COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 5,1998 PSA#2110R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH
PRDA NO. 98-01-SNK DUE 072198 POC Contact Dawn M Ross, Contract
Negotiator, 9937) 255-5252 or Phillip W Marcum, Contracting Officer,
(937) 255-5252 WEB: Click here to view the R&D Contracting Home Page,
http://www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract/. INTRODUCTION: Air Force Research
Laboratory (AFRL/SNKD) is interested in receiving proposals (technical
and cost) on the research effort briefly outlined in Section B, as
supplemented by the Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology (AT3)
Program Information Package (PIP) that is available separately from the
contracting point of contact (POC) listed below. Proposals in response
to this PRDA shall be received by 21 July 1998, 1500 hours Local Time,
addressed to Air Force Research Laboratory, R & D Contracting Office,
Building 7, Area B, Attn: Ms. Dawn Ross, AFRL/SNKD, Wright-Patterson
AFB, OH 45433-7607. Potential offerors are notified that effective 1
Jun 98, in order to be eligible to receive any DOD awards, you must be
registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) Database,
unless a contractor meets any of the exceptions of DFARS 204.7302.
On-line registration instructions can be accessed from the Wright
Research Site Contracting Office homepage, at
http://www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract/ orthe DISA CCR homepage at
http://ccr.edi.disa.mil. This is an unrestricted solicitation.
Proposals submitted shall be in accordance with this announcement.
Proposal receipt after the cutoff date specified herein shall be
treated in accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-1(c); a copy of
this provision may be obtained from the contracting point of contact.
There will be no other solicitation issued in regard to this
requirement. Offerors should be alert for any subsequent PRDA
amendments that may change proposal submission dates. Offerors should
request a copy of the WL Guide entitled, "PRDA and BAA Guide for
Industry." This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors in
understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. Copies may be requested
from AFRL/SNKD, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6503, telephone (937)
255-5252. This guide is also available on the Internet at
http://www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract/. All offerors will submit in
writing their request for a copy of the supplemental package.
Facsimiles and e-mail requests will be accepted. All requests will be
addressed to Ms. Dawn Ross, AFRL/SNKD, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson
AFB OH 45433-7607, or faxed to (937) 255-3985. The supplemental
package contains: 1) Phase 0 final reports; 2) The PIP which includes
classified threat information and scenarios; and 3) Cost/price proposal
formatting instructions. This request must contain the address of the
offeror that has safeguarding capability up to the SECRET level. Upon
verification of the offeror's facility clearance, the supplemental
package will be mailed via lst class postage. B -- REQUIREMENTS: (1)
BACKGROUND: The contraction of the US force structure prohibits
dedicating aircraft to the support mission of "Suppression of Enemy Air
Defenses" (SEAD). Aircraft in the current and future inventory must be
capable of this and other important missions in addition to their
primary roles, notwithstanding that the future electronic environment
will be even more dangerous than in the past. On the other hand,
successful SEAD will depend on robust ESM (electronic support
measures), i.e. the ability to detect and classify threat emitters on
demand from long range (of the order of 50 -- 150 nm) without prior
specific indications and to locate them accurately (of the order of 15
-- 50 meters Circular Error Probable) within seconds of the first
transmission. In the past it has been assumed that ESM could be
performed only by dedicated platforms employed in standoff geometries
in conflict with the constraints above. The objective of the Advanced
Tactical Targeting Technology (AT3) program is to challenge the
conventional dedicated-aircraft assumption with the idea that current
and planned platforms, even if engaged only in their primary missions,
can satisfy SEAD/ESM requirements if each is equipped with an ESM
sensor and processor, all interconnected by a single, real time,
network. The resulting distributed ESM system should then be capable of
employing a host of techniques which integrate the separate but
simultaneous measurements of a single emitter for classification,
identification, and geolocation. Given sufficient accuracy and data
rate, real-time TDOA (time difference of arrival), FDOA (frequency
difference of arrival), AOA (angle of arrival) and other techniques
should give accuracies limited only by the number of participating
systems and their locations. This solicitation seeks proposals for the
expansion and demonstration of this idea. Other future applications of
these technologies may include air-to-air and communications band
passive targeting. (2) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: The overall objective of
the program is to design, develop, evaluate, and flight demonstrate
technology that will enable the development of a system that requires
minimal aircraft modification, and provides passive,
cooperative-platform, emitter location of sufficient precision and
timeliness for lethal SEAD targeting from non-dedicated platform
aircraft. Greatest interest will be shown to concepts that have the
highest legacy compatibility with platforms already fielded or planned.
