maintain a "help" line between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., local time. The SLAMS data are used to determine if an area is in attainment or nonattainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The economic impact of this can be in the millions of dollars and the integrity of the data to make this decision is essential. The NPAP is an integral regulatory required part of maintaining this data integrity. Only an extension of the present contract can provide uninterrupted, critical services while preserving the integrity of the data, while allowing EPA to meet its regulatory requirements and the requirements of CAAA. The current contract expires on June 30, 1998. However, the services, need to be continued without interruption, so that the Agency does not jeopardize the protection of the public health. Therefore, the Government intends to extend the period of performance of this contract with up to two six-month periods for a total of 12 months from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999, to allow for the continuation of critical on-going work. The Government believes that only the incumbent contractor has the knowledge and "know-how" to continue working with the on-going work without an extensive training and start-up period. It may not be practicable for the Government to substitute a replacement contractor(s) during the extended period of work due to the limited time work is needed, the Government's need to preserve the integrity of the data, and the expense of multiple transitions. The work to be completed during this time period requires the same expertise and qualifications as is currently required to perform the work under the contract. Specifically, ManTech has a unique understanding of the NPAP and is familiar with the unique features of the NPAP such as its computer software. The customized computer software developed by the contractor is a unique dynamic data system that is an integral part of the NPAP activities. Other contractors would require at least three months to become sufficiently familiar with the effort in order to be able to commence the NPAP. This is not an acceptable time frame during the summer audit activity. The seasonal audit activity associated with ozone and PAMS during the summer is critical. It may not be possible to have another firm(s) pick up the ongoing tasks and complete them as currently scheduled because of the loss of efficiency and unnecessary duplication of costs. Any other firm would require extensive training and familiarization with the on-going programs. Also, in order to provide technical support for the operation of NPAP, the contractor must have, as a minimum, knowledge of the following: NPAP-SOP-005: Computer Data Entry, Report Printing and Maintenance for the NPAP; NPAP-SOP-006: Data Validation for Data Bases of the NPAP; NPAP-SOP-007: Editing NPAP Data Bases; NPAP-SOP-008: Carbon Monoxide (CO) Audit; NPAP-SOP-009: Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Audit; NPAP-SOP-010:Nitric Oxide (NO) Audit; NPAP-SOP-011: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Audit; NPAP-SOP-012: Ozone (O3) Audit; NPAP-SOP-013: Dichot Audit; NPAP-SOP-014: Hi-Vol Audit; NPAP-SOP-015: Lead (Pb) Audit; NPAP-SOP-016: Analysis of Cylinders Containing CO, SO2, and NO; NPAP-SOP-017: VOC Audit; NPAP-SOP-018: Carbonyl Audit; and NERL-SOP-AMRD-004: SOP for the Audit Systems Verification; Quality Assurance Project Plan for the National Performance Audit Program (NPAP). The incumbent contractor has in place a qualified/trained contract acclimated staff in place which matches the unique immediate needs of the Agency to complete the on-going project on schedule. Interested parties who believe they can provide the required services are invited to submit, in writing, an affirmative response demonstrating an ability to immediately assume the on-going projects without disruption to the current operations and demonstrating a cost benefit to the Government in view of the short period of performance. Any written response must be received no later than 15 days after publication of this synopsis. In order to be responsive, the correspondence must be accompanied by a written narrative statement of capability, including detailed technical information sufficient to permit agency analysis in order to determine a bonafide capability to meet the Government's requirements. Responses without the required documentation will be considered non-responsive. This is NOT a formal notice of solicitation. No telephone or facsimile request will be honored. See Numbered Note 22. (0064)

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