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Department of Army, New England District, Corps of Engineers, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751

Z -- SMITH RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, FRANKLIN FALLS DAM, HILL, NH SOL DACW33-98-B-0006 DUE 052798 POC Carol K. Husselbee, 978-318-8420 E-MAIL: Procurement Technician, Carol K. Husselbee@usace.army.mil. This project involves the replacement of the Smith River Bridge located in the flood control reservoir area of the Franklin Falls Dam in Hill, New Hampshire. Work involves the demolition and disposal of the existing bridge and associated structures and the construction of a new 44 foot span concrete bridge and related items in its place. Specific items of work include demolition and disposal of an existing bridge, control and diversion of the waters of the Smith River, erosion and sedimentation control, clearing and grubbing, excavation and backfilling, construction concrete footings, abutment walls, and wingwalls, placing a precast concrete bridge deck, erecting steel bridge guardrails and approach guardrails, placing bituminous concrete pavement on the new bridge deck and approaches, placing stone protection in the channel of the Smith River, and establishing turf. The work of this project is within an area subject to inundation during times when water is being impounded by the Franklin Falls Dam. Estimated cost of the work is between $100,000.00 and $250,000.00. Work shall be completed within 120 calendar days after receipt of a Notice to Proceed. Plans and Specifications available on or about 4/22/98 at a cost of $27.00 per set. All responsible sources may submit a bid which will be considered by the New England District. (0082)

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