COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 11,1998 PSA#2178Inter-American Foundation, 901 N. Stuart Street, 10th Floor, Arlington,
Martin J. Langaigne, Procurement Assistant, 703-841-7467 or Angel
Perez, Contracting Officer, 703-841-3869 The Inter-American Foundation
(IAF), an independent agency of the United States Government, was
created in 1969 as an experimental U.S. foreign assistance program. The
Foundation works in Latin America and the Caribbean to promote
equitable, participatory, and sustainable self-development by awarding
grants directly to local organizations throughout the region. It also
enters into partnerships with public and private sector entities to
increase support and mobilize local, national, and international
resources for grassroots development. From its funding experiences, the
Foundation extracts lessons learned and best practices to share with
other donors and development practitioners throughout the hemisphere.
The Foundation tracks the results of its grant awards through the use
of a conceptual framework titled the Grassroots Development Framework
(GDF) with an accompanying set of 45 indicators. The Foundation is
seeking bidders with the following areas of expertise: 1) Experience in
the monitoring and/or evaluation of development projects in Latin
America and the Caribbean at the grassroots level involving community
based organizations, civic groups, non-governmental organizations,
local government authorities, and private businesses; 2) Ability to
convey the rationale and methods for results data collection to a broad
range of grantees with varying levels of formal education and access to
information throughout Latin America and the Caribbean; 3) Knowledge
and experience in data collection methods, such as interviews, focus
groups, surveys as well as knowledge of database entries and use; 4) A
track record of using, modifying, or designing simple instruments for
data collection and registry for use by grantee organizations and by
contractor staff; 5) Ability to provide advice and counsel to grantee
organizations on the collection of baseline data on project objectives
and on results data collection methods as needed; 6) Language
capability in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole. Grant
Results Reporting-The Contractor will perform tasks under the guidance
of staff members in the Foundation's Research and Evaluation Unit
(R&E) in the Office of Learning and Dissemination (L&D), who may serve
as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR). The
objective of these tasks is to obtain data and information on grant
results (outcomes) that are complete, accurate, and verifiable. This
information is the basis for analyzing and understanding the
performance of Foundation supported grants in all Latin American and
Caribbean countries where the Foundation operates, using the
Foundation's Grassroots Development Framework (GDF) and the
Foundation's set of 45 performance indicators. The Foundation has grant
programs in the following countries: Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil;
Colombia; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti;
Mexico; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; and Venezuela. The number of active
grants varies considerably, ranging from five to forty, however, the
average number is usually between 12 and 15 active grants. The
following tasks must be performed in each country with active grants.
1. The Contractor shall develop a schedule and work plan, to provide a
detailed orientation on the Foundation's system for the collection of
results information to all new and current Foundation Grantees and
submit this plan within four weeks after the contract has been awarded.
The Contractor shall visit each current grantee to carry out this
orientation within the first three months of this contract and shall
visit each new grantee as soon as possible after a grant is obligated
by the Foundation (in a period not to exceed six weeks after grant
obligation). New Grantees-During the orientation visit, in the case of
new grantees, the Contractor will: a) explain the objectives, content,
and operations of the Grassroots Development Framework and results data
collection system; b) review the Program Activity and Results Report of
the Grant Agreement with the grantee; c) assist grantees in identifying
information needed to report on the results indicators of the grant
agreement; d) verify the accuracy and completeness of existing start-up
data (grant goals and objectives in measurable terms and point of
departure/baseline data), suggesting changes or additions, if
necessary; and completing any missing information, particularly with
regard to the prevailing circumstances at the beginning of the grant;
e.) advise the grantee in the development of a plan for collecting and
registering results data as specified, as well as appropriate means of
collecting the data. The Contractor shall prepare and send two copies
of a narrative report on the orientation visit to the Foundation and
one copy to the grantee within three weeks of the visit. The report
shall contain the name of the person who made the visit, the dates of
the visit, the persons interviewed in the grantee organization as well
as others in the community, any additions or modifications to the
point of departure/baseline data, a copy of the grantee plan for
collecting and registering progress and results data, and observations
or recommendations to the grantee by the Contractor with regard to
collecting and registering results information. Current Grants-In the
case of the current portfolio, the orientation visit shall focus on a)
meeting the grantee, reviewing how results were collected and
documented in the past, and agreeing on a visit schedule for the year;
b) acquiring an understanding of the status of grant implementation
