COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 11,1998 PSA#2049R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH
PRDA #98-35-MLK DUE 042398 POC Contract Bobbi Cunningham, Contract
Negotiator, (937) 255-5830 or Terry Rogers, Contracting Officer, (937)
255-5830 INTRODUCTION: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/MLKM) is
interested in receiving proposals (technical and cost) on the research
and development effort described below. Proposals in response to this
Program Research and Development Announcement (PRDA) shall be
submitted by April 23, 1998, 1500 hours, local time, addressed to Air
Force Research Laboratory, Directorate of R&D Contracting, Area B,
Building 7, 2530 C Street, ATTN: Bobbi Cunningham, AFRL/MLKM,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7607. This is an unrestricted
solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged to propose on all or any
part of this solicitation. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance
with this announcement. Proposal submission after the cutoff date
specified herein shall be treated in accordance with restrictions of
FAR 52.215-1(c)(3); a copy of this provision may be obtained from the
contracting point of contact. There will be no other solicitation
issued in regard to this requirement. Offerors should be alert for any
PRDA amendments which may be published. The announcement may be
amended to provide for subsequent dates for submission of proposals.
Offerors should request a copy of the AFRL Guide entitled "PRDA & BAA
Guide for Industry" dated November 1992. This guide was specifically
designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA process. The
"PRDA & BAA Guide for Industry" is available through either of the
following methods: (1) Download from the Internet. Go to the Air Force
Research Laboratory R&D Contracting Home Page and look under "A
Contracting Toolbox" for "PRDA/BAA Indexed Guide" at
http://www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract/, or, (2) Written request to Bobbi
Cunningham, AFRL/MLKM, Bldg 7, Area B, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson
AFB, OH, 45433-7607, telefax (937) 255-9217. Please provide written
requests to Bobbi Cunningham only if you are unable to download the
information from the Home Page. B -- REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical
Description: The program specified in this PRDA is designed to lead to
improved quantitative NDE capabilities. The emphasis of this program
is to establish a bridge between the basic (6.1 program element)
research output of both the in-house research group at the Materials
and Manufacturing Directorate and other Air Force and DoD sponsored
basic research, and the exploratory and advanced development (6.2 and
6.3 program elements) contractual programs. This bridging requires that
the results of the basic research be tested and the methodology adapted
to demonstrate feasibility for application to present and future Air
Force NDE needs. The on-going technical effort of this program will be
to establish the range of applicability of new advanced materials
characterization NDE techniques, imaging methods/signal processing
techniques and data analysis methods that are an out-growth of the
in-house research effort at the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate
and other efforts. This effort will be conducted on-site in the AFRL
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate's NDE Branch. The current
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate in-house NDE program is aimed
at developing advanced materials characterization and defect detection
methods which have the potential to provide approaches to meeting NDE
requirements for high cycle fatigue and corrosion. At the present
time, the research is concentrated in several areas. The first area
currently under investigation is a study of acoustic microscopy, laser
ultrasonics, x-ray diffraction and x-ray micro-tomography for
application to characterization of materials being developed or
experiencing in-service problems. A unique ultrafast laser ultrasonic
method was identified early in this project which has been shown to
provide the data necessary to characterize thin film properties. The
second area being studied is the development of NDE methods for high
cycle fatigue. A variety of high resolution methods such as acoustic
microscopy are being utilized to identify early evidence of crack
initiation. A third area of work is data and image analysis. It is the
overall goal of this work to develop methods which can isolate flaw
signals and material anomalies/microstructure in the presence of
material and electronic noise. Currently wavelet analysis methods are
being studied for application to ultrasonic images of corrosion and
material microstructure and x-ray CT generated images with poor
contrast resolution. This program shall consist of two on-going tasks
which shall be conducted concurrently. In Task I, the contractor shall
conduct an investigation to define the advantages and limitations of
at least three measurement techniques or data analysis methods
developed under the Air Force and/or DoD basic research program. A
minimum of two measurement techniques or data analysis methods shall be
investigated concurrently. The techniques of interest are measurement
methods sensitive to material properties, microstructure, or structural
flaws, and data analysis methods which are capable of improving the
reliability of flaw detection or materials characterization. Thefirst
two on-going developments that shall be investigated are as follows:
(1) An investigation of the potential of acoustic microscopy in the
frequency range from 1 MHz to 1 GHz to characterize material properties
in materials and components undergoing high cycle fatigue. Other
