COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF APRIL 29,1998 PSA#2084Office of Naval Research, 800 North Quincy St., Arlington, VA
DUE 042999 POC Mr. Peter Morrison (703) 696-0553 BAA 98-015 The Office
of Naval Research (ONR), Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division
(NAWCWPNS), and Naval Surface Warfare Division, Dahlgren Division
(NSWCDD) are interested in industry responses for the Naval Air and
Surface Weapons Technology (NASWT) program. The vision of this
time-phased, goal-oriented program is to maintain the Naval Air and
Surface Weapons Technology edge through the 21st century. The desirable
weapons capability attributes are: affordable, precise, mission
adaptive, mission responsive, insensitive, safe, higher performance and
higher effectiveness. The Naval Air and Surface Weapons Technology
(NASWT) program supports four operational Naval mission areas: air
superiority, ship-based defense, naval surface fire support, and
precision strike. Time-phased technology goals for the 2005, 2010, and
2015 time-frames have been established. The technologies developed and
demonstrated to achieve these goals will allow for significant
warfighting payoffs in the four mission areas. Proposed technologies
which do not require unique processes and materials for manufacturing
are of extreme interest. Teaming among various offerors to achieve
total mission area success is encouraged. Cost sharing is not required;
however, demonstrated commitment to the program through cost sharing is
encouraged. Interested offerors should contact the NASWT POC, Mr. Peter
Morrison, at (703) 696-0553 for a copy of the NASWT mission area goals.
INDUSTRY BRIEFING DAY: Interested offerors are encouraged to attend an
industry briefing to be held approximately thirty (30) days after
publication of this announcement. Offerors desiring to attend industry
day must notify the NASWT POC within fifteen (15) days of the date of
this announcement of their interest and the names of up to five (5)
representatives who will attend the briefing on their behalf. Offerors
attending the briefing will receive a complete set of the current
mission area goals and payoffs, and an example of the detailed plan's
(identified below) preferred presentation content DETAILED PLANS: These
plans, consisting of no more than twenty-five (25) pages, should be
submitted within forty-five (45) days of the Industry Briefing and must
show the following: (1) identification of which mission area goals will
be achieved by the plan; (2) an estimate of the warfighter payoffs from
achievement of these goals; (3) the path to achieve these goals,
through identification of the technical objectives in the taxonomy
areas of weapon system fire control, weapon guidance and control,
projectile aeromechanics, ordnance, propulsion, and Naval gun systems
and launcher; (4) identification of the technical challenges that must
be overcome to meet the objectives; (5) identification of the approach
to be taken to overcome the challenges; and (6) identification of the
proposed tasks that will overcome the technical challenges and meet the
overall objectives to achieve the goals. Any proposed rocket propulsion
efforts must be consistent with the goals of the DoD/NASA/Industry
Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology (IHPRPT) program
and any propulsion turbine engine work shall be consistent with the
goals of the Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology
(IHPTET) program. Proposed technology demonstrators required to
demonstrate the achievement of the goals shall be identified. The plan
must also include roadmaps which identify: (1) the proposed tasks, (2)
the total funding required by task and by fiscal year to achieve the
mission area goals; (3) any known work funded by DoD or other
government agencies which can be leveraged to meet the mission area
goals (including existing Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)
contracts, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs),
any current or planned industry IR&D activities, and
government-sponsored basic research); and (4) any government or
commercial transition opportunities for the developed and demonstrated
weapon system technologies. These detailed plans may form the basis
for a Naval plan to achieve these goals. These detailed plans may also
be used as the basis for identifying potential contracting and CRADA
opportunities. Single task proposals and plans that do not address a
mission area in total will not be accepted. TECHNICAL ABSTRACTS &
PROPOSALS: The Government will review submitted detailed plans and
notify the particular offeror of the relative merits of each proposed
task. Offerors will then be invited to submit a one-page technical
abstract on each of the tasks from their detailed plan. Abstracts will
be due within thirty days of request. Based on the Government's
evaluation of these abstracts, the offeror may be requested to submit