and the results achieved to date; c) reviewing the completeness of
prior data and recommending a plan for correcting deficiencies. The
Contractor will prepare and send two copies of a narrative report on
the orientation visit to the L&D COTR and one copy to the grantee
within three weeks of the visit. The report must contain the name of
the person who made the visit, the dates of the visit, the persons
interviewed in the grantee organization as well as others, observations
on the grantee's understanding of the Foundation's results system as
well as ability and/or experience to date in providing basic
information on results, and any observations or recommendations to the
grantee by the Contractor to begin or improve the quality of results
information collection. 2. The Contractor shall visit each grantee two
times per year (usually at six month intervals after the orientation
visit) following the receipt by the Foundation of the Program Activity
and Results Report prepared by the grantee approximately every six
months. The Contractor should submit a schedule of visits for review
and approval by the COTR since the number of visits per year for
grantees may vary. The report will be forwarded to the Contractor by
the COTR designated by the Foundation. The purpose of the visits are to
verify and document grant results. Each visit will adhere to the
following specific steps: a) Review the grantee's proposal and the
grant agreement, including Program Activity and Results report, to
identify the GDF indicators of grant results and any learningtopic
content agreed upon between the grantee and the Foundation. b) Visit
each grantee for one or two days, two times per year (usually at six
month intervals) to verify the results information in the Program
Activity and Results Report in Appendix D of the Grant Agreement to
review the data for clarity, completeness and accuracy. The Contractor
shall independently verify a representative sample of the data using
documents, interviews, observations, or other data collection methods.
The Contractor shall identify missing or incorrect data, if any,
attempt to collect missing data, and assist the grantee to develop a
plan to solve any data collection problems. c.) Register the results
data in the Foundation's database. Results data must be annotated in
the text boxes with a narrative justification for the responses
provided including the choices of points on the scales. The contractor
will remit the data to the Foundation within three weeks of the visit
via diskette or e-mail. The contractor shall be provided training by
L&D with regard to the correct use of the program developed by the
Foundation for data entry. The data submission must be accompanied with
a narrative report that details: the dates of the visit and the persons
interviewed; the data verified and the data sources utilized;
unforeseen results; any modifications to the Program Activity and
Results Report submitted by the grantee specifying missing or incorrect
results data as modified; and, any plans made and agreed to by the
grantee to improve or correct data collection and reporting for the
next Program Activity and Results Report. Contract personnel who
perform the field visits are charged with the task of personally
inputting the results data in the database shortly after the field
visit. To ensure accuracy and completeness, this function must not be
delegated to clerical staff. Data input must adhere to guidelines
provided by the Foundation through manuals, formats, and other guidance
from the Office of L & D. If, upon review, the COTR requests
modifications to the grant data submission, these modifications should
be made and the modified version returned to the COTR within two weeks
of receipt of the request. d) Quality control on the field visits, data
reporting, and data entry of results information must be provided by
the Contractor. 3. The Contractor shall make a final visit no later
than 45 days after grant termination to collect final results data.
This visit shall follow steps a) through d) above and produce the final
entry in the database for the grant, as well as the final narrative
report. In lieu of advice on improving data collection, the report
should note whether project goals and objectives were met, not
accomplished, or exceeded with a brief summary of the reasons. The
review of the accomplishment of goals and objectives should be made
with reference to the point of departure/ baseline information recorded
at grant start-up. The final data entry and narrative report are due to
the COTR, with a copy to the grantee, within three weeks after the
visit. 4. The Contractor will use existing and any new guidance issued
by the Foundation on the operations of the Grassroots Development
Framework, the data collection methods, and the timing and content of
results collection field visits and for meeting with L&D staff in
country as needed to receive new guidance or instructions or to report
on results data collection operations. Management and Relations with
the Foundation-The Contractor shall provide the Foundation with a
monthly schedule of anticipated visits to grantees including the
orientation visit, twice yearly visits (approximately every six months)
during grant implementation, and the final visit. As changes occur, the
schedule shall be modified and submitted together with monthly reports.
In addition, monthly reports must be sent to the Foundation, in
conjunction with requests for contract disbursements, which detail work
performed during the preceding month as well as work planned for the
next month in accordance with the terms of the contract. Posted
09/09/98 (D-SN247723). (0252) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0016 19980911\B-0007.SOL)
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