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Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5160

A -- RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR SONAR SIGNAL AND INFORMATION PROCESSING CONCEPTS SOL N00024-98-R -6332 POC Contact Point, Patricia Watchorn, (026), (703) 602-0951 x632; Contracting Officer, Patrick Ferraro, (703) 602-0951 The DD 21 Program Management Office (PMS500), Arlington, VA is soliciting research proposals to develop technology and/or mitigate risks associated with accomplishing DD 21 undersea warfare (USW) requirements. We seek to fund innovative technologies in high-risk areas with potential high payoff for mission effectiveness and lower cost. Of particular interest are concepts and technologies that would serve: 1) to address DD 21 USW reduced manning requirements (including proposals for automated detection and classification of undersea threats, and multi-sensor data fusion) 2) to provide for in-stride mine detection and avoidance using onboard sensors 3) to provide information that would impact DD 21 preliminary hull design (including hull array and towed sensor alternatives, and towing and deployment schemes) The following documents are available at http://www.contracts.hq.navsea.navy.mil/ and provide information that may be useful to those responding to this BAA: DD 21 Phase 1 Solicitation, N00024-98-R-2300 Charter for the IUSW-21 Peer Group 21st Century Integrated Undersea Warfare System (IUSW-21) Top-Level Description Concept of Operations for Undersea Warfare in the Twenty First Century 21st Century Integrated Undersea Warfare (IUSW-21) Build-Test-Build Process IUSW-21 Algorithm Description Guide Additional documents will be posted at this www site, as they become available. These include: 21st Century Integrated Undersea Warfare (IUSW-21) Focus Areas for Risk Reduction IUSW-21 Functional Decomposition IUSW-21 Manpower Requirements Analyses USW Legacy System Technology Blueprints Questions arising from this announcement may be submitted directly to the Contracting Officer. This BAA will be open for 1 year from the date of the announcement. Proposals may be submitted at any time within that period. Navy evaluation will commence after 01 October 1998 and initial awards are planned to be made before the end of calendar 1998. Multiple contracts, grants, cooperative agreements and "other transactions", as appropriate, will be awarded limited by availability of funds. Therefore, early submission of proposals is desirable and encouraged. A multi-year phased effort is envisioned contingent upon availability of funds. No award can be made without a proposal to perform a specific research effort within an estimated cost and time framework. Industry, Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, Women-Owned Businesses, Educational Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Minority Institutions are encouraged to participate. Proposals should be submitted to the Cognizant Contracting Activity whose address is: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, ATTN: Code 02631W, Ms. Patricia Watchorn 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22242-5160 The Contract Point of Contact for this BAA is Patricia Watchorn, Code 02631W, telephone (703) 602-0951 x632, facsimile (703) 602-7023 and e-mail watchorn_patricia@hq.navsea.navy.mil. The Contracting Officer is Patrick Ferraro, Code 0263, telephone(703) 602-0951, facsimile (703) 602-7023 and e-mail ferraro_patrick@hq.navsea.navy.mil. This synopsis constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) per FAR 6.102(d)(2)(i). There will be no formal request for proposals (RFP) or other solicitation in regard to this announcement. Offerors may submit their proposals at any time within the 1 year period of this announcement; however, as discussed above, offerors are encouraged to submit proposals early, as funding is limited and may be exhausted before the close of the fiscal year. Offerors may submit separate proposals on any or all areas of interest. The Navy reserves the right to select all, some or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. Offerors must be able to certify that they have an appropriate facility clearance to meet the security requirements of work proposed, and key personnel must be certified as holding an appropriate clearance. Offerors are advised to pay special attention to the proposal preparation requirements, as useof the IUSW 21 Peer Group, which has industry and university members, will result in special handling of proprietary information. A) General Proposal Format and Submission Requirements: 1. Proposals shall be submitted with one hard copy including a cover letter signed by an authorized officer of the offeror. The letter shall include a statement that the proposal is valid for at least 120 days after the proposal due date. Proposal shall be submitted to Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 02631, 2531 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA 22242-5160. In addition to the hard copy submission, an electronic copy shall be sent via e-mail to address watchorn_patricia@hq.navsea.navy.mil via Internet, or provided on a floppy disk. 2. Proposals shall be formatted for 8.5 x 11 inch paper, single- or double-spaced in at least 12 point type. Pages shall be numbered and single-sided and have a minimum of 1 inch margins. Page numbers may be located in the margin areas. 