a fifteen page technical and fully detailed cost proposal. Abstracts
and proposals not selected for funding will be acknowledged. The
detailed plans, abstracts, and proposals will be evaluated based on the
following criteria, which are listed in descending order of importance:
1) Responsiveness to mission area goals; 2) Potential payoff of the
effort to the warfighter; 3) Overall technical merit; 4) Risk posed by
technical challenges and potential to succeed; 5) The qualifications
of the proposed offeror, the principal investigator and key personnel;
6) The proposed program milestones and deliverables; 7) System and
technology affordability; 8) Available funds. For any questions
relating to the air superiority and precision strike mission area
goals, please contact Mr. Tom Loftus (760) 939-3544, Mr. Frank
Markarian (760) 939-3241, or Mr. James Chew at (703) 588-0703. For any
questions relating to the ship based defense and naval surface fire
support mission area goals, please contact Mr. Robin Staton (540)
653-8901, Mr. Gil Graff (540) 653-4099, or Mr. James Chew at (703)
588-0703. For any questions relating to overall procedures, please
contact the NASWT BAA POC, Mr. Peter Morrison, (703) 696-0553. For any
questions relating to the preparation of cost proposals please contact
Ms. Lee Ann Boyer, (703) 696-4841. Strict confidentiality of
proprietary information will be maintained provided the information is
properly labeled. All submissions will be protected from unauthorized
disclosure in accordance with FAR 15.413, applicable law and agency
regulations. The government may use selected support contractors as
special resources to review submitted proposals. FUNDING: This
announcement provides no funding for white papers, detailed plans,
abstracts, technical/cost proposals, or attendance at the industry
symposium. No funds have been appropriated for this effort, which is
anticipated to be funded with FY99 and later appropriations. It is
anticipated that, contracts will be the instruments used for any awards
made under this announcement. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency
Announcement (BAA) as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Unless otherwise
stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will
a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be
issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The Government
reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the proposals
received in response to this announcement. This BAA shall remain open
for one year from the date of publication; however, proposals received
outside the designated time frames set forth for herein shall be
considered only to the extent that funding remains available beyond the
initial selection. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is
8731 with the small business size of 500 employees. Full cost proposals
that exceed $500,000 submitted by, but small businesses, must be
accompanied by a Small Disadvantaged and Woman Owned Small Business
Subcontracting Plan in accordance with FAR 52.219-9. No portion of this
BAA has been set aside for HBCU and MI participants, though their
participation is encouraged. For awards made as contracts, evaluation
of the socio-economic merits of the proposal shall include the extent
of commitment in providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for
small business, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned small
business concerns, historically black colleges, universities and
minority institutions. BAA 98-015 The Office of Naval Research (ONR),
Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (NAWCWPNS), and Naval
Surface Warfare Division, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) are interested in
industry responses for the Naval Air and Surface Weapons Technology
(NASWT) program. The vision of this time-phased, goal-oriented program
is to maintain the Naval Air and Surface Weapons Technology edge
through the 21st century. The desirable weapons capability attributes
are: affordable, precise, mission adaptive, mission responsive,
insensitive, safe, higher performance and higher effectiveness. The
Naval Air and Surface Weapons Technology (NASWT) program supports four
operational Naval mission areas: air superiority, ship-based defense,
naval surface fire support, and precision strike. Time-phased
technology goals for the 2005, 2010, and 2015 time-frames have been
established. The technologies developed and demonstrated to achieve
these goals will allow for significant warfighting payoffs in the four
mission areas. Proposed technologies which do not require unique
processes and materials for manufacturing are of extreme interest.
Teaming among various offerors to achieve total mission area success is
encouraged. Cost sharing is not required; however, demonstrated
commitment to the program through cost sharing is encouraged.
