COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 22,1998 PSA#2185General Services Administration, Acquisition Services Division, 1301
Clay Street, Suite 280S, MB 45, Oakland, CA 94612 99 -- COAST GUARD SITE SURVEY SOL 9T8G401A DUE 103098 POC Chris
Matthews (501)637-3892 E-MAIL: chris.matthews@gsa.gov,
chris.matthews@gsa.gov. The General Services Administration intends to
issue an order for a site survey of 18 microwave sites throughout the
bay in support of the U.S. Coast Guard, Maintenance & Logistics
Command Pacific, Telecommunications Branch, Network Management Section
(te-4), Coast Guard Island, Alameda, CA. MLC -- Pacific's mission is
to provide Telecommunications Project support including engineering,
design, implementation, and integration of telecommunications products
and services. This project will replace the existing Bay Area
Communications System (BACS) analog microwave (2Ghz) with a new Joint
Optical Network (JONET) digital (8Ghz) microwave system. The BACS
microwave system supports a variety of Coast Guard missions including
Search and Rescue (SAR), Law Enforcement, Aids to Navigation, Coast
Guard Data Network, Vessel Traffic Service, Marine Safety, Pollution
Control and Response, Protection of our waterway and enforcement of
local, state, and federal laws and treaties. The Coast Guard must move
out of the (2Ghz) frequency spectrum by January 1999. The new digital
Microwave Communications System (JONET) shall take advantage of state
of the art technology to reduce maintenance efforts, operational cost,
and fit within the FCC mask for spectrum efficiency. 1.2 BACKGROUND AND
OBJECTIVE: The Contractor shall perform, site surveys, tower
inspections, tower analysis, foundation assessment, soils
investigations, and path analysis at the sites listed below in
paragraph 1.2.1. The Contractor shall provide a written report of
findings along with recommendations for hot cut over to the new digital
(8Ghz) microwave System. The Contractor shall provide all
transportation, test equipment, personnel, consumables, and equipment
required under this Statement of Work. The Coast Guard expects to reuse
most of the existing towers, foundations, buildings, and shelters for
the migration from (2Ghz) analog microwave to (8Ghz) digital microwave.
The Contractor shall determine if it's economically feasible to reuse
the existing towers, foundations, buildings, and shelters for the
transition to the new digital microwave system. The Contractor shall
determine if the existing shelters, building, towers, and foundations
can support the new digital microwave and the existing analog microwave
system during the transition from analog to digital in support of a hot
cut over. The Contractor shall provide a project plan and schedule in
Microsoft Project or equivalent project management software describing
how he plans to complete the work required in this Statement of Work.
The project plan shall include three copies of a PERT Chart (using
critical path method) and Gantt Chart (depicting task breakdown
structure) that shall be provided for Coast Guard review and approval
prior to the start of the work outlined in this statement of work. The
Contractor shall provide periodic progress reports to the Coast Guard
on a monthly basis until all project milestones and tasks have been
completed and approved by the Coast Guard. The Contractor shall provide
a list of client references with phone numbers that the Coast Guard can
contact to verify that the Contractor has done similar work of this
nature. The Contractor shall ensure the digital microwave radio product
model used for the path analysis has a high power feature. The digital
microwave radio high power feature shall be for both the Narrow Band
spurs and Wide Band ring microwave links where applicable for long
microwave path. The Contractor shall use the high power feature to
reduce the size of the antennas and achieve the desired system
reliability of (99.999). The digital microwave radio product for the
Narrow Band spurs shall fit within the FCC Mask for spectrum efficiency
of 7.5Mhz (16 DS1s). The digital microwave radio product model for the
Wide Band ring shall fit within the FCC Mask for spectrum efficiency
of 30Mhz (3 DS3s). The Contractor shall use a digital camera to
photograph towers, foundation, building, equipment, shelters, cables,
and support equipment. The Contractor shall provide three hard copies
of all photographs and one copy on a floppy disk that can be viewed by
the Coast Guard on a PC using Microsoft Office 97. The existing analog
(2Ghz) microwave system here in after referred to as BACS is depicted
in Appendix A. The new digital (8Ghz) microwave system here in after
referred to as JONET is depicted in Appendix B. The new digital
microwave system JONET shall consist of 4 Major Nodes in a Synchronous
Optical Network (SONET) Radio Ring Architecture. The microwave link
between Group San Francisco and Vessel Traffic Center shall be
comprised of a SONET Radio and Terrestrial Fiber Optic Ring. The new
digital microwave system JONET shall consist of 5 new digital microwave
Wide Band SONET radio sites located at Vessel Traffic Service, Group
San Francisco, Coast Guard Island, Mount Tamalpais, and Mount Diablo.
