FOR HEALTHCARE U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of
Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001 Announcement
Infrastructure for Healthcare July 8-9, 1998 Gaithersburg, Md. National
Institute of Standards and Technology As part of the Commerce
Department's Technology Administration, the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) works to promote U.S. economic growth
by working with industry to develop and apply technology, measurements,
and standards. NIST carries out its mission through a portfolio of four
major programs: Measurement and Standards Laboratories that provide
technical leadership for vital components of the nation's technology
infrastructure needed by U.S. industry to continually improve its
products and services; a rigorously competitive Advanced Technology
Program providing cost-shared awards to industry for development of
high-risk, enabling technologies with broad economic potential; a
grassroots Manufacturing Extension Partnership with a nationwide
network of local centers offering technical and business assistance to
smaller manufacturers; and a highly visible quality outreach program
associated with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award that
recognizes continuous improvements in quality management by U.S.
manufacturers and service companies. In fiscal year 1998, NIST is
operating on a budget of about $790 million with nearly 3,300 staff
members at its sites in Gaithersburg, Md., and Boulder, Colo. News and
general information about NIST programs and services are available on
the World Wide Web at http://www.nist.gov, or you can call General
Inquiries at (301) 975-3058 or e-mail: inquiries@nist.gov About the ATP
The ATP is a unique partnership between government and private industry
to accelerate the development of high-risk technologies that promise
significant commercial payoffs and widespread benefits for the economy.
Managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the ATP
encourages a change in how industry approaches R&D, providing a
mechanism for industry to extend its technological reach and push out
the envelope of what can be attempted. The globalization of markets and
the pace of changing technology continue to drive private R&D to
narrower, shorter term investments to maximize returns to the company.
Most private capital sources are reluctant to invest in anything less
than a "sure thing." In sharing the relatively high development risk
of technologies that potentially enable a broad range of new commercial
opportunities, possibly across several industries, the ATP fosters
projects with a high payoff for the nation as a whole, in addition to
strong corporate rates of return. The ATP is designed to stimulate
joint research ventures that link small, medium, and large suppliers
and other organizations with end users to solve a generic problem
common to all. Workshop Background Since 1994, the ATP has supported a
focused program in Information Infrastructure for Healthcare (IIH)
that addresses the innovation and re-engineering of information
technology related to the medical facility and delivery system.
Evolutionary changes and advances in medical informatics will move
segmented applications of information systems toward a seamless
information infrastructure. Overcoming the high technical risks in
systems engineering will ensure the reliability, availability,
maintainability, data integrity, and high level of confidence needed to
make data available for every patient 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The technical goals of the ATP-IIH focused program are to help the
U.S. healthcare industry develop new technologies for reliable storage
and retrieval of complex medical information for varied applications;
real-time, data-driven medical decisions; real-time data entry by
mobile medical records with accuracy, speed, and security; and
computer-based medical training, diagnostic, and reference tools. These
technologies are being developed at each of the three consecutive
levels:technologies to form the foundation of a private-sector-driven,
nationwide information system, including tools for enterprise
integration, domain identification, and business process modeling;
technologies to make such a system efficient and user friendly,
including computerized knowledge-based systems, digital libraries, and
natural language processing; and applications that directly meet
healthcare users' needs, such as clinical decision support systems and
consumer health information and education systems. Since the
processing of information captures a significant percentage of the
dollars spent on healthcare, achievement of the technical goals of this
ATP focused program will foster domestic capability ultimately to
develop products that will reduce healthcare costs, improve the quality
of healthcare, and capture global market share of new and improved
products and services. To date, the ATP-IIH focused program has funded
32 industry-proposed and -executed projects with estimated ATP funds
of $146.5 million and $149.2 million of industry-matching funds
committed over five years. Workshop Goal This meeting will bring
together all ATP project participants in the focused program, as well
as other interested parties, to present overviews and demonstrations of
the non-proprietary aspects of their research and development
activities. This workshop will focus not only on the research and
development efforts underway but also upon the business applications
and commercialization plans of the technologies developed. The workshop
objectives are to: -inform the medical informatics and
venture/financial capital communities of the progress to date in
developing new technologies, as well as their commercial potential;
-promote cross-fertilization of concepts and efforts; -promote
strategic partnering between companies and other organizations in the
medical informatics community; -accelerate commercialization of
promising technologies emerging from the research; and -promote
networking among ATP awardees and members of the user community.
Workshop Format The workshop format will include two days of
presentations of project advancements and demonstrations of project
prototypes. These presentations and demonstrations will highlight
potential uses of the technologies and associated commercial
opportunities. The workshop will allow parties seeking
commercialization and funding assistance, those wishing to establish
contacts with potential customers, and those wishing to identify new
investment opportunities to come together to satisfy mutual interests.