It is envisioned that an AT3 system could be deployed on multiple
non-dedicated platforms to include fighter aircraft, Unmanned Air
Vehicles (UAVs) and other available theater targeting assets. The
contractor shall provide the personnel, facilities, and equipment
necessary to meet the objectives as outlined in this announcement. The
offeror's proposal shall specify the principal investigator and all
locations where work will be performed for this program. This program
is divided into Phases 1 and 2. Offerors may submit proposals for any
or all phases or their subthrust areas. The objective of Phase 1 (14
months) is to conduct (i) simulation and analysis and (ii) critical
component technology development. The objective of Phase 2 (22 months)
is AT3 system development and field demonstration. Phase 1 proposals
are sought in two areas: (i) Simulation and Analysis (nominal 6
months): During the initial phase of this program alternative
approaches to the problem mustbe synthesized and investigated in detail
both analytically and with simulation to characterize the points of
greatest military utility (e.g., air defense capabilities destroyed).
A primary objective of Phase 1 is to validate the feasibility and value
of proposed concepts and performance goals. Offerors are sought who
possess an existing and thorough knowledge of the advanced methods of
ESM, and appreciation of the technical issues that pace this approach
(e.g. leading edge detection, consistency of demodulation, multi-path
propagation, digital receiver and A/D converter state-of-the-art),
knowledge and experience with previous programs that have had similar
technical objectives (such as Precision Location Strike System,
Airborne Location and Strike System, Guardrail, etc.), and a
preexisting capability for 1) dynamic simulation of pulse analysis, 2)
data flow among cooperative platforms of varying aspect and location
and 3) operational analysis to assess overall military utility. (ii)
Critical Component Technology Development: The objective is to define
the system architecture, identify the critical component technologies
(hardware/software), and formulate and execute a demonstration plan for
the highest risk critical components. Performers are sought who will
provide the personnel, facilities, and equipment necessary to design,
develop, and demonstrate the most promising approaches. Successful
offerors must demonstrate detailed competency with the advanced
technologies believed critical for the AT3 program. These could include
high sensitivity, wideband microwave sensors, very high speed
signal/data processors, algorithms for emitter characterization and
pulse train association, and dynamic allocation of the communications
resources for transferring of emitter information between AT3
platforms. Central to the AT3 approach is precise platform location and
timing based on 7-D registration (location, velocity and time) from
Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System (GPS/INS). It is
expected that a precision clock will be utilized for signal waveform
time-tagging within GPS time mark pulses and microwave sensor
calibration to insure platform-to-platform signal alignment. Phase 1
(i) offerors are not required to offer a progression to Phase 2 (below)
and may offer an option to continue a separate simulation and analysis
activity; however, only Phase 1 (ii) offerors may offer an option to
continue to Phase 2. Multiple Phase 1 proposals may be funded. Phase 2
proposals are sought to build brassboard hardware sets and ground and
flight demonstrate the AT3 capabilities. AT3 concept demonstrations
should employ a minimum of three separate brassboard hardware sets on
three separate platforms operating together in flight as a single
system which can target general purpose shoot-to-coordinate precision
guided munitions (PGMs) for lethal SEAD in a dense environment of
mobile, intermittently active emitters. (3) COORDINATION OF PHASES:
Phase 1 performance will commence upon contract award. Phase 1
(Analysis, Design and Critical Component Demonstration) will have a
period of performance of 14 months with a System Simulation and
Analysis Review at approximately 4 months, a Preliminary Design Review
(PDR) at approximately 7 months and a Critical Design Review (CDR) at
the conclusion. During Phase 1, laboratory demonstrations of
technologies will be performed in order to assess progress towards
Phase 2. Phase 2 (Fabricate and Test) will have a period of performance
of 22 months with a System Design Review (SDR) at approximately 4
months, Test Readiness Review (TRR) 60 days prior to test, and a Final
Review at the conclusion. Offerors should propose interim milestones
and test plans demonstrating progress toward these major milestones.
