Loren Data Corp.




Commercial Acquisition Department, Bldg 11, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport, Code 59, Simonpietri Dr., Newport, RI 02841-1708

70 -- SPARES FOR MSTRAP PROCESSOR SOL N66604-98-Q-3768 DUE 050798 POC G. Shenberger, at (401) 832-3006, x324; Fax (401) 832-4519 WEB: NAVAL UNDERSEA WARFARE CENTER DIVISION, NEWPORT, http://www.npt.nuwc.navy.mil/contract/. E-MAIL: Geraldine Shenberger, shenberger@code59.npt.nuwc.navy.mil. 17. DESCRIPTION: The Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Newport, Rhode Island requires spares for the Multi-Sensor Torpedo Recognition and Altertment Processor (MSTRAP) for OPEVAL. These spares must be exact duplicates of those in the MSTRAP because compatibility is essential in order to preserve the integrity of the system. NUWCDIVNPT intends to purchase 8 each Frequency Engineering Laboratory Power Control Assembly, PN K434000068; 6 each FEL Data Cable (AS to PCA), PN K434001016; 1 each FEL Filter, PN P090008801; and 2 each FEL Panel Contol Display, PN K4340010001. We will use FAR Part 12 and 13 procedures. We intend to solicit 7 May 1998 and award on 8 May 1998. (0120)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0370 19980504\70-0004.SOL)

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