The new digital microwave system JONET shall consist of 13 Narrow Band
Asynchronous microwave sites located at CAMSPAC Transmitter Site,
CAMSPAC Receiver Site, Point Reyes Lighthouse,Station Bodega Bay, Mount
Jenner, Point Bonita, Mare Island (Busch Bluff), Station Rio Vista,
Marine Safety Detachment Concord, Bay Point, Mount Umunhum, Air Station
San Francisco, and Station Monterey. The new digital microwave network
system shall be comprised on 18 microwave sites shown in paragraph
1.2.1 below throughout the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. EXISTING
BACS (2GHZ) MICROWAVE SITES: The existing BACS microwave radio system
is composed of 18 microwave sites located throughout the Greater San
Francisco Bay Area. The Coast Guard will provide access and accompany
the Contractor to all sites. Most of the microwave sites are within a
(2) hour drive depending of time of day and traffic conditions within
the San Francisco Bay Area. The northernmost sites are Station Bodega
Bay and Mount Jenner. The southernmost sites are Mount Umunhum, and
Station Monterey. The approximate travel time to the most sites average
about 2 hours depending on local weather and road conditions. The
approximate travel time tothe most northern and southern sites is 5 to
6 hours depending on weather and local traffic conditions. The
Contractor shall verify the site data list below, make any corrections,
and provide the site data information in a report to the Coast Guard
for review and approval. SITE:(1) Coast Guard Island, TOWER 1 Self
Supported 120', LAT/LONG 37/47/03N -- 122/15/04W, ELEVATION 10 FEET;
(2) AIRSTA SF, TOWER 1 Monopole Roof Mast, LAT/LONG 37/37/59N --
122/23/24W, ELEVATION 12 FEET; (3) Group SF, TOWER Requires New Tower,
LAT/LONG 37/46/35N -- 122/21/45W, ELEVATION 13 FEET; (4) SF VTS, TOWER
2 Self Supported 90', LAT/LONG 37/48/35N, ELEVATION 305 FEET; (5) Mt
Tamalpais, TOWER 1 Self Supported 60', LAT/LONG 37/55/24N --
122/35/50W, ELEVATION 2520 FEET; (6) Mt Diablo, TOWER 1 Self Supporter
90', LAT/LONG 37/52/47N -- 121/55/06W, ELEVATION 3685 FEET; (7) Mount
Jenner, TOWER 1 Self Supported 60', LAT/LONG 38/29/45N -- 123/11/04W,
ELEVATION 1197 FEET; (8) Mount Umunhum, TOWER 1 Self Supported 80',
LAT/LONG 37/09/36N -- 121/54/28W, ELEVATION 3175 FEET; (9) Rio Vista,
TOWER 1 Self Supported 20', LAT/LONG 38/08/36N -- 121/41/41W, ELEVATION
12 FEET; (10) Bodega Bay, TOWER Requires New Tower, LAT/LONG 38/18/43N
-- 123/03/08W, ELEVATION 11 FEET; (11) Monterey, TOWER Guyed 50'
Tower, LAT/LONG 36/36/33N -- 121/53/44W, ELEVATION 34 FEET; (12) MSD
Concord, TOWER Requires new Tower, LAT/LONG 38/02/25N -- 122/01/25W,
ELEVATION 54 FEET; (13) Point Bonita, TOWER 1 Self Supported 60',
LAT/LONG 37/49/12N -- 122/3, ELEVATION 100 FEET; (14) Bay Point, TOWER
1 Self Supported 40', LAT/LONG 38/02/06N -- 122/01/05W, ELEVATION 396
FEET; (15) Busch Bluff, TOWER 1 Self Supported 40', LAT/LONG 38/04/09N
-- 122/15/22W, ELEVATION 232 FEET; (16) Receiver Site, TOWER 1 Self
Supported 60', LAT/LONG 38/06/12N -- 122/56/10W, ELEVATION 94 FEET;
(17) Transmitter Site, TOWER 1 Self Supported 60', LAT/LONG 37/55/32N
-- 122/43/52W, ELEVATION 350 FEET; AND (18) Point Reyes, TOWER 1 Guyed
60'Lighthouse 1 Self Supported 20', LAT/LONG 37/59/49N -- 123/00/48W,
visit each site listed in paragraph 1.2.1 above to perform a tower
structural analysis. Data collected shall include tower dimensions,
member sizes, types, sizes and locations of existing antennas, cables
or other equipment installed on tower, guy wire sizes and leads,
dimensions of above ground portions of foundations and general
condition of tower and foundation. Inspection of tower grounding
includes a visual inspection of above ground connections to tower and
anchors, and take measurements of ground resistance. The Contractor
shall perform on site inspection of all tower components and
attachments, visual inspection of the tower foundation, research of
tower history, pictures of tower and foundation. The Contractor shall
provide a hard copy drawing and a soft copy in Auto CAD Version 14
depicting the tower at each site listed in paragraph 1.2.1 above and
all antennas and transmission lines andother equipment on the tower.