MIL-STD-1521 can be used as a guideline. C -- DATA AND OTHER
DELIVERABLES: (1) The contractor shall prepare and deliver the
following data (the term "/T" means tailored) items: (a) Status Report,
DI-MGMT-80368/T (quarterly), (b) Funds and Man-Hour Expenditure Report,
DI-FNCL-80331/T (quarterly), (c) Contract/Schedule Status Report
(C/SSR), DI-MGMT-81468/T (quarterly), (d) Scientific and Technical
Reports, Contractor's Billing Voucher, DI-MISC-80711/T (monthly), (e)
Project Planning Chart, DI-MGMT-80507A/T (ASREQ), (f) Presentation
Material, DI-ADMN-81373/T (ASREQ), (g) Scientific and Technical
Reports, Phase 2 Plan, DI-MISC-80711/T (Due at CDR, first draft due 4
weeks prior to CDR), (h) Scientific and Technical Reports, Annotated
CDR Charts, DI-MISC-80711/T (Due at CDR), (i) Scientific and Technical
Reports, Phase 1 Final Report, DI-MISC-80711/T (Draft and Reproducible
Final), (j) Test Plan, DI-NDTI-80566/T (Due 60 days prior to
demonstrations at DoD ranges ) (k) Software Version Description (SVD),
DI-IPSC-81442/T (ASREQ), (l) Scientific and Technical Reports, Phase
2 Final Report, DI-MISC-80711/T (Draft and Reproducible Final), (m)
Contract Work Breakdown Structure, DI-MGMT-81334/T (One/R); (2) A
Kickoff Meeting shall be held at Wright-Patterson AFB within 30 days
after contract award. Quarterly Technical Reviews will be alternated
between the contractor's facility and Wright-Patterson AFB or the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Phase 2 Test
Planning Working Group meetings will be held at either the contractor's
facility, Wright-Patterson AFB or the host test unit's facility as
required. The Final Review will be held at Wright-Patterson AFB. D --
REGULATIONS (ITAR): ITAR requirements apply to this effort. Offerors
must submit DD Form 2345, Export-Controlled DoD Technical Data
Agreement with their proposal. PL 98-94 applies. (2) SECURITY: It is
anticipated that work performed under this effort will require access
to data and information that is classified up to and including the TOP
contractor must possess the personnel and facilities to support this
level of classification. TEMPEST requirements apply. Generation of
classified material for this solicitation is authorized only on
equipment approved for classified processing by Air Force TEMPEST
Multiple contracts may be awarded for Phase 1. Phase 2 will be
structured as a priced contract option to Phase 1. At this time, it is
anticipated that one Phase 2 option will be exercised. The Phase 2
assessment criteria for option selection are: 1) AT3 demonstration
system architecture performance (predicted), tactical legacy, and costs
projections, 2) performance results from the simulation and analysis,
and the component demonstrations, 3) risk assessment and mitigation and
4) Phase 2 demonstration plans. The factors are considered to be of
equal importance. (2) ANTICIPATED PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The total
length of the technical performance period for Phase 1 is estimated to
be 14 months and 22 months for Phase 2. The contractor shall provide
for an additional 4 months for processing and completion of the
respective final reports. (3) EXPECTED AWARD DATE: September 1998. (4)
GOVERNMENT ESTIMATE: The funding estimate for the total program is
$22.7M (Phase 1: FY98-$5.2M, FY99-$8.8M; Phase 2: FY99-$0.6M,
FY00-$4.7M, FY01-$1.8M, FY02-$1.6M). This funding is an estimate only
and is not a promise for funding as all funding is subject to change
due to Government discretion and availability. (5) Hardware and
Software Deliverables: All hardware and software items developed and
purchased on the AT3 program shall be delivered to the government upon
completion of the program. These items will include the following: the
AT3 sensor modules and AT3 Units, AT3 System Architecture Software and
hardware and software development tools. (6) TYPE OF CONTRACT: Cost
PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT: As a part of this effort, the government will
provide Western Test Range access (Range and Time Space Position
Instrumentation). However, recommendations at other government ranges
will be considered. (8) SIZE STATUS: For the purposes of
thissolicitation, the size standard is 500 employees (SIC 8731). (9)
NOTICE TO FOREIGN-OWNED FIRMS: This acquisition involves data that are
subject to export control laws and regulations. Only contractors who
are registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center
(DLSC) shall be provided copies of the solicitation or other data
subject to foreign disclosure restrictions. Contact the DLSC, 74
Washington Avenue N., Battle Creek MI 40917-3084 (1-800-353-3572) for
further information on the certification process. You must submit a
copy of your approved DD Form 2345, Military Critical Technical Data
Agreement, with your request for the solicitation. (0154) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0016 19980605\A-0016.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page