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AFDTC/PKZA, 205 West D Avenue, Suite 428, Eglin AFB FL 32542

A -- ACOUSTIC SIGNATURE MEASUREMENT AND UNAUGMENTED TRACKING SYSTEM (ASMUTS) SOL F08635-99-R-0001 POC Contact Lt Tim Scarborough, Contract Manager, (850) 882-8567, e-mail scarbort@eglin.af.mil or Vicky Dawson, Contracting Officer, (850) 882-4141, e-mail dawsonv@eglin.af.mil WEB: Acquisiton Programs and Business Opportunities, http://eglinpk.eglin.af.mil/OPS/RFP.HTM. E-MAIL: click here to contact the contract manager via e-mail, scarbort@eglin.af.mil. The Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP) Office has established a Tri-Service Program to develop a specific set of capabilities to measure certain target signatures. The Tri-Service Signature Measurement and Database System (TSMADS) Program will address target signature measurement requirements for the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The Air Force Development Test Center (AFDTC)/46th Test Wing has been identified as the Program Manager for this effort. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport (NUWCDIVNPT), in conjunction with the AFDTC/46th Test Wing, is seeking sources to design, develop, manufacture, test, and deliver an Acoustic Signature Acquisition and Telemetry System (ASATS). ASATS will provide all in-water hardware and software for the acquisition of real-time acoustic data. ASATS will be portable, easily installed and retried and will not require any special equipment that is not found on a typical range craft. ASATS, when integrated with an in-house development for signal processing, will constitute the Acoustic Signature Measurement and Unaugmented Tracking System (ASMUTS). ASMUTS includes the following: a) Design. Design the in-water and data telemetry subsystem for the ASMUTS component of TSMADS. This subsystem will be referred to as the Acoustic Signature Acquisition and Telemetry System (ASATS) and will comprise the wet-end hardware and software and associated data telemetry components for a system capable of passively tracking up to nine targets over a 100 square nautical mile tracking range. Separately, ASMUTS will be capable of performing acoustic signature measurements on one target at a time for the purpose of performance evaluation. 1) Range Concept. The concept for this range is based on work performed by the government during a Test Technology Development and Demonstration program called Joint Acoustic Signature Measurement. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport conducted a series of range design proof-of-concept experiments during which shallow water ranges were configured using widely spaced vertical line arrays co-located with bottom-mounted horizontal planar arrays. In one configuration, the array stations were separated by five kilometers in 35 meters of water and passive acoustic tracking was performed using Matched Field Processing techniques (vertical array) and phase/bearing tracking (horizontal planar array). The ASATS system will be based on these concepts and will be configurable for water depths of 30 meters to 600 meters. Several array stations will be required to cover the 100 square nautical mile range. Propagation Measurement stations (PM stations) will be required to project acoustic signals around the range to measure acoustic propagation characteristics. The range will be portable and readily deployable/retrievable. No inter-station cabling or cabling back to shore will be required. Radio Frequency (RF) data links and batteries will provide for independent, untethered system operation. There will be no vertical obstructions in the middle of range that would inhibit the navigation of undersea vehicles. Standard range safety devices will be employed to ensure the safe navigation of manned vehicles. 2) Tracking. The system will not be required to make blind target detection. Some aspect of each target signature will be known to the system before the test and evaluation exercise. The system will be required to detect and track by acoustic signature, up to nine independent targets comprised of three targets and six countermeasures. The acoustic signatures of each target can range in frequency from seismic to ultrasonic. However, the desired frequency band for the tracking function is 10 -- 2000 Hz. The maximum range size will be 100 square nautical miles. The range layout will be variable from square to rectangular. Real-time acoustic signature target tracking will be required for targets ranging in speed from stationary to 200 knots. The target tracking methods of this system should not require acoustic transmissions thatinterfere with the objectives of the test and evaluation exercise. The position accuracy required will be determined by the test and evaluation exercise, and will be dependent on the method of acoustic tracking employed as well as the environmental conditions at the time of test. For test and evaluation exercises that require non-invasive tracking, and during environmental conditions that yield adequate target acoustic signature-to-noise ratios, position accuracy within one order of magnitude of active tracking should be achievable. 3) Acoustic signature measurement. The ASATS system will be capable of acquiring data for acoustic signature measurement on one undersea or surface vehicle with a frequency range from 10 Hz to 80 kHz. All characteristics of the ASATS components that affect the measurement of absolute sound pressure level will be known or will have the capacity for in-the-field calibration. 4) Sensors. The ASATS system will provide vertical line and horizontal planar arrays or the equivalent with all components needed to acquire data for matched field tracking, phase/bearing tracking, and signature measurement of both quiet and loud targets. All components will have a dynamic range suitable for such measurements. The propagation measurement stations will be easily deployable in the middle of the range, create no vertical obstruction to test vehicles, be remotely controllable, and readily retrievable. 5) Telemetry. ASATS will deliver near-real-time continuous data to the ASMUTS processing system (not part of this Synopsis). The received acoustic signals and other data from each measurement station will be transmitted via a RF link with industry-standard protocols, to a land-based or off-range shipboard data processing system. The telemetry system referred to here incorporates both the wet ends and the dry end telemetry electronics of the data transmission system. If it is not possible to transmit and receive continuous full array data, appropriate means will be included at the array stations to capture data for thorough post-test analysis. Storage in the measurement station of semi-processed data such as cross spectral density matrices for tracking data and fast fourier transforms for signature measurements may be acceptable. A telemetry relay or storage station would be acceptable if necessitated by transmission distances or power requirements. An acoustic telemetry link will be used for data transmission to/from the PM stations. A low speed, highly reliable bidirectional command and control telemetry link between the off-range processing system and the individual measurement stations is required. Adequate automated system self checks will be incorporated to verify the operation condition of the ASATS. b) Fabrication. 