COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JULY 20,1998 PSA#2140GSA, PBS, NCR, Property Development Division (WPC), Room 2002, 7th & D
NATIONWIDE SOL NAMA-98N-0P-0025 DUE 082798 POC Marvin Shenkler,
(301)713-7386 x239, Ronald C. Noll, (202)708-8065, Contracting Officer
http://www.gsa.gov/regions/r11/wpc/wpc.htm. E-MAIL: SUPPLEMENTAL
Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in consultation with the
General Services Administration (GSA) is seeking Supplemental
Construction Management/Design Build Services for NARA Facilities,
Nationwide. This Contract is being procured under the Brooks Act and
FAR 36. Construction Management Services will be required for the
renovation of the 1,400,000 square foot historic National Archives
Building located in Washington, DC. Significant elements of the
proposed National Archives Building renovation project may include, but
are not limited to, (1) new entries into the building via new
landscaped plazas that will provide accessibility from Constitution Ave
that is compliant with ADA and UFAS, (2) renovation of the historic
Rotunda to provide for increased security, improved air quality, and
ADA/UFAS accessibility to the Charters of Freedom documents including
the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, (3)
new casework for the Charters of Freedom, (4) demolition of all or
portions of tiers 1-6 and replacement as required to meet new program
requirements, (5) development of replacement exhibit areas lost due to
renovation activities, (6) relocation of the museum shop, (7)
renovation of public toilets, (8) development of visitor orientation
space, (9) structural repairs as identified in previous building
condition studies, (10) replacement of chillers, air handling units,
and related pumps and equipment, (11) providing for a new cooling tower
that will eliminate dependence on Tidal basin condenser water, (12)
replacement of domestic water piping and drinking fountains, (13)
repair/replacement of electric switchgear, transformers and electric
panels, (14) replacement of the fire alarm and sprinkler systems, (15)
replacement of the steam station, (15) replacement of the storm water
drainage system, (16) asbestos abatement, (17) upgrading of the
emergency generator, (18) fireproofing excess elevator shafts for use
as mechanical risers, (19) refurbishing stack toilets and janitor
closets, (20) providing for new emergency egress stairs, (21)
relocation of the theater and research rooms, (22) provisions for a new
multipurpose training room, (23) new elevators and escalators to serve
the renovated Rotunda and (24) any other work deemed necessary to
implement the concepts developed during previous renovation studies or
that arise during the design process. A more complete description of
the proposed renovations is included in the March, 1997 renovation
study prepared by Heery International which is available for review in
the Technical Resources Center at the GSA Regional Office Building,
7th & D Sts, SW, Washington, DC (contact Ron Noll on 202- 708-8065) and
at the Archives II facility in College Park, MD (contact Marv Shenkler
on 301- 713-7386 ext 239). The CM/DB firm as used in this solicitation
may be a partnership, corporation, association or other entity that
will have contractual responsibility to provide the services required
by NARA. The CM/DB firm and all applicable consultants must have
personnel either on staff or available via strategic alliances that are
licensed by law to practice the professions of architecture and
engineering in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. CM/DB
services as specified include performing Site Evaluations, Building
Condition Reports, CM Design Phase Services (excluding design
services), Design/Build Services (including design at any point in the
project delivery process), CM Procurement Phase Services, CM
Construction Phase Services, Relocation Services, Claims Services,
Testing Services, Miscellaneous Services, Post Occupancy Evaluations,
Exhibit Design and Installation, Building Commissioning, Relocation
Services and any other services deemed necessary by the Contracting
Officer to provide for completely functional facilities. One (1) CM/DB
Contract may be awarded. This will be an Indefinite Delivery
Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract. All services will be procured
through the issuance of individual Work/Delivery Orders, each defined
by a separate scope of work, which will include all elements of work
deemed necessary for the project(s). Throughout the contract period the
selected CM/DB will assist NARA in identifying those elements of work
that can be accomplished within Congressionally mandated cost
limitations or internally established budgets for each project. The
term of the contract shall be for a one (1) Base Year Period, followed
by four (4) one-year Option Periods, not to exceed $6,000,000 for each
Period, for an aggregate dollar value of $30,000,000. The current
estimated construction cost range for some of the projects currently
envisioned are as follows: National Archives Building, Washington, DC
-- Renovation $40 -- 60 M; Harry S Truman Presidential Library,
Independence, MO -- Renovation $6- 8 M; FDR Presidential Library, New
Hyde Park, NY -- New Visitors Center $5 -- 7 M; Other NARA facilities
nationwide including Regional Archives, Regional Records Centers and
Presidential Libraries $2 -- 4 M/year. In addition to specific design
and construction projects NARA is interested in developing and
implementing a Program Management Control System that will provide