The Contractor shall provide a separate hard copy drawing and a soft
copy drawing in Auto CAD Version 14 depicting all antennas, cables, and
equipment required to do a hot cut-over from the (2Ghz) to the (8Ghz)
microwave system. If the Contractor finds that it is not economically
feasible to reuse the existing tower, the Contractor shall submit a
proposed new tower or a combination of a new tower and existing tower
that would support a hot cut-over from the (2Ghz) to the (8Ghz)
microwave system. The submitted proposed tower shall comply with the
EIA-TIA-222F standards as a minimum. The foundation for tower shall
comply with the ASTM standards. The Contractor shall analyze all towers
using Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna
Supporting Structures (EIA/TIA-222-F) as a reference and shall consider
an appropriate minimum wind speed and ice. The analysis shall include
a written report and recommendations for strengthening the tower if its
economically feasible to support the new digital microwave system
including existing (2Ghz) analog system for a hot cut over. The
Contractor shall provide a written report of required tower heights at
all site locations listed in paragraph 1.2.1 above. The Contractor
shall provide a hard copy drawing of required towers necessary to
support the transition from BACS to JONET including the depiction of
all antennas (including space diversity antennas) centerlines a
position on the model tower. The Contractor shall provide the same
tower drawings in soft copy Auto CAD version 14. The Contractor shall
provide proposed for new towers at Station Bodega Bay, MSD Concord, and
Group San Francisco in hard copy and in soft copy Auto CAD version 14
for the Coast Guards review and approval. The Contractor shall ensure
that the proposed new tower at Station Bodega Bay is camouflaged and
blends into the surrounding environment. The new tower design shall be
an aesthetically pleasing structure, reviewed and approved by the
Coast Guard. The Contractor shall provide the most practical and
economical design available. The Contractor shall provide an
engineering report sealed by a Professional Civil Engineer registered
in the State of California for each proposed new tower. The report
shall include as a minimum description of proposed tower and materials
and engineering services. The Contractor shall use as a model a roof
mounted mast as a minimum for the proposed new tower at Air Station San
Francisco. The Contractor shall provide a hard copy and soft copy Auto
CAD version 14 drawing of the proposed roof mounted mast for Coast
Guard for review and approval. The Contractor shall provide
recommendations for tower modifications designs include a complete set
of working drawings in hard copy and a soft copy Auto CAD version 14
sealed by a Professional Engineer in the State of California along with
Contractor shall conduct a foundation assessment and analysis including
a soils investigation foreach tower. The Contractor shall provide a
report detailing the condition of the existing foundations and whether
they are capable of supporting or being modified to support the new
digital microwave system. If the Contractor has reason to believe an
existing foundation is inadequate the Contractor shall provide a
budgetary estimate along with recommendations for corrective action.