Interested offerors should contact the NASWT POC, Mr. Peter Morrison,
at (703) 696-0553 for a copy of the NASWT mission area goals. INDUSTRY
BRIEFING DAY: Interested offerors are encouraged to attend an industry
briefing to be held approximately thirty (30) days after publication of
this announcement. Offerors desiring to attend industry day must notify
the NASWT POC within fifteen (15) days of the date of this announcement
of their interest and the names of up to five (5) representatives who
will attend the briefing on their behalf. Offerors attending the
briefing will receive a complete set of the current mission area goals
and payoffs, and an example of the detailed plan's (identified below)
preferred presentation content DETAILED PLANS: These plans, consisting
of no more than twenty-five (25) pages, should be submitted within
forty-five (45) days of the Industry Briefing and must show the
following: (1) identification of which mission area goals will be
achieved by the plan; (2) an estimate of the warfighter payoffs from
achievement of these goals; (3) the path to achieve these goals,
through identification of the technical objectives in the taxonomy
areas of weapon system fire control, weapon guidance and control,
projectile aeromechanics, ordnance, propulsion, and Naval gun systems
and launcher; (4) identification of the technical challenges that must
be overcome to meet the objectives; (5) identification of the approach
to be taken to overcome the challenges; and (6) identification of the
proposed tasks that will overcome the technical challenges and meet the
overall objectives to achieve the goals. Any proposed rocket propulsion
efforts must be consistent with the goals of the DoD/NASA/Industry
Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology (IHPRPT) program
and any propulsion turbine engine work shall be consistent with the
goals of the Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology
(IHPTET) program. Proposed technology demonstrators required to
demonstrate the achievement of the goals shall be identified. The plan
must also include roadmaps which identify: (1) the proposed tasks, (2)
the total funding required by task and by fiscal year to achieve the
mission area goals; (3) any known work funded by DoD or other
government agencies which can be leveraged to meet the mission area
goals (including existing Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)
contracts, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs),
any current or planned industry IR&D activities, and
government-sponsored basic research); and (4) any government or
commercial transition opportunities for the developed and demonstrated
weapon system technologies. These detailed plans may form the basis
for a Naval plan to achieve these goals. These detailed plans may also
be used as the basis for identifying potential contracting and CRADA
opportunities. Single task proposals and plans that do not address a
mission area in total will not be accepted. TECHNICAL ABSTRACTS &
PROPOSALS: The Government will review submitted detailed plans and
notify the particular offeror of the relative merits of each proposed
task. Offerors will then be invited to submit a one-page technical
abstract on each of the tasks from their detailed plan. Abstracts will
be due within thirty days of request. Based on the Government's
evaluation of these abstracts, the offeror may be requested to submit
a fifteen page technical and fully detailed cost proposal. Abstracts
and proposals not selected for funding will be acknowledged. The
detailed plans, abstracts, and proposals will be evaluated based on the
following criteria, which are listed in descending order of importance:
9) Responsiveness to mission area goals; 10) Potential payoff of the
effort to the warfighter; 11) Overall technical merit; 12) Risk posed
by technical challenges and potential to succeed; 13) The
qualifications of the proposed offeror, the principal investigator and
key personnel; 14) The proposed program milestones and deliverables;
15) System and technology affordability; 16) Available funds. For any
questions relating to the air superiority and precision strike mission
area goals, please contact Mr. Tom Loftus (760) 939-3544, Mr. Frank
Markarian (760) 939-3241, or Mr. James Chew at (703) 588-0703. For any
questions relating to the ship based defense and naval surface fire
support mission area goals, please contact Mr. Robin Staton (540)
653-8901, Mr. Gil Graff (540) 653-4099, or Mr. James Chew at (703)
588-0703. For any questions relating to overall procedures, please
contact the NASWT BAA POC, Mr. Peter Morrison, (703) 696-0553. For any
questions relating to the preparation of cost proposals please contact
Ms. Lee Ann Boyer, (703) 696-4841. Strict confidentiality of
proprietary information will be maintained provided the information is
properly labeled. All submissions will be protected from unauthorized
disclosure in accordance with FAR 15.413, applicable law and agency
regulations. The government may use selected support contractors as
special resources to review submitted proposals. FUNDING: This
announcement provides no funding for white papers, detailed plans,
abstracts, technical/cost proposals, or attendance at the industry
symposium. No funds have been appropriated for this effort, which is
anticipated to be funded with FY99 and later appropriations. It is
anticipated that, contracts will be the instruments used for any awards
made under this announcement. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency
Announcement (BAA) as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Unless otherwise
stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will
a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be
issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The Government
reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the proposals
received in response to this announcement. This BAA shall remain open
for one year from the date of publication; however, proposals received
outside the designated time frames set forth for herein shall be
considered only to the extent that funding remains available beyond the
initial selection. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is
8731 with the small business size of 500 employees. Full cost proposals
that exceed $500,000 submitted by, but small businesses, must be
accompanied by a Small Disadvantaged and Woman Owned Small Business
Subcontracting Plan in accordance with FAR 52.219-9. No portion of this
BAA has been set aside for HBCU and MI participants, though their
participation is encouraged. For awards made as contracts, evaluation
of the socio-economic merits of the proposal shall include the extent
of commitment in providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for
small business, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned small
business concerns, historically black colleges, universities and
minority institutions. (0117) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0001 19980429\A-0001.SOL)
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