COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MAY 27,1998 PSA#2103Munitions Contracting Division (AFRL/MNK), Building 13, 101 West Eglin
Boulevard, Suite 337, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810 A -- SMALL SMART BOMB RANGE EXTENSION DEMONSTRATION SOL MNK 98-0003
DUE 071398 POC Captain R. Keith Kenne, Contracts Manager, 850-882-4294,
ext 3408 A -- Introduction: Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions
Directorate, Assessment and Demonstrations Division (AFRL/MNA) is
interested in receiving proposals for the Small Smart Bomb Range
Extension (SSBREX) demonstration program involving a GPS/INS guided
250-lb class weapon. The technology demonstration will include detailed
weapon concept design, fabrication of weapon guidance/control sections,
and support for testing conducted at Eglin AFB, FL. Proposals in
response to this announcement must be received no later than 45 days
after publication in Commerce Business Daily (CBD) and addressed to Air
Force Research Laboratory/Munitions Directorate Contracting Division,
101 W Eglin Blvd, Ste 337, Eglin AFB FL 32542-6810, Attn.: Capt R.
Keith Kenne (AFRL/MNK). This is an unrestricted solicitation. Proposals
submitted after the cut-off date specified herein shall be treated in
accordance with FAR 52-215-10, "Late Submissions, Modifications, and
Withdrawal of Proposals." Respondees should reference theabove number
(MNK PRDA-98-0003). Proposals handled by courier shall be delivered to
Bldg 13, Rm. 337, Eglin AFB FL. Proposals submitted must be in
accordance with this announcement. Since this is a Program Research and
Development Announcement (PRDA), there will be no formal request for
proposal or other solicitation regarding this announcement. Offerors
should be alert for any PRDA amendments that may be published. The
Government reserves the right to amend the due date to allow for
subsequent submission proposal dates. If sufficient proposals are
selected to satisfy the PRDA objectives as a result of the first
submission, subsequent opportunities for proposal submission will not
be available. B -- REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical Description: The Air
Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate (AFRL/MN) is
conducting up to a 24 month Small Smart Bomb Range Extension (SSBREX)
program which intends to demonstrate an expanded-footprint small smart
bomb in support of the Miniaturized Munitions Capability through an
advanced technology demonstration. The program will be a coordinated
effort between AFRL/MN, the Air Force Development Test Center (AFDTC),
and acceptable contractor(s) to design, fabricate, and test this
conceptual weapon. The following types of units will be fabricated for
this demonstration program: all-up weapons (inert fill) with
guidance/control sections for captive carry and air drop tests.
TECHNOLOGY GOALS: The following objectives have been established for
this technology demonstration program: (1) demonstrate affordable range
extension (cost goal of less than $5k delta cost, for the range
extension kit/device, (Average Unit Price (AUP)) for buy of 20,000);
(2) provide a weapon delivery footprint of 35 nmi downrange and 20 nmi
crossrange (release from 40,000 feet at Mach 0.8) with impact
conditions commensurate with 4 ft of SAC-5 concrete penetration (goal
is 6 ft of SAC-5 concrete penetration); (3) maintain weapon loadout
capacities of the Miniaturized Munitions Technology Demonstrator (MMTD)
( 4 weapons in each F-22 internal bay), where deployment of the
compressed-carriage control devices must operate over a reasonable
store separation environment; (4) attain a weapon delivery accuracy --
CEP of 5 meters (no target location error); and (5) provide a warhead
design to allow for 50 pounds of high explosive (goal). DESIGN: The
contractor shall complete the detailed design of the entire conceptual
weapon and range extension kit/device. The contractor shall accomplish
detailed design and assembly sequence drawings of the technology
demonstration units to include any additional features required for the
ground and flight tests that are not part of the candidate aircraft
test vehicle. The contractor shall ensure that the design is
sufficiently complete and contains the level of detail required for
component/sub-component fabrication, assembly, and testing. The
contractor shall address and fully characterize the following aspects
of the design: interface between the range extension kit/device and the
conceptual weapon, warhead case, guidance/control section, materials,
fabrication methods, and physical and functional interfaces. This
includes the physical and function interfaces between the overall
weapon concept and candidate aircraft, and any other relevant aspects
of the design. The design shall maximize use of off-the-shelf and
proven components. The government will approve the final design of the
weapon concept prior to weapon fabrication. Changes to the final
design will require government approval. FABRICATION OF HARDWARE: The
contractor shall fabricate the guidance/control sections per the
government approved design. GUIDANCE, NAVIGATION, AND CONTROL (GNC)