TOWER ANALYSIS SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall analyze towers using
TIA/EIA-222F standards considering a minimum basic wind speed with and
without ice. The analysis shall include a report and recommendations
for strengthening the tower if it is economically feasible to support
the new digital microwave system including hot cut over. SITE SURVEY
SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall perform a site survey for each site
identified in paragraph 1.2.1 above. The site survey shall consist of
site visits by one or more contractor personnel, gathering of site
information and data, and providing a written report on the following
information and activities. 1. Verifying site location and access
provisions. 2. Overall site assessment including a sketch of the site
with dimensions of compound, fence, building, tower footprint,
emergency generator and any other equipment on-site. 3. Providing an
assessment of any existing shelter or building, including a sketch of
the interior of any building noting all existing equipment locations,
dimensions, tag numbers, building door locations and sizes, size of
building, height of building, building material, electric power access
location and capacity, grounding, telephone service available and
access locations, and other pertinent information. 4. Information about
existing towers, including general condition of tower, number and
approximate size of antennas, number and size of coaxial cables, tower
tag number, tower anchor bolt diameter and number, size of exposed
foundation. 5. Location, access provisions, and capacity of any
existing DC power supply. 6. Location, access provisions, and capacity
of any existing emergency AC power source. 7. Visual inspection and
verification that grounding exists. 8. Building lighting and HVAC
provisions and capacity. 9. Photographs of the site, exterior of the
building, interior of the building, and tower. 10. Existing permanent
AC power capacity, existing breakers, spares, and distance to permanent
AC power source. 11. Address and phone numbers of people to contact for
site access. 12. Site owner's information. 13. Site access road
conditions. 14. Site Name. 15. Directions to the site. PATH ANALYSIS
AND PROFILES SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall provide detailed path
calculations and profiles for all the proposed microwave sites listed
in appendix B. The Contractor shall perform path calculations using
both the high power and normal power feature of the model microwave
radio equipment. The Contractor shall submit 2 copies of all path
profiles and path calculation data to the Coast Guard for review and
approval. The Coast Guard will provide the actual frequencies to the
Contractor for each microwave link. The Contractor shall provide a Auto
CAD version 14 drawing showing all the existing antennas and cables
supporting the BACS microwave system; and a separate drawing depicting
the all antennas and cables required to support the new digital JONET
microwave system required for hot cut over. The Contractor shall
perform K factor analysis to determine antenna heights and centerlines
for Fresnel clearances including space diversity antennas. The Coast
Guard shall provide site access to all microwave sites listed in
paragraph 1.2.1 above during normal business hours from 8:00 AM until
4:30 PM Monday through Friday excluding federal holidays. The
Contractor shall contact the Coast Guard representative at least one
week in advance to schedule site visits. All site coordinates and
elevations shall be referenced to established benchmarks or spot
elevations such as those of the USGS. The Contractor shall make
measurements and takes photographs (using a digital camera) to obtain
all necessary information for site documentation. Site documentation
shall include a plot plan of the site, a site location map showing the
best access route to the site, photographs of the site, and path
photographs toward the opposite site. Photographs of the tower shall be
taken and a detailed tower sketch shall be developed and provided to
the Coast Guard for review and approval. This tower sketch shall
include overall tower height and the height of all significant objects
present at the time of the survey. Elevations of all tower objects
shall be accurate to within + or -- 5 feet. The Contractor shall use
(3) second data or better when performing path calculations. The
Contractor shall include any known irregularity (as a result of site
survey visits) into the path profiles such as power lines, trees,
building, etc The Contractor shall do path calculation for Fresnel Zone
clearances at 4/3, 2/3 and .6. The path calculations shall include
factors such as rain attenuation, multi-path fading, path reliability,
space diversity analysis, and other design parameters are part of the
scope of work. The Contractor shall use (3) second data as a minimum
when performing path calculations. The Contractor shall ensure that
each path has a system reliability is 99.999 which may include the
space diversity improvement factor. The government will award a
contract resulting from this Request For Quote to the responsible
offeror whose offer, conforming to this notice, will be most
advantageous, representing the best value to the government, price and
other factors considered. The following shall be used to evaluate
offers: (1) Technical (a) technical capability of the item offered to
meet the government requirements, (b) past performance and (c) delivery
terms-ability to meet required delivery schedule and (2) Price.
Evaluation of past performance shall be based on information provided
by the offeror, submitted with the quote, must identify two federal
government contracts or task orders in the last (3) three years for
which the offeror has performed work similar to the statement of work.
The offeror shall provide a point of contact, telephone number for
each contract or task. Type of Contract: A firm fixed price contract
shall be awarded. Date of delivery shall be no later than 30 days after
award. For a copy of the two site drawings you may email your request
to the Contracting Officer at chris.matthews@gsa.gov. Please include
company name, contact person name, address and phone number. Your quote
may be emailed to the Contracting Officer at chris.matthews@gsa.gov or
by fax at (510) 637-3869 on or before 4:30 pm, pacific standard time,
October 30, 1998. Contact Chris Matthews, Contracting Officer, at
(510) 637-3892. Posted 09/18/98 (W-SN251928). (0261) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0280 19980922\99-0002.SOL)
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