characterization tools shall be utilized to benchmark the acoustic
microscopy measurements and establish the applicability limits. (2) An
assessment of the potential of the ultrafast laser ultrasonic method
to characterize a variety of coatings and thin films of importance to
the Air Force. Other high resolution characterization tools shall be
utilized to benchmark the properties of the films over a range of
thickness and density variations. For each development, the contractor
shall identify those features of the physical inspection situation,
such as part geometry, material properties, etc., which might affect
the accuracy or reliability of the technique. The contractor shall then
design and perform experiments to assess the severity of the
degradation of the results of the inspection technique due to these or
any other consideration. In order to insure optimum performance of
each technique, the contractor shall utilize state of the art
experimental apparatus to perform the assessment. This may require the
periodic upgrading of existing systems or purchase of small quantities
of data acquisition and analysis equipment (ADPE) to add new
capabilities to these systems. Additional research projects within this
task shall be mutually agreed upon and selected from the output of the
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate's in-house effort and other
Air Force basic programs for investigation after completion of either
or both of the initial efforts. Neither of the on-going efforts are
expected to take the full period of the contract to accomplish. After
either or both of these on-going tasks are completed another problem
area will be mutually agreed upon. It is not possible to predict which
other research areas will yield developments suitable for transition.
However, areas under consideration include NDE material
characterization methods for detecting and tracking the onset of
corrosion, NDE of electronic component packaging and the development of
sensors for material/process evaluation. In Task II, the contractor
shall assess the feasibility of applying the technique(s) identified in
Task I to current and anticipated Air Force inspection and evaluation
problems. This task shall be concerned with such factors as
sensitivity, reliability, cost effectiveness and comparison with
existing methods. The contractor shall become familiar with current and
potential Air Force inspection problems through consultations with the
Air Force. In addition, the contractor shall make at least two
fact-finding trips per year to other Air Force installations and/or
technical meetings where such problems are discussed. The contractor
shall utilize this information to select the most likely application
areas for each of the techniques studied in Task I. The contractorshall
then determine the applicability of each technique to the selected
areas. For each technique, the factors to be considered in making the
assessment shall include the technique's estimated sensitivity and
inspection reliability vs. the requirements, its cost effectiveness in
terms of such factors as acquisition cost of instrumentation and
implementation and maintenance costs for a complex technique and,
lastly, a comparison of the technique with existing inspection methods
in terms of the factors given above. For each technique,
demonstrations of the possible benefits on problems of interest to
potential users shall be performed when feasible. (2) Deliverable
Items: The following deliverable data items will be required: (a)
Status Report, DI-MGMT-80368/T, monthly, (b) Funds and Man-hour
Expenditure Report, DI-FNCL-80331/T, monthly, (c) Contract Funds Status
Report (CFSR), DI-MGMT-81468/T, quarterly, (d) Presentation Material,
DI-ADMN-81373/T, as required, (e) Scientific and Technical Reports,
Contractor's Billing Voucher, DI-MISC-80711/T, monthly, (f) Scientific
and Technical Reports, Final Report, DI-MISC-80711/T, end of contract
(Draft and Reproducible Final Version) (3) Security Requirements: DD
Form 254 requirements do not apply. 4. Other Special Requirements:
International Traffic in Arms Regulations does not apply. C --
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: The
total length of technical effort is estimated to be 48 months. The
contract will also include an additional five (5) months for
processing/completion of the final report. (2) Expected Award Date:
SEPTEMBER 1998 (3) Government Estimate: The Government funding profile
is estimated to be as follows: FY98 -- $50K, FY99 -- $1200K, FY00 --
$1225K, FY01 -$1250K, FY02 -- $1150K. More than one award could be made
for this PRDA; the funding shown is the total for all awards. This
funding profile is an estimate only and is not a promise for funding as
all funding is subject to change due to Government discretion
andavailability. (4) Type of Contract: Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) or
Cost (no fee). Any grants awarded will be cost (no fee). (5) Government
Furnished Property/Base Support: It is anticipated that a cost
effective proposal will rely extensively on the effective utilization
of available Government Furnished Property. Government Furnished
Property for this program includes NDE and X-Ray CT Test Facilities at
WPAFB and materials to be used as test specimens. The Government shall
provide, on a no charge-for-use basis, through the auspices of the Air
Force Research Laboratory, the full-time use of the Metals, Ceramics
& NDE Division NDE and X-Ray CT Test Facilities, located respectively
in Buildings 655 and 71, Area B, Wright-Patterson AFB for performance
of the specified work. The accountability of the equipment shall remain
with the Air Force Research Laboratory. The offeror shall be
responsible for maintenance of any equipment used during the effort.
