Communications Electronics Association (AFCEA) in conjunction with the
Air Force Research Laboratory's Information (IF) and Sensors (SN)
Directorates is holding its first Annual TechForecast'98 Symposium on
June 16-17 at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. The DoD acquisition
process requires that technology be inserted into the field quickly and
cost effectively. TechForecast'98 will demonstrate to the R&D
community, the user community and the contractor community that there
is a stronger need than ever to work together to address the DoD
requirements and develop the technology milestones. The Symposium will
showcase the joint AFRL IF and SN programs that address the
Information and Sensors technology investment plans in the context of
Joint Vision 2010, the planned research and the projected funding.
Major General Richard R. Paul, AFRL commander, will open the first
TechForecast'98 Symposium and provide his view of AFRL's role in
meeting the Vision 2010 challenge. Mr. Garry Barringer, Technical
Director of the Air and Space Command and Control Agency, will provide
an inside look at the new organization, how it fits into the DoD
acquisition process as well as the new business implications. Mr. Ray
Urtz, Director of the AFRL Information Directorate and Mr. Les McFawn,
Director of the AFRL Sensors Directorate will share their views on how
the new Joint Vision 2010 Objectives (Global Information Exchange,
Dynamic Planning & Execution, Global Awareness, Precision Engagement
and Threat Survival & Electromagnetic Control) will be implemented by
organizing and executing the IF and SN technology research and
development programs to reflect an integrated solution. Each Objective
will be covered in detail: how it supports the goals of Vision 2010
and the planned business opportunities. Throughout the Symposium, 10
minute sidebar sessions will be scheduled where users, contractors and
AFRL management and research leaders can get together privately to
discuss opportunities or proprietary work. Note, this Symposium will
replace the Wright Laboratory Avionics Directorate portion of the
Tri-Service Briefing to Industry held last year at Patuxent River, MD
and Industry Looks at Rome Laboratory. Early bird registration
(received prior to May 20) is $200, registrations received between May
21 through June 15 are $250 and walk-in registration is $300. The
registration fee covers symposium costs, a one-year membership to
AFCEA, continental breakfasts, lunches, and a social on Tuesday night.
Current AFCEA members will receive a $25 discount. Registration forms
and additional information including the preliminary agenda,
accommodations and transportation information can be found at Web
address http://www.borg.com/~afcea/TF98/thhome.html or by contacting
Dawn Ernst at (315) 330-3225 or ernstd@rl.af.mil. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0447 19980508\SP-0009.MSC)
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