revision incorporates the following changes to Addendum #9: 1.
Reference "Scope," Paragraph #4, shall read as follows: DISC intends to
award a contract to a single integrator for the logistics support of
the two (2) MCLBs and BIC unless a determination can be made that
employing more that one integrator can attain the overall purpose of
this Addendum to the BAA. Concepts that accommodate the fullest support
at all sites are preferred. At a minimum, DISC intends to award to a
single integrator for the two MCLBs. In the event that it is in the
best interest of the Government to award to a single integrator for
only the two MCLBS, Concepts submitted for only BIC may be considered
for award. Therefore, Concepts that propose support for only BIC will
be accepted; however, they will only be considered for award if the
best interest of the Government so dictates. Strategic alliances and
partnering arrangements among suppliers are encouraged. 2. Reference
"General Information" The second and third paragraphs of this section
are replaced with the following: Offerors are to submit an original and
four (4) copies of their Concept Papers (in hard copy) and one copy on
a 3 " disk (Microsoft Word format preferred) by 1:00 P.M. on 28
September 1998 to the following address: Defense Industrial Supply
Center, ATTN: DISC-PODP (Bid Opening Officer), 400 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5096. Concept Papers submitted shall be
evaluated against the established criteria and if deemed to have merit,
the Government will ask offeror(s) to submit proposals for subsequent
negotiations for possible contract award. Any Concept Paper received
after September 28, 1998 will not be considered for this requirement in
the initial review of the Concept Paper, but may be considered at a
later time. The Concept Paper shall not exceed if considered at a later
time. The Concept Paper shall not exceed fifty (50) pages. Oral
presentations may be required to clarify Concept Papers submitted. 3.
Reference Addendum #9 on DISC's homepage on the web
(http://www.disc.dla.mil) under Broad Agency Announcement. The number
"23" which appears at the beginning of the second line under "SCOPE" is
deleted. This is a typographical error with no replacement. REVISION #2
2) This revision incorporates the following changes to the Proposer
Information Packet. Changes are in bold and italicized: 1. Reference
part IV, "Submission Process" -- The first sentence shall read as
follows: The administrative cutoff date for submission of Concept
Papers is 28 September, 1998 at 1:00PM EST. 2. Reference part V,
Evaluation Process & Evaluation Factors," part A, "Evaluation Process"
The first sentence of the fifth paragraph shall read as follows: Upon
submission of Concept Papers on 28 September 1998, only pricing
methodology should be submitted. 3. Reference part II, B "BIC
Jacksonville, FL." The Note shall read as follows: "A ship's
maintenance cycle occurs approximately every 55 days, in which a ship
is completely downloaded. Embarked equipment receives maintenance and
modernization. Supplies are inventoried and replenished if required.
The ships maintenance cycle is completed when all equipment and
supplies are backloaded on the original ship." 4. Reference part III
"Expectations," #3. Delete the following: "all Deployed Support Units
(Maritime Prepositioned Ships) are to be supported at all times." 5.
Reference part IV " Submission Process," Paragraph #6, shall read as
follows: DISC intends to award a contract to a single integrator for
the logistics support of the two (2) MCLBs and BIC unless a
determination can be made that employing more that one integrator can
attain the overall purpose of this Addendum to the BAA. Concepts that
accommodate the fullest support at all sites are preferred. At a
minimum, DISC intends to award to a single integrator for the two
MCLBs. In the event that it is in the best interest of the Government
to award to a single integrator for only the two MCLBS, Concepts
submitted for only BIC may be considered for award. Therefore, Concepts
that propose support for only BIC will be accepted; however, they will
only be considered for award if the best interest of the Government so
dictates. Strategic alliances and partnering arrangements among
suppliers are encouraged. Posted 09/10/98 (W-SN247828). Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0607 19980914\SP-0027.MSC)
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