Quantities of materials for test specimens will be providedas required
to complete the proposed evaluations. A listing of the available
Government Furnished Property and Base Support, can be accessed via the
AFRL R&D Contracting Home Page described in Section A of this
announcement. (6) Size Status: For the purpose of this acquisition, the
size standard is 1000 employees (SIC 8731). (7) Notice to Foreign-Owned
Firms: Such firms are asked to immediately notify the Air Force point
cited below upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Foreign
contractors should be aware that restrictions may apply which could
preclude their participation in this acquisition. (8) The government
may issue a grant to a university or non-profit institution as a result
of this action. (9) Teaming arrangements between Universities and
Private Industry will also be considered and are encouraged. (10) The
NDE facility will be open on March 19, 1998 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
for potential contractor walk-through. Interested sources should
indicate their intention to attend by providing written notice to Bobbi
Cunningham (tele facsimile (937) 255-9217) no later than COB March 12,
1998. This notice should include the individuals' names and their
titles of those expected to attend. Participation is limited to five
(5) attendees per offeror. Responses should include the following: (1)
Description of team background and experience related to the above
areas and (2) Discussion of any recent efforts which have been
accomplished in the specific research area to indicate that the offeror
is a qualified source. Attendees will report to the Visitor's Office,
Gate 1B, Area B. Please contact Dr. Thomas J. Moran, MLLP, (937)
255-9800 for an escort . D -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1)
General Instructions: Offerors should apply the restrictive notice
prescribed in the provision at FAR 52.215-1(e), Instructions to
offerors-Competitive Acquisitions (Restriction on Disclosure and Use of
Data), to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial
information contained in their proposals. Proposal questions should be
directed to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere herein.
Offerors should consider instructions contained in the "AFRL PRDA and
BAA Guide for Industry" referenced in Section A of this announcement.
Technical and cost proposals, submitted in separate volumes, are
required and must be valid for 180 days after the proposal date.
Proposals must reference the above PRDA number on all Proposal Volumes.
Proposals shall be submitted in an original and five (5) copies. All
responsible sources may submit a proposal which will be considered
against the criteria set forth herein. Offerors are advised that only
contracting officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or
otherwise commit the government. (2) Cost Proposal: Adequate price
competition is anticipated. The accompanying cost proposal/price
breakdown shall be supplied, together with supporting schedules and
shall contain a person-hour breakdown per task by fiscal year. (3)
Technical Proposal: The technical proposal shall include a discussion
of the nature and scope of the research and the technical approach.
