Loren Data Corp.




FISC Norfolk Detachment Philadelphia, 700 Robbins Ave., Bldg. 2B, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5083

W -- LEASE OF MANLIFTS = SOL N00140-98-R-3338 DUE 091898 POC Kevin Linden, Contract Specialist (215) 697-9685, J. O'Sullivan, Contracting Officer (215) 697-9680 E-MAIL: CLICK HERE TO CONTACT BID OFFICER, SYNOPSIS@PHIL.FISC.NAVY.MIL. This is a modification to combined synopsis/solicitation, Cite D-239 SN242865 posted in the CBDNet on 8/27/98 and its amendment 0001, Ci= te = D-251 SN247021, posted in the CBDNet on 09/08/98. The response date is = extended to be no later than 10:00 a.m. local (Philadelphia) time, 18 Sep= t. = 98. The following clauses are hereby incorporated into the solicitation:= = DFAR 252.225-7007 Buy American Act =80) Trade Agreements =96 Balance of P= ayments = Program (MAR 1998), FAR 52.217-5 Evaluation of Options, FAR 52.216-18 Ord= ering = (filled in as 1 Oct 98 through 30 Sept 99), FAR 52.216-19 Delivery-Order = Limitations (filled in as: 10 each, 10 each, 30 days and 5 days), 52.216-= 21 = Requirements (filled in as: 30 Sep 02), and 52.207-5 Option to Purchase = Equipment are hereby incorporated by reference. NOTIFICATION OF TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA (DFARS 252.247-7024) (N= OV = 1995)(a) The Contractor has indicated by the response to the solicitation= = provision, Representation of Extent of Transportation by Sea, that it did= not = anticipate transporting by sea any supplies. If however, after the award= of = this contract, the Contractor learns that supplies, as defined in the = Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause of this contract, will be transp= orted = by sea, the Contractor: (1) Shall notify the Contracting Officer of that = fact; = and(2) Hereby agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of the = Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause of this contract.(b) The Contrac= tor = shall include this clause, including this paragraph (b), revised as neces= sary = to reflect the relationship of the contracting parties, in all subcontrac= ts = hereunder, except (effective May 1, 1996) subcontracts for the acquisitio= n of = commercial items or components.OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT = (FAR = 52.217-9) (MAR 1989) (VARIATION)(a) The Government may extend the term o= f this = contract by written notice to the Contractor within 30 days; provided, t= hat = the Government shall givethe Contractor a preliminary written notice of = its = intent to extend at least 60 days before the contract expires. The preli= minary = notice does not commit the Government to an extension.(b) If the Governm= ent = exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to inclu= de = this option provision.(c) The total duration of this contract, including= the = exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed 48 months, p= lus = any extension pursuant to the Section B clause entitled =93Level of Effor= t (Cost = Type Contract).ORDERING (INDEFINITE DELIVERY TIME AND MATERIAL/LABOR HOUR= AND = COST REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACTS) (a) Ordering: Supplies or services to be = furnished under this contract shall be furnished at such times as ordered= by = the issuance of Delivery Orders on DD Form 1155 by the FISC Norfolk Detac= hment = Philadelphia or the Naval Submarine Support Facility NLON. All orders is= sued = hereunder are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. This= = contract shall control in the event of conflict with any Order. When mai= led, a = Delivery Order shall be =93issued=94 for purpose of this contract at the = time the = Government deposits the order in the mail, or, if transmitted by other me= ans, = when physically delivered to the contractor.(b) Ordering Procedures: (1)= = Delivery Orders issued shall include, but not be limited to the following= = information:(a) date of order (b) contract and order number (c) appropri= ation = and accounting data (d) description of the services to be performed(e) = description of end item(s) to be delivered(f) DD Form 254 (Contract Secur= ity = Classification Spec), if applicable (g) DD Form 1423 (Contract Data = Requirements List), if data to be delivered under the order is not listed= on = the DD Form 1423 included in this contract. (h) exact place of pickup and= = delivery (i) the inspecting and accepting codes (as applicable)(j) period= of = time in which the services are to be performed (k) for each applicable la= bor = category, estimated number of labor hours required to perform the Order. (l) the estimated cost plus fixed fee or ceiling price for the order (m) = list = of Government furnished material and the estimated value thereof, if = applicable. Oral orders may be placed hereunder only in emergency = circumstances. Information described above shall be furnished to the cont= ractor = at the time of placing an oral order and shall be confirmed by issuance o= f a = written Delivery Order on DD Form 1155 within ten (10) working days. (c)= = Modifications of Delivery Orders: Delivery Orders may be modified by the= = Ordering Officer. Modifications to Delivery Orders shall include the = information set forth in paragraph b. above, as applicable. Delivery Ord= ers = may be modified orally by the Ordering Officers in emergency circumstance= s. = Oral modifications shall be confirmed by issuance of a written modificati= on = within two working days from the time of the oral communication modifying= the = order.(d) The Cost PlusFixed FEE or Ceiling Amount: for each Delivery O= rder = will be the ceiling price stated therein and may not be exceeded except w= hen = authorized by a modification to the Delivery Order. All offers shall be s= ent to = FISC Norfolk Det-Philadelphia, Attn: Bid Room, Code 02P52G, 700 Robbins A= ve., = Bldg 2B, Philadelphia, PA and should reference RFP N00140-98-R-3338. Prop= osals = submitted via facsimile should reference RFP N00140-98-R-3338 and be forw= arded = to (215) 697-9739. In accordance with FAR 52.215-5, if the offeror choose= s to = transmit a facsimile proposal, the government will not be responsible for= any = failure attributable to the transmission or receipt of the facsimile prop= osal. = Offerors should take into account that numerous proposals may be transmit= ted at = the time of offer closing. Posted 09/15/98 (D-SN249754). (0258)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0107 19980917\W-0001.SOL)

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