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U.S. Agency for International Development, AMEMB., Managua, USAID, Unit #2712 Box #9, APO AA 34021

R -- IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROSALUD PROGRAM TO SUPPORT THE MINISTRY HEALTH'S PRIMARY HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS IN BOACO, MATAGALPA AND JUNOTEGA SOL Nicaragua 98-14 DUE 092198 POC Contact Point: Mr. Martin Napper, CO, USAID/Nicaragua, Fax: (505) 278 3828, Tel: (505) 267-0502, E-mail: mnapper@usaid.gov The USAID Mission to Nicaragua is requesting proposals from U.S. offerors to implement a contract in Matagalpa, Jinotega and Boaco, Nicaragua. Offerors who already have a Cooperative Agreement or Grant from USAID for health activities in Nicaragua will not be eligible because of a potential conflict of interest. This Program has been designed to support the Ministry of Health's (MOH) primary health care programs in Boaco, Matagalpa, and Jinotega as well as limited national level interventions. USAID and a project committee made up of representatives from (1) the MOH, (2) USAID, (3) the SILAIS (Department Level MOH), (4) the PVOs, and (5) the program implementor (winner of this contract) will oversee PROSALUD. The project committee will approve annual work plans. PROSALUD is a new approach to public sector support, involving community mobilization, PVOs, contraceptive social marketing, support to community-level health workers, and other interventions at health centers and health posts. Through a bottom-up, grass-roots approach, PROSALUD will support the MOH's decentralization plan, focusing on interventions likely to have the greatest impact on maternal child health indicators. In addition to providing direct support for health centers and health posts, the PROSALUD contractor will coordinate support to health centers and health posts provided by USAID-funded PVOs. It will monitor PVOs supporting health centers in the three target departments as well as PVOs supported by USAID/W, Title II child survival food grants, and Title III grantees working in health. Beyond the three target departments, Title II activities extend into Chinandega, Leon, Esteli, and Nueva Segovia. USAID/W (BHR/PVC) is funding a child survival activity in Chontales. Program monitoring will be based on standardized indicators and baseline and a management information system (MIS) approved by the project committee. The Mission anticipates awarding a 7.6 million, Cost-plus-Award Fee contract for the purpose of working in the PROSALUD program in Nicaragua. The period of performance of this Contract will be for 5 years. RFP NO. 98-14 for this requirement will be available on or about July 22, 1998. The closing date for receiving proposals should be September 21, 1998. Interested parties shall contact Maria Lourdes Baltodano, e-mail:mariabaltodano@usaid.gov, Acquisition Specialist, at AMEMBASSY. Managua, USAID, Unit 2712, Box 9, APO AA 34021 in writing to request the RFP. Fax requests are acceptable. Please make reference to RFP 98-14. No request for the RFP will be honored 15 days after the opening day of same. The Standard Industrial Classification Code for this procurement is 8999. The preferred method of distribution of USAID procurement information is via the Internet or by request of a solicitation on a 3.5" floppy disk (WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 format). This CIB notice can be viewed and downloaded using the Agency Web Site. The RFP, once issued, can be downloaded from the Agency Web Site. The Worldwide Web address is http://www.info.usaid.gov.Select Business and Procurement Opportunities from the home page, then "USAID Procurements." On the following screen, select "Download Available USAID Solicitations." Look under the following directory for the RFP: pub/OP/RFP/NIC9814/nic9814.rfp. Receipt of this RFP through INTERNET must be confirmed by written notification to the contact person noted above. It is the responsibility of the recipient of this solicitation document to ensure that it has been received from INTERNET in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. Posted 07/01/98. (0182)

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