management control, i.e. planning, scheduling, budgeting and cost
control, of their facility's repair and renovation program. Also, other
services associated with new and/or renovated facilities may be
required. The construction contract for the Renovation of the National
Archives Building is envisioned to be procured through a Source
Selection process that will incorporate a base contract for those
elements of work that can be executed within the Congressionally
mandated cost limitation and contract options for those elements of
work that may be funded from other sources. The Government currently
envisions utilizing a variety of delivery processes such that on some
projects the selected firm will act as a CM while on other projects
they may act as a DB. The determination as to which delivery process
will be utilized on any given project will be at the sole discretion of
the Government. Similarly, the decision as to when in the DB delivery
process the Government will require a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
will be at the sole discretion of the Government. There is no guarantee
that the Government will elect to use a DB approach on any project but
firms must have had experience and the capability of providing these
services. On projects utilizing a DB approach the selected firm will
either provide complete design/build services based on a program of
requirements or complete the design and construct the project based on
a partial design provided by an Architect/Engineer (A-E) under
separate contract to the Government. Accordingly, firms must have
design capabilities within their team. On projects utilizing a CM
approach, e.g. the Renovation of the National Archives Building, the
entire design will be produced by an A-E under separate contract to the
Government and the CM will be required to provide, in addition to other
specified services, professional design reviews for engineering
soundness as well as reviews for compliance with existing codes
including, but not limited to, UFAS/ADA, NFPA, BOCA, local codes within
the jurisdictions that the projects are located, etc. A-E firms
selected as part of a team to provide services as part of this
procurement will not be eligible to provide services under a separate
nationwide A-E supplemental term contract that will be procured in the
future to support NARA activities or under a separate A-E contract for
the renovation of the National Archives Building that is currently
being procured. A pre-submission conference to describe the proposed
scope of the project will be held on July 30, 1998 at 10:00 AM in the
Archives II Auditorium located at 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD.
Parking at Archives II is limited. Single occupancy vehicles will not
be permitted into the facility. Primes and their consultants/team
members are encouraged to carpool. Consideration for the contract will
be Firms within the National Capital Region, MD and VA. The Evaluation
Criteria for selection are as follows: I. Qualifications necessary for
performance of required services (40%) -- (1) experience of key
personnel on projects of a similar complexity, scope and cost for large
project such as the National Archives Building Renovation and small
projects such as chiller replacements, roof replacements, etc
(buildings similar to an archives building include libraries, museums,
laboratories, etc), (2) clearly describe rational for utilization of
senior and junior personnel, (3) proposed duties of key personnel are
clear and the firm has identified the one individual who has the
authority to bind the firm in negotiations with the Government (key
personnel at a minimum shall include the Construction Executive,
Quality Control Superintendent, Mechanical Inspector, Electrical
Inspector, and Planner/Scheduler proposed for the National Archives
Building Renovation), (4) resumes have been provided for key personnel
which reflect required qualifications forproposed positions, and (5)
identification of similar projects that key personnel have worked
together on. II. Specialized Experience and technical competence in the
type of work required (20%) -- (1) demonstrated experience in
performing technical and code compliance reviews, and constructability
reviews during the design phase, (2) demonstrated experience in
managing and administering all aspects of construction contracts
including CPM schedules, change order estimating, correspondence,
inspections, payments, change orders, etc, and (3) demonstrated
experience in handling special design/construction issues associated
with large mechanical/electrical system upgrades, fire/life safety
systems, lead/asbestos abatement, construction phasing, etc in occupied
historic buildings. III. Management Approach (20%) -- (1)
Considerations include submission of a comprehensive narrative
describing the firm's approach to providing high quality deliverables
in a timely manner and managing construction work as a CM/DBcontractor
including (a) the approach to the National Archives Building
Renovation acting in the capacity of a CM (b) whether the staffing
proposed for the National Archives Building Renovation is realistic,
(c) whether the firm's submission addresses applicable CM/DB functions
during the design phase, procurement phase, construction phase, etc,
(d) whether the CM/DB interrelates well with A-E's, construction
contractors, and Government personnel, (e) whether the CM/DB can
efficiently address problems relating to coordinating multiple projects
and activities, potential impediments to timely project completion.
