Loren Data Corp.




Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Denver Center, 6760 E Irvington Place, Denver, Colorado 80279-8000

D -- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION DUE 081198 POC Contracting Officer, Mr. John D. Morse (303) 676-8037. Request for Information for Tax Module The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) is requesting information for planning purposes only for a fully integrated and automated software module for computation of income tax withholding for its active military, retired military and civilian pay operations. An acceptable module will receive income data from DFAS's Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS), Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS), and Defense Retired and Annuitant Pay System (DRAS), compute Federal, State, and, where appropriate, local income tax withholding, and return that information to the defense pay system, and must be capable of computing withholding for weekly, biweekly, semimonthy, monthly, and miscellaneous payroll periods. The information so produced must be accessible by appropriate pay technicians through inquiry and reporting methods. The systems modules must have retroactive tax processing capability based on date edits; requested immediate access storage is at least 15 months. Real time processing for tax calculations is desired in support of current systems in real time account posture. The system must produce all required reports, including periodic payment reports to taxing authorities, end-of-year withholding reports (W-2s and the state and local equivalents), and must produce certain required electronic and hardcopy output (i.e., Social Security Administration, state and local taxing authorities etc). The system modules must be compatible with modern relational data base systems, and the withholding data must be in a format to support such ad hoc reporting as DFAS and its customers require. At the same time the module must interface with defense pay systems data bases which are constructed in varied languages, i.e., COBOL, IDMS ADSO, in flat file technology structure and must also be prepared to perform in an online environment. DFAS is interested in module deployment which would be fully integrated into existing defense pay systems software. In either case, the vendor must provide complete update suport for the system so that all tax computations are consonant with the requirements of the various taxing authorities. This is not a request for proposal (RFP) and no contract award will be made as a result of this request for information (RFI). The results of this request for information may not result in an RFP. The vendor should describe briefly why their solution is superior. Vendors shall provide written information detailing ability to meet the software and support requirements. DFAS encourages vendors to provide alternative and creative solutions during this planning stage. Each submittal shall include pricing for budget planning purposes. Vendors shall identify all proprietary information. Posted 07/09/98. (0190)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0024 19980713\D-0003.SOL)

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