REQUIREMENTS: The contractor shall provide analysis/simulation results
to support GNC accuracy claims for the conceptual weapon. AIRCRAFT
INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS: The candidate test aircraft for this program is
an F-16 Block 50. The contractor shall ensure that weapon shall be
designed to be compatible, through its carriage, with the aircraft's
MIL-STD-1760 interface connector. TESTING: The contractor shall
conduct, document, and deliver to the government test results and
analyses required to obtain government flight test approval. In
addition, the contractor shall support government flight test approval
meetings. All flight testing will be conducted at Eglin AFB, FL and
will use government facilities, equipment, and personnel as the primary
source of test accomplishment. The contractor shall support all testing
as required. (2) Deliverable Items: The following are required
deliverable Items: (a) Detailed design drawings in government approved
contractor format, (b) guidance/control sections specified above, (c)
conceptual weapon data and associated reports as required, (d)
Software models/simulations in contractor format, (e)Test Data/Analyses
Results necessary to obtain flight test approval. (3) Security
Requirements: Portions of this program will be classified up to the
SECRET level. (4) Other special requirements: The Government
anticipates the following design reviews, program reviews and meetings:
Kickoff within one week of contract award at contractor facilities;
Preliminary and detailed design reviews at contractor facilities;
Quarterly Technical Interchange Meetings, unless another review is
held, at contractor facilities; and a Final Program review at
completion at government facilities at Eglin AFB, FL. C -- ADDITIONAL
INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: Up to 24 months.
(2) Expected award date: Sept 1998. Expected Contract Start Date: 30
Sept 1998 (3) Funding Estimate: The Government expects to fund at a
level up to $2.75 million for the entire 24-month effort with $2.35M
planned for FY99 and $400K planned for FY00. This is an estimate only,
not a promise of funding availability. (4) Type of Contract: Cost Plus
Fixed Fee (CPFF) is anticipated. (5) Government Furnished Property
(GFP): It is the offeror's responsibility to identify any equipment to
be used whether contractor-owned and furnished or Government-owned and
furnished. The Government will assist in providing Government-owned
property as appropriate and if available. Two tailkits, less
proprietary firmware, from the Miniaturized Munitions Technology
Demonstration are available for flight testing as a part of this
effort. These two tailkits will be provided under FAR 52.245-19
Government Property Furnished "As Is." Depending on the GFP requested,
offerors may require authorization/permission to use certain
components due to proprietary classifications. (6) Size Status: For the
purpose of this acquisition, the size standard is 500 employees (SIC
8731) (7) Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms: Such firms are asked to
immediately notify the Air Force technical point of contact cited below
upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Foreign contractors
should be aware that restrictions may apply which could preclude their
participation in this acquisition. D -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION
INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General: Offerors should apply the restrictive notice
prescribed in the provision at FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure
and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and
financial information contained in their proposals. Offerors must
submit approved DD Form 2345, Export-Controlled DOD Technical Data
Agreement, with their proposal. Offerors should state whether they are
a large business, small business, small disadvantaged business,
nonprofit, educational, or historically black college or minority
institution. Offerors should consider instructions contained in the
"Proprietary Information" and "When and How to Submit" sections of the
AFMC Pamphlet 64-101, "Unsolicited Proposal Guide," copies of which
are available by writing to: AFDTC/BC, 205 West D Avenue, Ste 449,
Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6863 or telephone (850) 882-2843. AFMC Form 190,
Policy Agreements, does not apply to Program Research and Development
Announcements. Other information and instructions for working with
Program Research and Development Announcements may be obtained by
visiting the world wide web site:
www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract/prdag.htm. Additional proposal questions
should be directed to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere
herein. A technical and cost proposal submitted in separate volumes is
required and must reference the above PRDA number. Volume 1 should
provide the technical proposal, and Volume 2 should address the
price/cost portions of the proposal. Volume 1 should be limited to a
total of 100 pages, including resumes, charts, figures, tables, etc.