The morning of the first day of the meeting will feature keynote
speakers addressing topics relevant to the future of information
technologies for healthcare. Beginning in the afternoon of the first
day and carrying over into the second day, representatives from each of
the ATP-IIH projects will make a short presentation highlighting
technical successes and, equally important, potential business
opportunities. In addition to formal presentations, the agenda will
include demonstrations of prototypes. There will be ample opportunities
for networking and open discussion during the meeting. What will make
this workshop different from the first one, held in October 1996, is
that the audience focus this year will include emphasis on the
commercial potential of the technologies under development, as well as
technical successes. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. and the meeting
will adjourn by 5 p.m. on both days. Location The workshop will be held
at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Administration
Building (101), Green Auditorium, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Gaithersburg
is located approximately 20 miles north of Washington, D.C. General
Information: Registration The registration fee of $115 per person
includes workshop materials, coffee breaks, and lunches. The enclosed
registration form must be received by Tuesday, June 23, 1998, for your
name to appear on the preliminary participant's list. All requests for
cancellation and refund must be submitted to Tammie Grice, in writing,
prior to June 23. Registration can be done electronically at:
https://sales.nist.gov/ conf/secure/CONF51/conf_register.htm
Accommodations Workshop registration does not include your hotel
reservation. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Gaithersburg
Holiday Inn, (301) 948-8900, at a rate of $85, single or double, plus
12% tax. To register for a room, please send the enclosed hotel
reservation form directly to the hotel, no later than Tuesday, June 23,
1998. After that date, the rooms will be released for general sale at
the prevailing rates of the hotel. If you call in your reservation,
please refer to the "NIST/ATP Healthcare Workshop." Coffee Breaks and
Lunches Refreshments will be provided during coffee breaks. Lunch will
also be provided each day. Contacts Registration Contact Tammie Grice
NIST Telephone (301) 975-3883, Fax: (301) 948-2067 email:
tammie.grice@nist.gov Technical Contacts Bettijoyce Lide NIST
Telephone: (301) 975-2218, Fax: (301) 926-9524 e-mail:
bettijoyce.lide@nist.gov Richard Spivack NIST Telephone: (301)
975-5063, Fax (301) 975-4776 e-mail: richard.spivack@nist.gov
Additional Information For additional general information, or to add
your name to the ATP mailing list, please contact the ATP: Hotline:
800-ATP-FUND, or 800-287-3863 Worldwide Web: http://www.atp.nist.gov
E-mail: atp@nist.gov Transportation Super Shuttle, 1-800-258-3826,
offers commercial van service from Dulles International, RonaldReagan
Washington National, and Baltimore-Washington International airports to
the Gaithersburg area. Suburban Airport Shuttle, (301) 279-2222, is
available from Dulles International and Ronald Reagan Washington
National airports to Gaithersburg. Call for reservations. The
Washington Metro has subway service to Gaithersburg. The Metro System
can be boarded at Washington National Airport. Take the Yellow Line
train marked "Mount Vernon Square" to Gallery Place and transfer to the
Red Line train marked "Shady Grove" to the Shady Grove station in
Gaithersburg. Service is every six to fifteen minutes, depending on the
time of day. Travel time from National to Shady Grove is approximately
50 minutes. Taxis are available from the Shady Grove Metro station to
area hotels. A NIST shuttle van operates for official visitors from
the Shady Grove Metro Station to NIST. The van leaves the east side of
the Shady Grove station on the quarter and three-quarter hour (e.g.,
8:15, 8:45...4:45, 5:15). Driving Instructions To reach NIST: From
northbound I-270: take Exit 10, Rt. 117 West, Clopper Road. At the
first traffic light on Clopper Road, turn left onto the NIST grounds.
From southbound I-270: take Exit 11B, Route 124 West, Quince Orchard
Road. At the second traffic light, turn left onto Clopper Road. At the
first traffic light on Clopper Road, turn right onto the NIST grounds.
To reach the Administration Building, turn left after passing the guard
office. Signs will direct you to visitor parking. To reach the
Gaithersburg Holiday Inn: Traveling north on I-270: take Exit 11, Rt.
124 East, Montgomery Village Avenue. At the second traffic light, turn
left onto Rt. 355. The hotel will be on your right. Traveling south on
I-270: use Exit 11A and follow the same directions. Hotel Reservation
Please complete form and return by June 23, 1998, to: Gaithersburg
Holiday Inn 2 Montgomery Village Ave. Gaithersburg, MD 20879 USA
Telephone: (301) 948-8900 Fax: (301) 258-1940 Register for Workshop
Please complete form and return with payment, to: Office of the
Comptroller A807 Administration Building National Institute of
Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001 USA or Fax to:
Tammie Grice (301) 948-2067 Registration ATP Healthcare Workshop July
8-9, 1998 last name first name organization address room or mail code
city, state, zip country telephone facsimile email services
Registration Fee: $115 Form of Payment: Check enclosed, payable to:
NIST/ATP Healthcare Workshop Checks from outside the U.S.A. should be
written on a U.S.A. bank. MasterCard VISA Discover Card Amex Card No.
Expiration Date Authorized Signature Purchase Order No. / Training Form
(Enclose a copy or provide one on-site at registration; faxed copy
unacceptable.) Request for cancellation and refund must be received in
writing by June 23, 1998. Hotel ATP Healthcare Workshop July 8-9, 1998
last name first name organization address room or mail code city,
state, zip country telephone facsimile email services Rate: $85, single
or double. All reservations must be received by June 23, 1998. Please
apply 12% tax to the above rate. All reservations must be guaranteed
with a one-night deposit. Reservation cancellations must be made 24
hours prior to the arrival date to receive a refund. Arrival Date:
Departure Date: Form of Payment: Check enclosed, payable to:
Gaithersburg Holiday Inn Checks from outside the U.S.A. should be
written on a U.S.A. bank. Card Name Card No. Expiration Date Authorized
Signature WEB: Advanced Technology Program, http://www.atp.nist.gov.
E-MAIL: Advanced Technology Program, atp@nist.gov. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0622 19980506\SP-0010.MSC)
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