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146AW, Base Contracting Office, Channel Islands Ang Station, 119 Mulcahey Drive, Bldg. 119, Port Hueneme, CA 93041-4011

Z -- INSTALLATION: FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM SOL DAHA04-98-R-9001 DUE 100898 POC Joel W. Howard, MSG, CA ANG, PHONE: 805-986-7970, FAX: 805-986-7946 E-MAIL: jhoward@cantd.ang.af.mil, jhoward@cantd.ang.af.mil. Contractor to provide all parts, equipment, tools, transportation, debris removal, supervision and labor to complete the following installation of a Fall Protection System in the 146 Air Wing Fuel Cell Hanger. Contractor to furnish and install a Fall Protection System to prevent injury to personnel due to accidental falls while working or inspecting the top of C-130E Aircraft. It is approximately fifteen (15) feet from top of aircraft to the concrete floor. A system of harnesses and cables must be installed to protect Airman while performing maintenance functions. Each line must provide support to prevent injury to a minimum of two (2) airman attached to the system at any location in the event of a fall. The Fall System will be installed at Channel Islands Air Guard Station Fuel Cell Hanger located at 124 Mulcahey Drive, Building 124, Port Hueneme, CA 93041. The proposed system shall conform to all applicable regulatory requirements, including OSHA, Cal OSHA and AFOSH fall protection requirements, including (CFR 29 Part 1926.500-503 Subpart M, Fall Protection). The system shall be designed to conform to the existing structural steel members, anchor points and clearances, both in plan and vertical section. Contractor shall install five (5) horizontal lifelines, ten (10) retractable reels (two (2) for each cable). Ten (10) body harnesses, (two (2) for each cable), and 10 lanyards. Contractor will provide shop drawings and training once the system is installed. Site Visit: 146 Civil Engineer will host a sight visit 30 September 1998, 9:00 AM Pacific. Estimated range is $25,000 -- $10,000. Bidders can Fax request for proposals to 805-986-7946. Closing date will be 14 October 1998. Note: contract award will be contingent on FY 99 funds availability. Posted 09/03/98 (W-SN245391). (0246)

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