1) The acoustic measurement arrays will be constructed in a manner such that the risk of damage in the field will be minimized, but if damage should occur, components will be field repairable/replaceable. No oil-filled components will be used. Durability of all components will be such that numerous deployments are possible over the ASATS life span (at least 4 deployments per year for 10 years). Components must be field-configurable for water depths from 30 meters to 600 meters. System deployments will take place at locations in which the water depth varies within these limits and the bottom sediment varies in composition. 2) The PM stations will be constructed in a manner that the risk of damage in the field will be minimized, but if damage should occur, components will be field repairable/replaceable. No oil-filled components will be used. Durability of all components will be such that numerous deployments are possible over the ASATS life span (at least 4 deployments per year for 10 years). Components must be field-configurable for water depths from 30 meters to 600 meters. System deployments will take place at locations in which the water depth varies within these limits and the bottom sediment varies in composition. c) Documentation. 1) Deployment and Retrieval. An easily-readable installation/survey/retrieval plan will be provided along with an animated computer-graphic simulation. 2) Operation. An easily-readable operation manual that explains turn-on, shut down, telemetry, and operation procedures will be provided. 3) Maintenance. An easily readable maintenance manual describing preventive maintenance and recommended procedures will be provided. 4) Repair. An easily readable repair manual with system diagnostic and repair procedures will be provided. d) Training 1) Installation. Hands-on training will be provided for installation operators. 2) Operation. Hands-on training will be provided for system operators. 3) Maintenance. Hands-on training will be provided for maintenance operators. e) Installation/survey/retrieval. Installation and retrieval of the system will be accomplished by a single range craft such as the NUWC range and will not require any equipment that is not commonly found on a research vessel or work platform. Common lifting equipment includes a crane of 10 to 15 tons capacity, a winch of 10 tons capacity, and a U frame of 10 tons capacity. 1) Conditions. The system will be deployable and retrievable in up to sea state 3 from a shallow-draft type of vessel similar to the NUWC Ranger. 2) Time. Installation and geodetic survey of four measurement stations can take no more that 12 hours given a maximum one hour transit between stations. Installation and geodetic survey of four PM stations can take no longer than 6 hours on a 100 square nautical mile range given a maximum one hour transit between stations. Retrieval should take no more than 6 hours for 4 measurement stations separated by a maximum one hour transit and 6 hours for 4 PM stations with the same separation. It is anticipated that retrieval time is less than installation time since geodetic survey is not required for removal. 3) Personnel. Installation, survey, and retrieval of the ASATS will be performed by a trained crew of not more than 3 range operators. 4) Environmental. All material put in the water must be retrieved, except for expendable bathythermograph probes and non-hazardous-material anchors. 5) Shipping. When retrieved, the system will be packed into component-specific shipping crates for transportation to a land-based maintenance/storage facility. f) Maintenance During a test, a minimum amount of maintenance will be required for continuous system operation over a two week system deployment. All required maintenance will be performed without retrieving major system components such as the measurement stations. 1) Post test. System components are expected to last for 10 years of life with six deployment/test/retrieval cycles per year. Post-test maintenance will be routine fresh water washdown, component inspection, and packaging for storage, and will be performed by a trained crew of not more than 3 range operators. This sources sought synopsis is for planning purposes only and shall not be considered an IFB of RFP, and is not to be considered as a commitment by the Government. Firms that feelthey are qualified for this effort should submit information as to their capabilities, experience, and expertise in the following specific areas: Development and fielding of undersea tracking, undersea acoustic signature measurement and RF telemetry systems. If you do not possess current in-house capability in all areas, state how you would obtain the capability (e.g., hiring additional people, teaming, subcontracting, etc.). Firms wishing to be considered for this effort should submit their qualifications to Lt. Tim Scarborough, AFDTC/PKZB, 205 West D Avenue, Suite 428, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6864. For additional technical information, contact Mr. Jeffrey Vuono, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport (NUWCDIVNPT), (401) 832-5330 Additional information is available at the following web site. http://c38.npt.nuwc.navy.mil/tsmads/docs/home.html The Ombudsman, Colonel Richard Moriyama, (850) 882-4160 or e-mail moriyama@eglin.af.mil, has been appointed by the AFDTC Commander to hear offerors' or potentialofferors' confidential concerns, if any, regarding this acquisition. The Ombudsman's purpose is not to replace the technical staff or contracting officer but to serve as an honest broker and communicate any contractor concerns, issues, and disagreements to the appropriate Government personnel. The Ombudsman should only be contacted with issues or problems that have been previously brought to the attention of the Contracting Officer and could not be satisfactorily resolved at that level. Government evaluation of the firm's capabilities will be based upon information submitted in response to this synopsis. The firm must specifically address all requirements of this synopsis and should include a statement whether or not the firm is a small and/or disadvantaged business concern. The standard industrial classification (SIC Code) for this procurement is 3812, 750 employees. Response to this notice must be received not later than 20 calendar days after publication in the Commerce Business Daily. No acknowledgment of receipt of response will be made nor will evaluation results be provided. The Government plans to release a Draft RFP for ASATS in August 1998, followed by the actual RFP in October 1998. Contract award is anticipated in March 1999. The Government reserves the right to award one or more contracts for this effort. A complete copy of this sources sought synopsis can be found on the Acquisiton Programs and Business Opportunities at Eglin AFB homepage at http://eglinpk.eglin.af.mil/OPS/RFP.HTM. Click on the file name "ASMUTS", then click on "Sources Sought Synopsis". Collect calls regarding this synopsis will not be accepted. See Note 26.***** Posted 07/10/98. (0191)

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