cost containment, etc, and (f) whether the management organization
includes adequate description of leadership assignments,
responsibilities, lines of communication, etc, IV. Capacity to
accomplish the work (10%) -- (1) the overall capacity of the firm to
perform the work envisioned, (2) legal form and associations with other
firms are clear and acceptable, (3) operational areas and office
locationsallow for satisfactory daily work flow and controls,
information transmission and quality control, (4) sufficient technical
resources to undertake the potential workload, and (5) operating
methods enable the CM/DB to maintain control of the project(s) and
project(s) costs. V. Past Performance (10%) -- (1) the extent of the
firm's past experience, within the last 10 years, in carrying our
comparable work as either a CM or a DB, the quality of the firm's past
performance relative to timeliness and technical success (provide
references and current phone numbers). Firms having the capabilities to
perform the services described in this announcement are invited to
respond by submitting completed SF-254's (for firm, joint ventures, and
consultants), which must be dated not more than twelve (12) months
before the date of this synopsis, and a (ONE COPY) SF-255 along with
letter of interest to: General Services Administration, NCR, 7th and D
Streets, SW, Bid Room 1065, Washington, DC 20407, by 3:30 PM local
time onthe due date of this notice. The following information MUST be
on the outside of the sealed envelope 1) Solicitation Number/Title, 2)
Due Date, 3) Closing Time. Late responses are subject to FAR Provision
52.214-7. In Block 8 of the SF-254 specify only current W-2 payroll
(non-contract) personnel of each firm. In Block 10 of the SF-255, the
CM/DB Firm MUST respond to the FIVE (5) EVALUATION CRITERIA stated in
the CBD announcement for this solicitation. In Block 11 of the SF-255,
the CM/DB Firm MUST sign, name, title and date the submittal. This
procurement is being made under the Small Business Competitiveness
Demonstration Program (FAR 19.10). Small, small disadvantaged and small
women-owned firms are strongly encouraged to participate. Due to the
comprehensive nature and scope of services joint ventures, professional
collaborations, or partnerships between Construction Management firms
(SIC 8741) and A-E firms (SIC 8711/8712) are encouraged. Large business
firms are reminded that the successful firm will be expected to place
subcontracts to the maximum practical extent with small, small
disadvantaged and small woman-owned firms as part of their original
submitted team. Before award of the contract, the CM/DB if not a small
Business shall be required to present an acceptable Small Business and
Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan in accordance with
Public Law 95-507. As part of its commitment to socioeconomic
initiatives of the Federal Government, the General Services
Administration, Public Buildings Service has established for fiscal
1998 subcontracting goals of 37% for small businesses, 12% for small
disadvantaged businesses and 5% for small women-owned businesses. Award
of this contract is contingent upon funding approval. This is not a
Request for Proposal. Posted 07/16/98 (W-SN224270). (0197) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0090 19980720\R-0023.SOL)
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