Additional information on prior experience in this area, descriptions
of available equipment, data and facilities, and resumes of personnel
who will be participating in this effort should also be included as
attachments to the technical proposal and are not included in the page
limit. The technical proposal shall include a Statement of Work (SOW)
detailing the technical tasks proposed to be accomplished under the
proposed effort and suitable for contract incorporation. Offerors
should refer to the AFRL Guide referenced in Section A to assist in SOW
preparation. PL 98-94 applies. Offerors must submit an approved DD Form
2345, Export-Controlled DOD Technical Data Agreement, with their
proposal. Any questions concerning the technical proposal or Statement
of Work preparation shall be referred to the Technical Point of
Contact cited in this announcement. (4) Page Limitations: The technical
proposal shall be limited to 75 pages (12 font type or larger), double
spaced, single sided, 8.5 by 11 inches. The page limitation includes
all information i.e., indexes, photographs, foldouts, appendices,
attachments, etc. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be
considered by the government. Cost proposals have no limitation;
however, offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to 75 pages as
a goal. (5) Preparation Cost: If selected for negotiations, qualifying
offerors will be required to submit a subcontracting plan. This
announcement does not commit the Government to pay for any response
preparation cost. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this
PRDA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting or
any other contract. However, it may be an allowable expense to the
normal bid and proposal indirect cost as specified in FAR 31.205-18. E
-- BASIS FOR AWARD: The selection of one or more sources for contract
award will be based on a scientific and/or engineering evaluation of
offerors' responses (both technical and cost aspects) to determine the
overall merit of your proposal in response to the announcement. The
technical aspect, which is ranked as the first order of priority, and
significantly more important than cost or price, shall be evaluated
based upon the following criteria which are listed in descending order
of importance: (a) The offeror must demonstrate the availability of
the following: qualified personnel with sufficient demonstrated
expertise and relevant experience to carry out this program on-site at
the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, an adequate staff and
facilities to provide engineering support and administrative backup to
the on-site team and a detailed plan to man the on-site staff in a
flexible manner in order to have personnel with optimum skills at each
stage of the development. ; (b) The offeror must demonstrate that he
understands the present NDE state-of-the-art with respect to equipment
and techniques including both the hardware and software to implement
them, reliability andcosts for the inspection of complex geometries and
structures and advanced materials and the limitations imposed by the
field and depot environments on possible NDE measurements; (c)
soundness of offeror's technical approach; (d) the offeror's past
experience with NDE research and development; (e) organization,
clarity, and thoroughness of the proposed Statement of Work; and (g)
overall management approach and plan, including the offeror's
demonstration of a proactive management approach and a plan to maintain
the proposed schedule, bill the government for work promptly, and
ensure the achievement of expenditure rates at or above 75% within a
fiscal year. Cost and/or price, which includes consideration of
proposed budgets and funding profiles, is ranked as the second order of
priority. The technical and cost information will be evaluated at the
same time. No other evaluation criteria will be used. The Air Force
reserves the right to select for award of a contract, grant or
cooperative agreement any, all, part, or none of the proposals
received. Award of a grant to universities or non profit institutions
or cooperative agreement, in lieu of a contract, will be considered and
will be subject to the mutual agreement of the parties. The government
reserves the right to award any resulting contract pursuant to the
Research and Development Standard Contract format in DFARS 235.70. F --
POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Technical Contact Point: Questions on technical
issues may be referred to the Project Engineer, Thomas J. Moran,
AFRL/MLLP, Bldg 655, 2230 Tenth Street, Suite 1, WPAFB, OH 45433-7817,
(937) 255-9800 (2) Contracting/Cost Point of Contact: Questions on
contractual and cost issues should be directed to the Air Force
Research Laboratory, Directorate of Research and Development
Contracting, Bobbi Cunningham, AFRL/MLKM, Building 7, 2530 C Street,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7607 (937) 255-5830. G -- OMBUDSMAN: An
Ombudsman has been appointed to hear concerns from offerors and
potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this
acquisition. The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the
authority of the Contracting Officer, but to communicate contractor
concerns, issues, disagreements and recommendations to the appropriate
government personnel. All potential offerors should use established
channels to maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the
concern. The Ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of
proposals or in (0068) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0008 19980311\A-0008.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page