Pages in excess of the specified 100 pages will be removed and returned
to the offeror before evaluation starts. Cost proposals have no
limitations, however, offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to
50 pages as a goal, as adequate price competition is anticipated.
Contractor proposals shall identify candidate components for the
guidance/control section and associated dimensions of each component.
Also included in the description of these components shall be a brief
notification of the level of development and acceptance testingeach
component has been through, keeping in mind that proven off-the-shelf
components are desired to minimize risk and schedule delays to the
demonstration program. A page is defined to be one side of an 8.5 x 11
inch piece of paper with information on it. Minimum print size is 10
point type, or 12 pitch. Proposals shall be submitted in an original
and 5 copies. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall
be considered against the criteria set forth herein. Copies of the
proposals may be forwarded, if the offeror authorizes in writing, to
other interested government agencies for funding consideration.
Authorization for limited reproduction and dissemination within
Government Agencies and National Laboratories is requested. Offerors
are advised that only the Contracting Officer is legally authorized to
contractually bind or otherwise obligate the Government. (2) Cost
Proposal: The accompanying cost proposal/price breakdown shall include
a person-hour breakdown by task and a cost element summary (labor,
overhead, travel, G&A, etc.). Estimated costs for tests or historical
data for similar efforts are requested for program office budgetary
estimation and value estimation. The cost of preparing proposals in
response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct
charge to any resulting contract, or any other contract. It is,
however, an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect
cost specified in FAR 31.205-18. (3) Technical Proposal: The Government
does not intend to provide a Statement of Work. Offerors may elect to
incorporate a Statement of Work into the proposal or have the
Government incorporate the proposal by reference into any resulting
contract. The technical proposal shall include as a minimum : (a)
detailed technical approach, (b) proposed component description (c)
proposed program schedule. All proposals are due no later than 13 July
1998. E -- PROPOSAL EVALUATION: The selection of one or more sources
for contract award shall be based on scientific and engineering
evaluation of the proposals in response to this PRDA. Proposals will be
evaluated as received using the factors given below. No further
evaluation criteria will be used in selecting the proposals. The
factors, listed in descending order of importance, are: (1) The overall
technical merits of the proposal, including risk. (2) The offeror's
capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique
combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the
proposal objectives. (3) The qualifications, capabilities, and
experience of the proposed principal investigator, team leader, and
other key personnel who are critical to achieving the proposal
objectives. (4) The offeror's record of past and present performance.
(5) Reasonableness and realism of proposed cost: An evaluation is made
of all proposed costs to ensure the offeror has a proper understanding
of the effort. It is the policy of AFRL/MN to treat all proposals as
privileged information prior to award, and to disclose the contents
only for the purposes of evaluation. The offeror must indicate on the
appropriate form any limitation to be placed on disclosure of
information contained in the proposal. Offerors are encouraged to
propose risk/cost sharing arrangements to accelerate this effort. The
technical and cost information will be evaluated at the same time. The
U.S. Air Force reserves the right to select for award one, several, or
none of the proposals received in response to this announcement, though
the Air Force anticipates only one award. Offerors may contact the
individuals or sections listed herein to obtain generally available
clarification of technical/contractual issues and cost proposal format
or pricing information. F -- POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Contracting/Cost:
Capt R. Keith Kenne, Contracts Manager, (850) 882-4294, ext. 3408, at
AFRL/MNK, 101 W Eglin Blvd, Ste 337, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810. The fax
number is (850) 882-9599. (2) Technical Issues: Major Peter Van Wirt,
(850) 882-8876, ext. 3316, (FAX (850) 882-2201) at AFRL/MNAV, 101 W
Eglin Blvd, Rm. 326, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810. (3) Omsbudman: Lt
Colonel Gary Libell, (850) 882-4294, ext 3420, at AFRL/MNK, 101 W Eglin
Blvd, Ste 337, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810. The fax number is (850)
882-9599. (0142) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0007 19980527\A-0007.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page