Loren Data Corp.




GOVERNMENT TESTS TO EVALUATE THE CURRENT STATE OF PASSIVE SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES This is a revised notice to Special Notice Submission No. 184089 of 30 March 1998. The sentence that is in all capitals shows the change from the previous Special Notice. The Government tests are to evaluate the current state of passive sensor technologies to detect, track, and identify tactical targets encountered on the USMC battlefield. The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), Dahlgren VA, is inviting passive sensor developers to participate in a series of Government evaluation tests. These tests are part of an assessment of the current level of development and future potential of passive sensor technologies. The published test results will provide guidance for future USMC acquisition and technology investment strategy. Any operating sensor, regardless of the development status (breadboard, prototype, fielded, or commercial off-the-shelf) and regardless of the sensor technology (e.g.: acoustic, optical, infrared, electronic support measures) may apply. SENSORS THAT MAY BE SUITABLE FOR AIRBORNE APPLICATION ON A STATIONARY, LIGHTER THAN AIR PLATFORM (MAX PAYLOAD 150 LBS) ARE ALSO OF INTEREST. Active (radar, laser, etc.) sensor developers may also apply. But, active sensor participation will be limited based on technology merits and compliance with test site restrictions. Participants shall provide the sensor, sensor operators, and any required sensor spares and maintenance. Participants shall also provide recorded sensor performance data to the Government on a media and in a format to be specified. The Government will make target truth data available to participants. Sensors must be "man portable" (capable of being transported, set-up, and operated by two persons). Some preliminary unscored test runs will be conducted for sensor setup and calibration. Testing is currently scheduled for June 15 through June 26, 1998 and may be conducted at any or all of the following test sites; NSWCDD, NAS Pax River, Fort A. P. Hill, Wallops Island, and other test sites in the mid-Atlantic region. Testtargets that are planned include aircraft (fixed wing, rotary wing, unmanned aerial vehicle), tracked and wheeled ground vehicles, and personnel. Costs: ALL PARTICIPANT INVOLVEMENT IN THE INDUSTRY BRIEFING AND IN THE SENSOR EVALUATION TESTING SHALL BE AT NO COST TO THE GOVERNMENT An industry briefing will be conducted at NSWCDD, Dahlgren VA on 15 May 1998. Those wishing to attend shall notify Ralph Dickerson (NSWCDD) phone (540)653-8558 no later than 8 May 1998. Additional details about the evaluation tests and data reporting requirements will be supplied during the briefing. All applicants will receive a transcript of the proceedings. Applications to participate in the evaluation testing must be received, in writing, no later than close of business 15 May 1998 and must contain sensor specifications, a history of development of the sensor, and a request for any required support. Participation in the evaluation tests may be limited at the discretion of the Government. Applicants will be notified of acceptance/rejection of their application no later than 22 May 1998. Participants will be provided with a final test report no later than 60 days after completion of testing. WEB: NSWCDD Procurement Division Web Page, http://www.nswc.navy.mil. E-MAIL: Point of Contact for this Special Notice, rdicker@nswc.navy.mil.

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