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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Program Contract Service Center (3803R), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460-0001

A -- CLINCH RIVER ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT SOL D7E927 DUE 033098 POC Melissa Revely-Brown E-MAIL: revely-brown.melissa@epamail.epa.gov, revely-brown.melissa@epamail.epa.gov. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intends to award a firm fixed price contract using the Simplified Acquisition Procedures of FAR Part 13 to Tetra Tech, Inc. 10045 Red Run Blvd.Owings Mill, MD 21117 to provide a useful example of ecogolical risk assessment using the Clinch River Watershed, EPA must conduct several phases of the risk assessment process, including problem formulation, analysis, and risk characterization,. Substantial research has been conducted much of which is yet unpublished, that provides new data on the ecological functioning of the Watershed. The result of this research provide additional understanding of such Watershed aspects as the effects of environmental stressors on the endangered and threatened species in the Clinch river watershed. Any contractor/vendor able to meet requirement must demonstrate in writing by closing date. You may E-mail the contracting officer at revely-brown.melissa@epamail.epa.gov. Please include the following: Company Name; Address; Phone Number; Business Class; and Email Address. NO PHONE CALLS ACCEPTED. All questions must be addressed in writing and will be answered in writing. Quotes are due in writing no later than 15 days of notice of this solicitation. This is a combination synopsis/solicitation for these services and will be the only solicitation to be issued. Two copies of all proposals, for the following statement of work, should be delivered to the following address, (fax/e-mail copies will not be accepted): US EPA; 401 M Street, SW; Mail Code 3803R; Washington, DC 20460 Attn: Melissa Revely-Brown -- HANDCARRY TO: 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW; Bid and Proposal Room -- 6th floor; Washington, DC 20003; Attn: Melissa Revely-Brown -- Due Date: 3/30/98, 1997; -- 2:30pm EST (Any proposal received after the due date will not be considered or opened.) Scope of Work. This work funds collection, manipulation and management of GIS data necessary for comparing land use to ecological metrics, the basis for this risk assessment. The contractor shall complete input of TVA mussel and habitat data, other mussel and fish data along with USGS and EPA STORET water quality data and link it with GIS. Through GIS the contractor shall clarify the effect of upland and riparian land use factors on in-stream habitat quality and biological measurement endpoints. Using GIS the contractor shall prepare available STORET and other water quality data for specific reaches of the Clinch basin to biological measures for correlation analyses. The contractor shall prepare the data, using GIS, so individual stressors can be analyzed with respect to endpoints using spatial analysis. The contractor will prepare the GIS data to conduct analysis to determine confidence limits and uncertainty estimates for each combination of stressors in the four subwatersheds of the Clinch basin. Deliverable: The contractor shall prepare the GIS data for the necessary analysis to then prepare a scientifically defensible draft ecological risk assessment report, in accordance with the draft Ecological Risk Assessment guidelines. The contractor must ensure the accuracy of the GIS exercises. Acceptance Criteria: Useability, Technical Useability, Clarity Also required are: o Monthly progress reports that include interim drafts of products o Monthly financial statements for hours and costs o Biweekly telephone calls to discuss progress and issues that may arise (0067)

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