3. Proposals shall be submitted in two volumes. Asdescribed in Paragraph D, below, Volume I, the Technical Volume, will be provided to the IUSW 21 Peer Group for evaluation; Volume II, the Cost & Proprietary Volume, will be evaluated only by Government evaluators. Offerors are required to put proprietary information only in Volume II. Offerors must still describe their technical approach in Volume I in sufficient detail so as to allow a fair evaluation. Submission of a proposal including proprietary information in Volume I will be deemed to be consent of the submitting company to the Government's providing that information to members of the IUSW 21 Peer Group. 4. File formats for submission on disk (or e-mail) shall be compatible with Microsoft Office 97. Files for the Technical Volume and the Cost & Proprietary Volume shall be separate so that proprietary data, costing, and pricing information may be segregated from data that will be disclosed to the peer review group. Compression and password protection of files sent via electronic mail using WinZip 32 compatible software is encouraged. Passwords for decryption may be sent to Patricia Watchorn via telefax at (703) 602-7023, telephone (703) 602-0951 x632. 5. The disk or e-mail submission shall include a README.TXT ASCII formatted file (not encrypted or compressed) that includes the name of all files submitted and a description of their contents. This is intended to allow the evaluators to segregate the proposal volumes. B) Technical Volume (I): Volume I shall include the following information: 1. Proposal Cover Page The cover page for Volume I shall contain the following: (Insert Proposal Title) Proposal Volume I -- Technical Solicitation Number: N00024-98-R-6332 Submission Date: (insert date) (Insert Name and Mailing Address of Company or Organization submitting Proposal) (Insert Technical Point of Contact with telephone, fax, and e-mail address) 2. Overview 1 Page Maximum: Provide an overview that describes the claims for specific USW-21 technology maturation and/or risk reduction areas addressed by the BAA proposal. Proposals that include performance by multiple participants should clearly identify them in this overview (e.g. Company Name, Government Lab, and/or Academic Institution). On the last line of the page, the price and type of contract (e.g. FFP, CPFF, etc.) for the total proposed effort shall be included by each fiscal year. Note that efforts that continue past FY99 shall be priced as options, which are contingent on separate funding. Example: Contract Type: FFP Total Price: $500K FY99: $200K FY00: $300K 3. Technical Approach 5 Pages Maximum (less pages used Volume II -- Section 4): Provide a description of the proposed effort. For efforts that include performance by participants from various organizations, the contribution of effort by each of the participants should be described in the approach. Rationale should be included in this section that indicates the potential benefits of conducting the effort, and/or the specific risks that are mitigated by proceeding with the proposedeffort. It should clearly state how the proposed effort meets the goals of the IUSW-21 program, the direct benefits for the DD21, and whether it is likely to benefit other Navy USW platforms. Technical arguments that substantiate claims made in the Overview (proposal section 1) and a description of the technical approach consistent with the deliverables and schedule shall be included. Note that a similar "Technical Approach" section is also available in Volume II to describe the concepts using proprietary information that will not be divulged to the IUSW-21 Peer Group. The total combined page count for Volume I -- Section 3 and Volume II -- Section 4 is five pages maximum. 4. Statement of Work 6 Pages Maximum for all of Section 4 (including sub-sections): Provide the statement of work (SOW) proposed for any resulting contract, should the proposal be selected for funding. The proposed SOW will serve as the basis for negotiations of the contract's SOW, should the proposal be selected. 4.1 Task Statement 4 Pages Maximum: Provide the details of the work to be performed consistent with the "Technical Approach" section. Provide a detailed description of the item(s) to be delivered. Tasks proposed which span across fiscal years should be segregated as options for multi-year funding. 