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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Program Contract Service Center (3803R), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460-0001

U -- DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING COURSE SOL RFQ-DC-98-00172 DUE 081898 POC Valoree S. Lilley, lilley.valoree@epamail.epa.gov WEB: click here to download a copy of the RFQ, http://www.epa.gov/oamhpod1/oppts_grp/dc9800172/index.htm. E-MAIL: click here to contact the contract specialist, lilley.valoree@epamail.epa.gov. The U.S. EPA is seeking a contractor to provide marketing and communication services under FAR Part 13 Simplified Acquisition Procedures. This is a small business set-aside. The SIC code for this requirement is 8299. The EPA is FACNET certified. You may e-mail the contract specialist at: lilley.valoree@epamail.epa.gov. Please include the following: Company name, address, phone number, and business class. NO PHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Two copies of the proposal must be submitted by the due date. U.S. MAIL ADDRESS IS -- USEPA, 401 M Street, SW, Mail Code 3803R, Washington, D.C. 20460, ATTN: Valoree S. Lilley. HAND CARRIED PROPOSALS should be submitted to the Ronald Reagan Building, 6th Floor, Room 61107, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20460. Proposals are due NLT 2:00 p.m. August 18, 1998. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Environmental Accounting Project seeks to create a short course for Federal employees on the topic of environmental managerial accounting. This statement of work includes the development of the course curriculum and materials and the implementation of one pilot course for EPA employees. II. Background it is the mission of EPA's Environmental Accounting Project to encourage and motivate businesses to understand the full spectrum of environmental costs and integrate those costs into decision-making. The Project has published a primer that clarifies environmental accounting concepts and terminology, and that provides introductory guidance on the identification of environmental costs and the application of environmental accounting to capital budgeting and process and product design. It has also supported the development of total cost assessment software, environmental cost accounting training, case studies and bench marking studies of corporate environmental accounting practices, and has otherwise facilitated the advancement of environmental accounting concepts and tools. III. TaskThe contractor shall develop an introductory course on environmental managerial accounting for an EPA audience of varied backgrounds and responsibilities. The course shall enable participants to gain a sufficient understanding of environmental managerial accounting principles, terminology, potential applications, and availability of further resources such that they can envision and assess possibilities for leveraging environmental accounting concepts and techniques to the benefit of their own programs. The course and manual shall not be targeted at technical assistance providers. Participants will largely be drawn from policy, scientific, partnership program management, economics, and enforcement positions. It should not be assumed that the audience has any in-depth understanding of financial or accounting principles. It is not the aim of this course to teach participants to conduct financial evaluations. The pilot course shall be held at an EPA headquarters facility in Washington, D.C. in late fall 1998.Subtasks A. The contractor shall develop a course manual that will support a pilot course, serve as an ongoing resource for course participants, and can be used in future courses for Federal employees. The manuals shall include the following: An introduction to environmental managerial accounting principles and applications in both the private and public sectors. Information on environmental managerial accounting requirements and recommendations to which Federal, state, and local government agencies are subject (e.g., Executive Orders, National Performance Review, governmental accounting guidelines). An overview of existing Federal, state, and local initiatives (e.g., EPA's Environmental Accounting Project) to advance environmental managerial accounting. Provides a mechanism to obtain critical feedback from course participants and to otherwise measure the success of the course and materials.B. Develop and implement a pilot course During implementation of the pilot course, the contractor shall enable and facilitate a discussion of the relevance of environmental managerial accounting concepts to the programs represented by the participants. Clarifications and additional information Within 21 days after the date of award, EPA will take measures to gauge interest in the pilot course and will extend preliminary invitations to selected individuals to attend the course. EPA will identify 6-10 individuals from a variety of EPA programs for the contractor to contact. The contractor shall hold discussions with those individuals to gain an understanding of the existing level of knowledge about environmental accounting and to explore potential applications for environmental accounting at EPA. For bidding purposes EPA envisions a pilot course that will be 6 hours in length (excluding breaks), take place during one workday, and will be attended by 30 to 50 people. However, these are only approximations and are offered here as guidelines. Actual course length and size are subject to discussion with the selected contractor. EPA's Environmental Accounting Project staff will participate in the actual teaching of the course, primarily to introduce the resources and activities of the Environmental Accounting Project itself and to assist in the facilitation of the discussion on incorporation of environmental accounting into other EPA programs. IV. DeliverablesWithin 7 days after being awarded the contract, the contractor shall hold a kick-off conference call with EPA and electronically submit (in a format compatible with WordPerfect 8.1) to EPA a final project management plan. Within 21 days after being awarded the contract, the contractor shall electronically submit to EPA a detailed outline of the course agenda and the course manual.Within 42 days after being awarded the contract, the contractor shall submit to EPA a draft of the course agenda and a draft of the course manual. EPA will review these drafts and will submit comments to the contractor, who within 14 days shall revise the drafts accordingly and submit the revised agenda and manual to EPA. Following the pilot course, EPA will submit comments on the course and materials to the contractor. Within 14 days after receiving the comments, the contractor shall revise the course agenda and manual and submit them in final form to EPA.VI. DeliveryPeriod of performance is date of award through December 15, 1998. VII. Proposal EvaluationA. Bidders' proposals should include at a minimum:a draft project management plan (assuming an estimated start date of September 1),an outline of the course agenda, and an outline of the manual.B. Technical evaluation factors: Demonstrated knowledge of environmental managerial accounting concepts, methods, and applications in the private and public sectors. Demonstrated knowledge of environmental accounting requirements and guidelines in the private and public sectors. Demonstrated knowledge of environmental accounting initiatives and resources in the private and public sectors. Teaching and facilitation experience, including creating course curricula and materials. Experience assisting a diversity of organizations (e.g., companies, federal or state programs) apply environmental accounting principles or methods. Demonstrated ability to compile information and adapt environmental accounting concepts to address the interests and needs of the target audience. Posted 08/04/98 (W-SN232600). (0216)

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