Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Contracts, Attn: Linda Wise MS-T-7I2, Washington, D.C. 20555

70 -- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A REAL TIME PLANT RISK SOFTWARE PACKAGE FOR USE BY THE NRC IN TRAINING AND REGULATORY ACTIVITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE IN-HOUSE TRAINING ON THE USE AND MODIFICATION OF THE SOFTWARE. SOL RS-AED-98-266 DUE 061298 POC Contact: Contract Specialist, Edna Knox-Davin, 301/415-6577 Amendment No. One (1) to Submission No. 205071 of the May 28, 1998, CBD issuance -- The purpose of this amendment is to provide answers to written questions/concerns raised by prospective Offerors. As a result of the Government's response to QUESTION NO. 1 below, a clarification and change has been made to this synopsis/solicitation. QUESTION NO. 1 -- Approval to provide available models (plant decks) to the NRC may take more than the thirty (30) days provided for in the synopsis/solicitation. We therefore respectfully request an extension to this thirty (30) day time frame. RESPONSE NO. 1 -- The problem with plant deck procurements from licensees is understood. The thirty (30) day time limit should apply to the basic software only. Retaining this limit would allow software installation and familiarization by NRC staff. Accordingly, the first deliverable listed in the original synopsis/solicitation of Solicitation No. RS-AED-98-266 is hereby deleted in its entirety and substituted with the following in lieu thereof: "1) A Plant Risk software package on magnetic media or CD-Rom(s) that includes a library of representative PRA input plant decks for each of the following Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) vendors: ABB-CE, Babcock and Wilcox, General Electric (including BWR-4 & BWR-6 product lines), & Westinghouse 2, 3, and 4-loop design. The basic software package shall be delivered to NRC within 30 days of award. Associated plant decks shall be made available within 60 days of award." All other questions/concerns received and the responses being provided by this amendment are considered clarifications that in no way effect the solicitation as stated under Submission No. 205071. Accordingly, under this Amendment No. 1 to Solicitation No. RS-AED-98-288, the following clarifications are hereby made: QUESTION NO. 2 -- Please provide an estimate of the number of users of the software and the number of sites. RESPONSE NO. 2 -- The number of users at any particular time depends upon NRC tasksthat need to be accomplished. For example, if two maintenance rule inspections were taking place and three simulator classes were in progress at the same time at the Technical Training Center (TTC), then a minimum of five users would be using the software. However, it is expected that the number of users at any one time would be less than ten. The NRC does not have any plans to limit the number of users. The number of sites would be limited to NRC Headquarters, Regional Sites (Region I -- King of Prussia, PA, Region II -- Atlanta, GA, Region III -- Lisle, IL, and Region IV -- Arlington, TX), and TTC -- Chattanooga, TN. The Statement of Work informs potential offerors that the software may be installed on agency networks at these locations. QUESTION NO. 3 -- It is assumed the phrases "agency computers" and "agency sites" refer to the region offices, TTC, and NRC Headquarters. It is also assumed that this does not include resident inspector offices at licensee facilities. Are these assumptions correct? RESPONSE NO. 3 -- These assumptions are basically correct, but potential offerors should be aware that if the software is used for inspection purposes, it may be temporarily installed on computers at resident sites, as that is where the NRC staffperson would be. QUESTION NO. 4 -- It is assumed the phrase " agency contractors" refers to agency sites. Is this a correct assumption? Does this phrase include DOE/National Laboratory sites that act as contractors? Does it include foreign contractors or associates? RESPONSE NO. 4 -- The phrase "agency contractors" does not refer to agency sites. This term was included to allow use of the software by contractors with inspection and PRA training duties. DOE/National Laboratories would not qualify as an agency site. There are no plans to release the software to foreign contractors or associates. QUESTION NO. 5 -- Does the license to use the software include the use of the plant deck models at all of these sites? Many licensees may object to the broad dissemination of their models. RESPONSE NO. 5 -- The intent of the requirement for plant deck models was to allow almost immediate use of the software at the TTC. The TTC would use the diverse input models for representative training on the different plant types. As discussed in RESPONSE NO. 2, NRC will use the diverse plant deck models at all NRC sites. QUESTION NO. 6 -- We are aware that NRC has a number of plant deck models in their possession (i.e. at INEL or from NUREG 1150 studies). Will the resultant contractor have access to these models? If so, what models are available and in what form? RESPONSE NO. 6 -- The Statement of Work included import capability requirements to allow NRC users to import any and all available models. The NRC will not, as a part of this procurement, supply models to potential vendors. QUESTION NO. 7 -- For the representative models that are to be provided, do you require "at power" models or "shutdown" models, or both? Please note that there are very few real time shutdown models currently available in the industry. RESPONSE NO. 7 -- The requirement is for a real-time safety monitor software package, which by definition includes "at power" models, and the capability to calculate shutdown risk. This capability is a mandatory unweighted pass/fail criteria of this requirement. Any assumptions on the offeror's part should be delineated under the proposal in response to this solicitation. (0161)

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