4.2 Delivery Description and Schedule Provide a specific list of deliverable items by contract line number (CLIN) such as (but not limited to) prototypes, test data and reports, study and analysis reports, demonstrations with associated presentation material, etc. The schedule and milestones for the proposed research or risk mitigation must be traceable to the offeror's Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Volume II. The milestones should be defined so as to allow the Navy to determine if they are satisfied, and should be of a frequency as to allow the Navy to observe progress during quarterly program reviews. Where documentation is listed as a deliverable, submission in electronic format using Microsoft Office 97 compatible file structures is preferred. The delivery date should be listed in terms of months or days after contract award for each deliverable. For proposals that include options for multi-year funding, the optional CLINs should be clearly identified. Graphical schedules that contain sufficient information to meet the requirements in this section are encouraged. 4.3 Government Furnished Resources If any portion of the research is predicated upon the use of Government-owned resources of any type, the offeror shall clearly identify the resources required, the date the resource is required, the duration of the requirement, the source from which the resource may be acquired, if known, and the impact on the research if the resource is not provided. 4.4 Limitation of Data Rights Disclose any previously developed data associated with the proposed work, and/or any supplementary IR&D efforts coincident to the proposed effort to which the government will not be granted unlimited rights per DFAR 252.227-7017. The following statement shall be included in this section: "The government shall be granted unlimited rights in the use and distribution of data delivered for work resulting from any contract awarded as a result of this proposal, except as listed below". If there are no limitations, "None" shall be clearly stated in the proposal. We intend to allow for innovation in processing, handling and ownership of rights regarding technical data and computer software developed under contracts in response to this BAA if it can be demonstrated to be economically prudent for NAVSEA to do so. Offerors must make those arguments in their proposal. It is our intent to have the technical data rights and computer software rights necessary to provide the technology developed under contracts in response to this BAA to system prime contractors under contract with the Navy to develop, produce, operate, maintain and upgrade the DD 21 and USW systems on other US Navy ships throughout their life cycle. Propose a provision setting forth your concept of rights intechnical data and computer software, using the DFAR clauses, particularly those at 252.227-7013, 252.227-7014, and 252.227-7015 as a point of departure. As part of your proposal, identify where and the rationale as to why you anticipate that the Government would be well served if it did not have the rights it would otherwise receive under these clauses. Technical data rights and computer software rights will be considered when evaluating the value added by the technology or risk mitigation the offeror proposes to provide. 5. Management and Qualifications 5.1 Management 2 Pages Maximum: Describe the management mechanisms to be used to insure that execution of the proposed effort is performed in a manner that provides best value for the IUSW-21 program. Explain the risks associated with achieving the offeror's contribution within the proposed cost and schedule, and the offeror's plan to mitigate those risks. 5.2 Qualifications 4 Pages Maximum: Provide an overview that describes past performance detailing previous accomplishments and work in this or closely related research areas. Include a list of the most significant references that describe the technology and/or concept in detail and associated test results. 5.3 Resumes No Limitation on the number of resumes: Provide resumes for the key personnel who will be assigned to the proposed effort. Limit each resume to one page. Indicate the approximate time that the individual will be assigned to the effort over the entire effort (man-hours). C) Cost & Proprietary Information Volume (II): Volume II shall include the following information: 1. The cover page for Volume II shall contain the following: (Insert Proposal Title) Proposal Volume II -- Cost & Proprietary Information Solicitation Number: N00024-98-R-6332 Submission Date: (insert date) (Insert Name and Mailing Address of Company or Organization submitting Proposal) (Insert Technical Point of Contact with telephone, fax, and e-mail address) Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data per FAR 52.215-1(e) This proposal or quotation includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed -- in whole or in part -- for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal or quotation. If, however, a contract is awarded to this offeror or quoter as a result of -- or in connection with -- the submission of this data, the Government shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. This restriction does not limit the Government's right to use information contained in this data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction are contained on all pages in Volume II of this proposal, excluding this Title Page. 2. Work Breakdown Structure 1 Page: Provide a WBS that corresponds with SOW and allows evaluation of cost elements for the proposed effort. Insure that option costs are segregated in WBS structure. The WBS structure should map to CLINs as listed in Volume I -- Section 4.2. 3. Cost & Fee Structure Provide a cost and fee summary and a breakdown of cost for the effort. 4. Proprietary Technical Approach 5 Pages Maximum (less pages used in Volume 1 -- Section 3): Provide a description of proprietary methods on the proposed effort. Clearly state how the proposed effort meets the goals of the USW program and the direct benefits for the DD21. Include in this section a summary that indicates the potential benefits of conducting the effort, and/or the specific risks mitigated by proceeding with the proposed effort. Limit information in this section to only that which you consider proprietary. Since this section will not be made available to the IUSW-21 Peer Group and thus will not be a factor in their evaluation of proposals, proprietary information should be limited. However, this section will be considered by the Navy source selection authority. 5. Contract Type: Offerors are invited to submit recommendations and comments on the typeof agreement (contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or "other transaction") to be utilized for the proposed effort. This information will not be utilized as an award selection criterion, but may be used in structuring the award. D. Evaluation of Proposals: It is the Navy's intent that Volume I of the proposals received in response to this BAA shall be evaluated by the IUSW-21 Peer Group comprised of members from small business, university labs, Navy labs, Industry & the DD 21 System Integrator contractors. The IUSW-21 Peer Group consists of experts from APL/UW, ARL/PSU, ARL/UT, JHU/APL, NUWC/Newport, NSWC/Dalgren, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, EDO, and Orincon. The Lockheed Martin and Raytheon representatives on the IUSW-21 Peer Group represent the DD 21 Competing Teams. If an offeror has concerns with any of these firms and/or universities assisting in the evaluation process, that offeror must advise the Contracting Officer in writing of the concerns and the basis for such concerns before 25 September 1998. It is envisioned that no one will have such concerns, as offerors are free to limit the scope of information submitted in Volume I, and may place proprietary information in Volume II, which will not be provided to IUSW-21 Peer Group members. Additionally, offerors are free to enter into separate nondisclosure agreements with the firms and universities to be used in the evaluation. Advising the Contracting Officer of concerns with a firm or university will not necessarily result in that firm or university being barred from performing any evaluations. Evaluation of proposals will be based on the following criteria which are in descending order of importance: 1. To what degree does the proposed effort address DD 21 USW reduced manning requirements, provide for DD 21 in-stride mine avoidance, or provide information that would impact DD 21 preliminary hull design? 2. Can the proposed effort be completed in time to support DD 21? 3. Is there a high probability that the proposed effort will meet the objectives stated in the offeror's proposal? 4. Does the proposed effort appear to be realistically achievable with the funds requested? 5. To what degree will the proposed effort benefit other Navy USW platforms? 6. Is it likely that the proposed effort will promote further IUSW-21 ideas from other participants? 7. To what degree will the benefits of the proposed effort be limited by restrictive data rights provisions or limited distribution of data? The Peer Group evaluations and Volume II of the proposals shall then be evaluated by a team of Navy individuals selected by PMS500 who are not members of organizations competing for the work under this BAA. PMS500 will decide what proposals to fund based on the above evaluations, how each proposal contributes to mitigate DD 21 USW risks in association with other USW development programs, consideration of proprietary information, and availability of funds. Posted 08/24/98 (W-SN240795). (0236)

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